All I know is that they better not fuck up Magik, Mirage and Cannonball. Fox already fucked up Cyclops and Rogue, they could at least get Magik’s character right.
Or Wolfsbane. It’s not hard to get that shit right. Take a cute chick (check!), spirit-gum fake downy hair to her face, cgi her pupils golden, paint her nose black and put quarter-inch long extension caps on her canines. There ya go. Takes less work and time to apply than Kelsey Grammar’s Beast makeup or that X-2 Nightcrawler costume. She doesn’t get a full-on true werewolf hybrid form until later in life. I don’t expect that shit to look as awesome as the effects in movies with smaller budgets (since Marvel movies often miss the mark on easy stuff…somehow), since Rahne changes to a lesser degree in hybrid form during her stint with The New Mutants (as opposed to her just plain being a badass in X-Factor), but they should at least use their heads on this.
I thought the Henry Zaga casting was still up in the air;I usually follow superhero hype for casting stuff and they didnt have an article on it IIRC.
If true, that’s incredibly disappointing.
Im glad the actor is Brazilian, but as the only black character of the original group whose race does play an integral part in his character, its a slap in the face.
sooo i didnt know this was being filmed in massachusetts. one of the guys i train jiu jitsu with whos a fireman was talking about it. he was working on the airforce base they apparently filmed a scene for.
he said one of the last scenes involves a chick with a flaming sword flying possibly chasing a werewolf(most likely wolfsbane). Its a snowcovered scene.