Yeha my dota experience was way worse than my lol experience with jackass team mates and leavers and such.
Generally when they nerf something on an already bad character in remakes their argument is power budget. IE in sivir they probably felt like they couldn’t risk her being good when her ult was that influential to team fights. So they remove the team buff part and they suddenly feel like they can massively buff the rest of the move set.
Anyway Jinx is a lot of fun, even after the slight nerf. Like her kit and more than anything I have to like the personality of the champ. She’s nuts and I love it
Anyway I don’t understand the Morg buffs. She already has a strong laning presence. She pushes hard, typically much harder than her opponent. Her spell shield can be irritating to get around and her cc in a fight is amazing. I’ve always thought she was in a good spot
Also the AP scaling isn’t a big deal considering they are already going to nerf a ton of supports base scaling to compensate. Since most were built with lack of gold in mind…which is…weird, but alright Riot.
LF silver 1 duo partner. I don’t want to have to explain why rushing athene’s holy grail 1st when behind is stupid on a support, why just getting a sightstone+6 slot mid game is dumb on a support, or how not even getting shurelya’s, locket, or anything is dumb.
Got my first penta on Morgana today, they dove me under a turret.
I was mostly concerned about Janna becoming too strong actually, she already have impeccable AP scaling on her shield and is one of the few supports you can soundly buy Mejai’s on even in an even game. Having it also give increased AD in conjunction with higher absorb is really scary.
I’m glad that it looks like Sona is getting somewhat shafted by these changes though, she is way to easy to manage for the amount you get out of her compared to say Nami, Thresh or Zyra.
With a Black Cleaver and other damage items of choice (I enjoy building stuff with life steal) she can really bully lanes between that and her shield no selling stuff. She’s the perfect anti-burst Champ at the moment, so people can’t just face mash all buttons on her and expect to get mileage out of it.
Bait out the shield though and it’s an entirely different story.
Shield does help her against the current assassin heavy play styles. Champs that rely on landing a full combo have real issues with spell shields like that. Plus she can hang back and do damage to a whole team if they stand close enough, or if there’s creeps to buffer her W in between.
Still suffers vs laners that don’t have to play her game, ones with range enough to harass her regardless of the spell shield. People keep saying she’s a strong counter for Cait, but it’s just not true. Cait can auto her all day and there isn’t much she can do, her W damage off the bounces just isn’t strong enough early in lane compared to Cait landing all of her headshots. If you can find ways to make her waste shield, it gets even worse.
Losing some of the stats on her ult sucks, of course. But the speed buff on her W is where that went. The CD on Cleaver lets her W often enough in team fights, keeping that armor shredded. You’re not getting the full use of that on a double AP comp of course, but it’s still a significant contribution to a team fight. I don’t see her being picked a ton in competitive play any time soon, unless it’s a pretty specific team comp. But she seems to have a niche now.
Yeah she isn’t that great against Cait, at least until level 6. I think the speed boost from her Ulti could help overwhelm Cait temporarily but you know the CD on it isn’t forgiving enough to be a viable tactic. Maybe with the right Support she could do alright, but in most circumstances Caitlyn should win hands down.
No clue what people thinking, I assume they saw it on a pro stream and figured it was legit.
Personally? I really like her, I was a fan of old Sivir, and I didn’t like the previous rework and abandoned her. This new version is a nice mix of the old and new that I can appreciate and enjoy.