So looks like I’ll continue to rock the shield! Also for each soldier we getting out usual 10 classes max? Or its it going to be the 6 we see and no more? I haven’t been following some details this time…
Overall I like new maps (save for a few). It’s cool discovering some of the interactable parts of the maps (like being able to close the doors to the middle building in Overlord), but the destructible parts are a bit underwhelming. However, they are a definite improvement of piece of shit maps in MW3 and BO2. The multiple flank routes wouldn’t be that bad if the spawn system wasn’t terrible. Which leads to my next point…
Spawns are complete shit. With maps that are this big I don’t see how they possibly could have fucked this up. Me and an enemy spawned in the same building on STONEHAVEN. What the fuck? This is happening on both TDM and DOM. Like I can’t even get a general idea of where the enemy is at because of how frequently they’re changing. The only time I feel safe when I spawn is at the start of the match.
I think I’ve played around 6 hours so far and the connection has been great (except for 1 game, but I’m pretty sure it was on my end). I don’t know if the servers have gone live yet or if they’re still using P2P, but whatever they’re doing it’s good.
DOM going back to the way it was pre-BO2 (no time limit, no halftime spawn switch) is great and I also like the idea of neutralizing flags, but this triangle layout of the flags is for the fucking birds. Every game I’ve played there has been capping going on constantly which leads to spawn issues. Freight probably has the best layout for DOM with A and C being in their respective spawns and B being in the middle EXACTLY WHERE IT SHOULD BE.
I don’t mind the K.E.M strike, but take it out the care package. My 2nd game ever on Ghosts I got a K.E.M strike in one for completing field orders.
Field orders are cool. It gives you something extra to do during the match and you get squad points for completing them.
I like the level of customization you have with your soldier.
Perk balance is good (at least right now it is). I haven’t came across, heard of, or found any setup that seems over the top.
The fast TTK is both good and bad. This may be the product of the good netcode since all your bullets are now registering, but getting shot across the map by something that isn’t a Marksman or Sniper rifle and dying before I can react accordingly is frustrating. I shouldn’t be left with the feeling of “wtf just happened?” every time I die.
I like Search and Rescue. It’s certainly doesn’t replace SnD, but I do enjoy it. Hunted is ass. From the description I thought it would play like HQ, but I was wrong. Haven’t played Blitz yet. I also feel that besides the extra XP Kill Confirmed is pointless since the kill goes toward your pointstreaks instead of picking up tags (a step backwards from KC in BO2 imo)
I hate that there’s no lock-on launcher to take down air support.
Like Driftor said in his video all of the guns are balance by being really good. No gun really stands out to me as OP (unlike the Type 95 from MW3).
Simply fixing the spawns would make this game so much better.
I have been stuck with the same equipment and I’ve purchased like one attachment so far because I just want to try different weapons. Is it so hard to ask that not everything becomes tied to points?
Has anyone else tried the .44? I’m extremely disappointed in it’s fire rate, it’s only redeeming quality I’m finding is the ability to snipe people from great distances.
Not only that, they’re super easy to shoot down with regular weapons.
The air support in this game is actually just air support, they aren’t flying rape copters that you call in to annihilate everything like in previous CODs, at least as far as I’ve experienced.
The giant maps would be fine if only we actually had Ground War
Trying to earn squad points take a LONG time if you’re not that good. It’s taking me forever to get them and it’s so far feeling like the most frustrating thing. Sure previous CoDs had some type of token/currency but it wasn’t hard to gain (CoD points in BO1 and Tokens in BO2) considering everything was reasonable and lvling wasn’t too much of a grind.
feels like there’s no easy way to lvl up. wouldn’t be too bad if I could unlock more shit.
Operations were in before but 2 weeks between them? naw way too long! make a week long one easy and hard more one worth 5-10 points and a pair of daily challenges which gets you 1-4 points.
Field Orders wouldn’t be so bad if I could gain more points than just one. give me at least 2. Maybe instead add a timer. complete the challenge before it’s over and get 3 points. 1 point if you fail to beat the clock.
Giant maps would have worked in MW3 where killstreaks were all over the place. This game I hate to say it but would work better with any other game’s maps even MW3.
I love complex maps…when they make sense. This game they don’t and again that lack of 18 max players on certain complex maps REALLY makes it painful to play.
Guns so far feel one in the same…hard to tell when I can never unlock shit cause EVERYTHING COSTS SO FUCKING MUCH! no seriously I hate right now the prices for everything.
I like and hate SATCOMs. like them cause now they are balanced by their limitations yet OP due to their potential. I hate though how I cannot tell how far their range is and that they never seem to last long enough.
I can understand that because there’s only a couple of air support streaks that there’s really no need for a stinger AA launcher, they should have at least made the Panzerfaust lock on and free fire just the same.
Dying feels VERY fast like it’s back to MW2 with SP. seeing the guns stats they’re not different than other CODs but rather I attribute that to lag/drop off range. BO2 feels really great at gun balance but then again IW loves for shit to hit hard.
I cannot mute people now…lame
Camo unlocks should be easy…again BO2 did it best.
Streaks REALLY feel nerfed now since everyone is running SATCOMs but so few get beyond a puppy.
Speaking of Puppy, ya’ll think it’s too strong health wise?
That shit is guaranteed a 2-hit kill at any range with the Muzzle Brake attachment. I was in Stonehenge (or whatever that level’s called) and popped niggas across the whole map in 2 hits.
I then picked up somebody else’s MK14 EBR and for some reason, when I mashed the trigger, it fired ONE SHOT PER BUTTON PRESS LIKE IT’S SUPPOSED TO.
I still don’t know wtf to say about this game… I like the guns (especially the Chain SAW! :wgrin:) and the perk options, but sometimes the maps flat out suck but most importantly…
Somebody on Den Kirson suggested not buying the extra other CAC slots on a squadmember and just buying the others since you get three classes to start and they are only 3 points apiece.
No cause then the differences between it and Battlefield would be even harder to spot.
PSA: According to reddit you can try all the guns before you waste your squad points on them by going into local multi-player and playing against bots.
Going back to my lock-on launcher comment, back in the previous CoDs I was the player that had a Stinger/Strela/FHJ on 90% of my classes, so when shit got rough I could at least control what the enemy put up. I agree AZ not many players have called in the Battle Hind/Attack Helicopter (everybody seems to be running the default Assault streaks or Support), but when an enemy calls one in I miss not having a back up launcher. It would save me from having to run Blind Eye or the MAAWS and Air Superiority streaks.
I agree man. I think I’m at or around level 20 and I feel like I’m making hardly any progress (me generally doing bad + not unlocking anything). I’m having having a hard time adjusting to the fast TTK and some of these maps (in addition to the shitty spawns on said maps) and have been getting bodied as a result.
EDIT: Also Scavenger not refilling grenades fucking suck.