here is a new template I made for my TE.

Just made this lil fella
what ya think?
Sorry to bother you Chuu i didnt look closely the first time but the stick is actually going to use all 8 holes. Thanks
the .pdf has no button holes at all…that’s how you’re suppose to print it…and then use the existing holes on the metal panel as a guide…
how do ppl do that TE mockup thing? is there a program for that? or they photoshop each draft? id like to see how my ideas would look like
Use likkuid’s mockup template and actions file listed in the first post.
the xray hands would be great if that were the way I held my stick. How did you do that image? ( i dont quite get the rib cage in the background)
O ok i was looking at the .jpg that you first showed me and it only had three button outline holes and i was thinking you could add 2 extra button outline holes too it for an 8 button layout.
gawd im a photoshop noob. i cannot follow the directions for the template mock up wow.
Number of holes doesn’t matter. You don’t print the art with the layer for the holes turned on anyway. And if you need more holes, you just cut them out yourself using the top panel as a guide.
Can someone explain to me how to swap in the new stick arts? It’s for the round 1 TE btw. I’ve always thought you had to print it out on whatever the material was and put a plexi glass over it… but from what I could see not everyone is doing that.
Sorry, human nature got to me. Well I’ve looked up a few threads, I’ll probably order a plexi cover + stick art from somewhere. has what I need but the shipping to Canada is ridiculous.
Edit: I’m looking for someone to help make a stick art for me. Don’t want anything too complicated (No characters, just somethingalong the lines of How much do people usually charge for jobs like this?
Threw this together. Think it looks too busy with the transparent image on the left?
For something professionally done, it’s usually $20-25, although you might find something cheaper.
I had the idea and just searched until I found those x-rays. The rib cage is actually ASCII-fied, I only added it because I thought it looked a bit plain. If anyone wants it without the ribcage, I’d be happy to upload a version with a plain background, just ask.
diggin’ this, about time someone showed NMH some love =D
Quickie KOFXIII design I did to test a new base template.
Good work as always d3v. Gotta love the pure 80s of Mature and Vice.
That TMNT one is awesome! Love the character select in the background.