The New New ARCade Thread

bring on the pr0n…


pr0n pr0n pr0n pr0n pr0n!:cool: :smiley:

I bought NFS Underground…looks fun. Can’t wait to play :wink:

the game is fun, totally needs a wheel to go along with it though.

hey i created a thread for us. why confuse people?

post in the official threat of ARC. you guys do not know how i contributed to beginning the last thread.


Lets get together on wednesday and hang out.

And it is spelled e-n-e-m-a, jes. Dammit, you always screw it up.

p0rn on wednesday, k? don’t forget. :wink:

btw, my aim name is jstin0

TMH: The old ARC thread was closed cause it had too many posts.

Im down to hang out. Is it at your sisters again? What time and how late?

ill see what i can do.


ummm… stevo has volunteered, tho it will be primarily ahem “Camera Antics”

Stevo’s, wednesday, p0rn.:eek:

ooooohhhhhhh. everybody is being naughty here. lol.

you guys need to think about your favorites games. not porn :p:D :lol:

anyway…cool thread. i don’t know if i can go on wednesday 'cos i have work. dammit! not fair! sigh well…if you guys are going to steve’s on wednesday, you won’t see the homemade porn 'cos i have the digital camera :stuck_out_tongue:

which means if someone doesn’t mind getting her back in time for work… WE GET HOMEMADE PORN!!!.. j/k.

She’s such a butt. so confusing. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME??? WHY AM I THE BUTT!!! ARRRRGGGGG!!!

errr, I guess everyone can come over… whenever. 4 sound good again? and as far as how late… I’ll get back to you guys on that. I don’t really care, but… oh well, nobody else really matters ^_^. Once again, food, drinks, chairs, and whatever is availiable is very much welcome and appriciated. LONG LIVE THE PERVERTS!


with a capital P

erg i have a rehersal at 630…

i can show up at 4…then leave…then return at 9.

i will be there with extra krispy chicken strips on!!!
should i bring stuff like…food and drinks?
or will that be provided by the host with the most?

sup yall!!!

due to short term planning and a serious lack of fridge stocks (AND I FAILED MY GOD DAMN DRIVING TEST THIS MORNING!!!)… there’s only a few things to eat here… unless you’re Ken… then you’ll be able to find just about everything I forgot about somewhere up in the cabnit somewhere.

We’ve got some snacks and stuff, I’ll run down to the store later tonight and pick up some more. There’s still a bottle of Coke and Sprite from last time (nobody really drinks it here), sooooo… anything would help ^_^.


I will try and bring some stuff. I will bring the girl if she can go. And I will bring laughter and amusement for all to enjoy, I am the attention-whore, in case you didn’t notice.

One day, we should all go and get tattoos. that would be really cool.

I must kick all of you at at midnight! mwahahawwww -_-. Though come this weekend, it won’t matter.

uhhh who the heck is the mad hacker?

and all I have are some left over chips. :\ what can I say, u guys really pigged out on that dip I made!

bleh, borden, if u r up call my cell!!!

the dip was bomb

That’s the ZOMBIE dip!! Video Game Party… ZOMBIE dip!! Get it?! …resident evil…:confused: