The "NEW!" Official Call Of Duty Thread:

This deserved another post.

Dedicated Servers confirmed

I think…?

Word. So far, it looks like the PS4 is going to have the superior ports like our XBox largely did this gen.

Titanfall 2 may end up being multi-platform. I hope the next gen doesn’t devide the 360 COD fam too much. I only play with a few of you very occasionally, but I like reading about the gang’s antics and watching vids in theater you guys upload. And emblems.

That’s a bot game, local.

Lucky me, I found someone that has a video using the MTS + Slug.

Daddy likes

Also, woah, at the end there, reminds me of Nuketown.

haha before ending BO2, here’s some hate I have been getting:

Correct that one guys spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. That’ll get him going.

I LOVE getting hate mail! ahh finished my final match with 34-8 on a dom game. Ended with a swarm. ok I can put this COD away and prep for a new one tomorrow.

TDM players aren’t as salty. I’ve only gotten hate mail 3-4 times ever :[

I hardly got hate mail playing Domination/KC =/ In other news, I’ll miss this form BO2

Looks like “leaning” was hyped up for nothing.

Time for a thread title change.

Wow that’s worse than regular popping out…but can it be changed in a patch? either way you can turn off leaning so it’s a moot point once others catch on. Trying to figure out when to go to my local Walmart to pick up my copy. it’s 24 hours so I’m hoping for the kiddies to have mommy grab their copies in the first 30-45 min then show up around 1am ish to get mine with hopefully little to no wait.

The Chain SAW is an absolute monster.

And it’s underbarrel Grenade launcher is better than %70 of the launchers in last five CODs. That thing is insane, makes the actual secondary grenade launcher look like a pea shooter. Thing’s got a surprising amount of splash.

next gen is so pointless

let me explain this to you-

the ONLY technical reason they added leaning was to make it easier to test out VR integration. oh yeah, also added to make you think they put more imagination into the game rather than an asset reskinning and shuffling

Maybe I can finally have fun with black ops 2 again seeing as all the try hards will be migrating to ghosts. I’m gonna hop on tonight to test it out

Will be on prob all night after work Friday.

PSN only though. La_Epidemic

Edit: Leaning looks terrible lol…that needs to get patched asap or it will be useless.

huge faggy campy level designs. wtf is this shit?

First reviews are out:

… and they did not like the game.

Of course they didn’t like they game. IW probably didn’t pay them enough.

So guys… all potential fanboyism aside how is the game? how does it rank so far compared to the other titles?

Map wise, it follows the same trend that mw3 started. Terrible map design.