yeah buddy i think he knew that:lol:
LOL! You’re trying to take credit for something you didn’t make. Hybrid Fury made yours.
the thruth revealed!!!:lol: :lol:
I know that "scrub"nice name by the way…i thought he was talking about my work also not only my current avatar.
Hehe, thanks. I think everyone has seen that episode at least once. Too bad I’m not a premium member, or I’d add more to it.
I can’t wait to see your latest collection of avatars, I read one of your posts that said you downloaded new brushes, so it will be cool to see what you come up with…
Tonbarry said “backgrounds” <–plural. He was obviously referring to all of his work and not just his current avatar.
Looney Tunes…ahhh the memories…
Yes thank you sir,i was about to type in the same thing.
omg u give me too much credit…im not the one to boast about my work but i am very proud of my creations…maybe thats what makes my work so good…i put everything into making my avatars/tags…and it shows obviously…i really appreciate ur comments and just to let u know comments like that are what drive me to do my best…i just dont hear that enough…its a shame…so thank u very much…thank u indeed:D
^nice choice of colours 8/10
<----------- new one
Wow one to many dots between your sentences there.
who asked u…kiss ass:D
mojo makoto gots the pwetty colors and teh soft boobies, so he iz teh winnar, also, just so ya’ll know, Xenozip is teh man! he is the magic behind the boobie avatar before you, he helps me out hardcore, awesome guy, rock on bull. rock on.
I’m not any good at making pretty-looking avatars. I can only do the basics.
I could probably try and make that one look pretty, but I know you’d just have a knew one in a week anyway.
You can do a helluva lot with basics. =)
^ That av is pretty cool. I don’t know who the person is but…it looks cool. 8/10
nice av 9/10
meh…ur avatar has got some got tech but u need a little bit more going on than just the white bg…and a border is in order of course…good none the less 8/10
Killer has the best Avatar so far because it looks like he actually drew most of his instead of cropping images and shit.
You’re joking, right?
The only two images in his avatar are both “cropped”. The rest is just a bunch of black lines and plain text.
damn now ive heard it all…ur really an idiot now:lol: :lol: