The runeglave ez garbage only works if he gets ahead. And there are so many so champs that shit on him.
Beat him early and he will feel the pain of picking smite in lane. It’s just a gimmick.
The runeglave ez garbage only works if he gets ahead. And there are so many so champs that shit on him.
Beat him early and he will feel the pain of picking smite in lane. It’s just a gimmick.
I’d be more worried about the new devourer and Zekes, Shit like this makes me really wonder if they ctually have a teat group or not.
Patch up.
Items got changed everywhere. Can’t stack slows. New champ.
I can already taste the salt.
I think Singed is a champion that may be doomed to being kind of mediocre. He’s not particularly fun to fight in lane because the use of his skills are generally limited to just running around like an idiot and trying to flip you. If anything he is kind of a griefer champion. It’d be hard for Riot to rework him in a way that is healthier for the game without changing the core identity of the champion that made fans like him in the first place.
Singed is fine. He’s literally no different than Mundo, except you have to chase him and his HP-based damage ability is melee range. You want to ignore him, but if you ignore him you lose the lane. Badly. Pretty bad strategy for team fights, but stupid effective in solo queue once he starts to run away.
New GP is pretty fun. He feels so much more satisfying to play now.
The first few games of Tahm Kench, I was horrid. Now starting to get the groove of him, but my ult placement needs work. Some games, I never even use it. Yes, I’m low elo. But my assist averages are pretty good, IMO.
I’ve had death threats for using Singed lol. I was fed so I was leaving team fights with 3-4 kills with Poison.
Tahm Kench is neat, but he does have the ability to troll his teammates really hard. Played a game where enemy Tahm kept eating his ally Malzahar and then bringing him right to us.
So the Juggernaut patch is about to hit. Since I main Darius I was initially angry about the changes because they sap a significant portion of his laning/dueling power. But after seeing some PBE game play I’m pretty excited. I understand why some of the changes were needed in order to promote healthier lane interaction, but it still changes a lot about how you have to play lane phase now. And it’s not like Darius guaranteed a free win in lane either. If anything, Riven is a thousand times more toxic to play against than Darius ever was.
I’ve only had problems with Darius when people let him snowball. When I play top against him I deny deny deny. If he doesn’t get get fed he’s a limp noodle one trick pony
With the new changes to Darius, they’re trying to mitigate that. I’m predicting that once a champion has 5 Hemorrhage stacks on them, someone’s head will come loose from their body. That ad boost is huge, too huge to ignore. 200 AD for free? My lord that’s scary. Better have Ashe and Ali on perma lock.
Played 4 games with Darius so far. Even though I won all of them, the champion felt so bad to play. Jesus fuck Riot ass raped him so fucking hard. He literally does nothing well. Nothing. He doesn’t win lane, he doesn’t scale to late game, even less utility now, nothing. He can’t function against ranged champions or champions with any kind of mobility because they destroyed his pull. Catches that I used to be able to make can no longer be done. The Q does way too little damage and wind up time is too long. The damage is non existent unless you hit the outer edge of the blade and even then the damage is something to be desired. You can’t even flash during the wind up portion, so you can’t pick off low targets that are under tower or otherwise fleeing. He is practically silencing himself by using what is supposed to be his main combat skill. Ironically, you have a “lane bully” who is vulnerable to people standing right next to him.
Everything about him was nerfed into the ground to accommodate his new passive. The problem is you never get to use it to its full potential. Trying to get 5 stacks is downright laughable. Team fights are often decided in the first 5 seconds and it takes Darius a hell of a lot longer then that to get 5 stacks on someone, especially with the attack speed nerfs. How is Darius ever supposed to fight against Kalista? Or Vayne? Or Riven? Or Gnar? Irelia? Or anyone? Shit, even Jax could probably easily win lane against him now.
It saddens me to say this, but after hundreds of Darius games I might be done with this champion if he remains in his current state. Even though he wasn’t the best champion before, his kit at least felt smooth and functioned well. Now he just feels stupid and clunky for no reason other than the fact that Riot and the community have some kind of weird fetish for hating Darius.
They don’t want shit to be flashy anymore. That makes people feel bad and then they can’t sell their 2001 flavors of stupid fucking skins no one asked for. They literally want this game to come down to nothing but HP/Damage potential numbers games where no one takes any risks anymore because landing clutch shit is only worth anything in a team fight. Laning phase is going to become farm till 20 again with junglers picking situational items that emerge right at the first team fight for dragon comes up so you don’t tip the enemy team off unless they deep ward. So basically no real jungle/counter jungle play until the first BF sword is purchased and dragon is worth it. Top lane will a farm fest, mid will be a first to 2 and minion hoarding competition so you don’t get ganked, and of course bot will be statically locked until someone can back and come back to lane with an advantage.
Game is gonna be so boring because they won’t allow a runaway meta of any kind. The entire game is comeback mechanics for people with Calc.exe up.
Solo Q is always going to have those factors because its a safe way to play when grouped with random people. Riot is definitely trying to shakes things up with this Juggernaut crazyness. The only sub mechanic that I have played with was Skarner’s Crystal Points or whatever they are called. And it’s broken.
As far as runaway I think that should be strictly Champion kits, or flash.
Out of the juggernauts I’ve tried Darius, Morde, and Skarner. With Skarner being the best jungle in the game. And Morde support? Skarner is about to get me this freelo, till 5.17
Runaway as in snowballing.
Was at the tournament this past weekend. My first experience w/ League, though not with MOBAs or E-Sports. Awesome experience.
Actually starting to have fun with this game again. Taking a break really helped.