The NEW NEW Lincoln, Nebraska Thread! Now we're better than Ken's SA3!

Since the old Lincoln thread is dead and I wanted to put this out for everyone interested:

Here in lincoln we (me and DirtySecrett) are starting get-togethers or whatever you wanna call them. They are weekly gatherings that while small allow us to meet up, play some games, improve, help others, etc. So far its pretty small (about 4-6 people average) but thats where you come in! We meet Tuesday @ 7 p.m. in the Sandoz Dorm 2nd floor lounge @ the UNL City Campus aka 17th and Vine. If you are interested shoot me a text @ 785-640-9465 and we’ll work things out so you can join. We have 1 40 inch tv, multiple consoles/controllers/monitors and copies of games to accommodate for how many show up.

Easily the best thread on this site.

Why thank you Steve. We try! :smiley: Also I am changing our meetings after checking out that article today! Good stuff for us to try and get started!

Fuck man I think this summer I will take off one day a week so we can meet up and play. Are you moving back to KS this summer?

If I can’t get an apartment here cheap, ya. I am definitely taking summer courses since I failed Calc 2 and Physics this semester, lol.

Our first Midwest Qualifier for Final Round 15 has been announced! 6/4/2011, Lenexa, KS (@Collector’s Cache). Top placers will get FREE badges to Final Round 15 and FREE entry into the second Midwest Qualifier event TBA later this year.

More info: - Home of the largest fighting game tournament in the Southeast!

Discussion threads:
Final Round 15 Midwest Qualifier - 6/4/2011 - Kansas City SSF4 - T6 - MK9 - More TBA!!
Tekken Zaibatsu Forums - Final Round 15 MW Qualifier 6/4/2011 Kansas City
Final Round 15 Midwest Qualifier - 6/4/2011 - Kansas City SSF4 - T6 - MK9 - TBA
Final Round 15 Midwest Qualifier - 6/4/2011 - Kansas City SSF4 - T6 - MK9 - More TBA!!

Thanks man :smiley: BE THERE!

Hey man! Are these still going on? I’m at Wesleyan right now and I’ve been looking for some place to play casuals in Lincoln for a bit. I’m new with playing offline, but I want to get the experience and have some fun playing some damn games! If these meet ups are still going, what games do you play? I’m mostly a MK9 guy, but SF4 isn’t beyond me by any sense. Thanks!

Hey guys, I know this is short notice, but this Tuesday UNL’s Electronic Gaming Club is getting together for a lan. Starcraft 2 is most popular but we also play Arcade Edition (I prefer AE over SC2 so you’ll always have an opponent), Magicka, and TF2. We have AE on PS3 and PC. It’s in UNL’s Heritage Room a 5:30, you don’t have to be a UNL student or anything to play.

We had a good 25 people at our last lan and we’re hoping for 50 now, we got to get fighting game players in there to make up for the RTS dominance.

SUPPOSEDLY free pop and pizza courtesy of UNL.

UNL is having a tournament on the 24th (SSF4AE) and 31st (UMvC3) [S]at the Union[/S] [S]at Champion’s Fun Center[/S] at Mix Barcade.

We also play every wednesday at 5:00 until whenever in the pool room, bottom floor in the Union. We mostly play KoF, SF, and a bit of Soul Calibur.

Edit: We’re changing the time of our meetings to 5:30 because too many people are busy until then.

Is the thing on Wednesday UNL only or can anyone show up?

also I don’t see an entry fee for the event on the 24th…any word on one?

Stream will be provided by Zexerous and Nova. All games being played on 360 will have a dedicated stream station. Please RSVP on the Facebook Event too so i will have numbers to work with THANKS! pay out is determined by participants top 3 is guaranteed

Any of you folks interested in SCV? We’ve had one tournament here so far at Next Level Gaming on 17th and O st. We were going to have a Street Fighter side tournament as well, but everyone pretty much bailed after SCV was over. It didn’t take very long so it’d be cool to include some other games next time–not that I’m any good at anything else.

If anyone’s interested we play games at Next Level every Wednesday at 6pm. It’s on the other side of Timeless Treasures from the Game Room. They usually put a wooden sign in front of the door when they’re open because it’s up inside the building.

EDIT: I just realized this overlaps with the union stuff. I think I’ll hop down there tomorrow for a bit before NLG opens up and say hi; I’m willing to bet both groups would benefit from more players.

I’m up for playing AE or 3S pretty much anywhere. Not really into 3D games but I wouldn’t mind chilling and watching or whatever, if you guys have another setup(360 preferred since I don’t have a stick for PS3)… I’m sure I could get a small handful of people to come. Might know a few people interested in SCV, but I’m not sure if they are any good. I haven’t checked out the union yet myself.

I’m down for casuals in pretty much any 2dfighter, and maybe watching some 3D games cause I don’t know shit about them and I’m not too interested in them.

SFxT tournament at 99th and Redick in Omaha tonight starting at 10 if you pre order there. Most of the top heads will be there from Omaha. Gamestop

Anyone can show up.

Fee is $7 each for the fighting games. You can pay $10 and get into the fighting tournament and the FPS tournament on Saturday, and another $10 the week after for the other fighting game tournament and FPS tournament. The fee goes up if you pay at the door, so pay online. It’s at Champion’s Fun Center, fyi, because Nick and Scott forgot that UNL is closed on the 24th.

Also we’re meeting at the Union every other week now, and on the off weeks we are meeting at Next Level Gaming by The Game Room. At the weekly meetings we play AE, KoF, and we will probably pick up SFxT, at NLG we play SCV, AE, and Marvel. This wednesday is going to be at the Union.

Yeah I’ll be there. I came to NLG with some friends and brought SFxT on Wednesday. I thought the tournament was going to be at Mix Barcade now? moved to Champion’s instead? Interesting.

Any chance we could get a Facebook group going to make things easier? Seems like people don’t really check SRK often(though they definitely should!)

Wat, did Nick change the location again?

Also, is that you, Eric? It’s Danny, that Cammy player.

Oh nah, this is Mark. Eric is xEAZYYYYx haha might be 3 Y’s, who knows. I thought Mix was the location after UNL, so it changed to Champion’s after or before that? I might be outdated a bit…still haven’t signed up myself. :frowning: Edit: The flyers say it’s at Mix

Well the website says it’s at Mix barcade now, so I’m all sorts of confused. I’m assuming it’s at the barcade, since that’s closer to UNL. I sent a message to Nick and I’ll get back here when he replies.

Also, make sure to sign up, it gives us a better picture of what the pot will be before we get there.