The New and Improved Avatar Rating Thread

yep u got it…for all yous guys that are wondering how good ur avatars are turning out come here to get them critiqued by all the pros at…happy huntings

this is where they should of made the last rating thread so all the spamming threads in general discussion didnt send the thread plummeting to the 6 and 7 page after one day:bluu:

props to cham_13_ for this one…

Cham is the best IMO. He did mine also

Self-Made. Saving it under 20k was tough.

^ drip drip, water is slippery. 9/10.

Really? a 9 eh? I’m feelin’ a lil iffy about the 9, maybe a 7.

its really kewl brotha…maybe a lil color is in order tho…fuck it its tight i give u a 10:D

man…that water drop is awesome…i give it a 10…it had to of been hard as hell

nice brushin 4dayI…i give it a 7:p

^ 8/10. yamazaki is pimp.

Nice Av, Tetsu. I like it more as a sig though. very bright and explosion-y. I give it a 7 (9 as a sig)

p.s. Athanasy that is awesome. Great job on the animation.

i give it a 10/10 for the simple fact that u just leared pshop on satruday and your already that good…NICE JOB DAN!!:stuck_out_tongue:

made mine myself.:slight_smile:

Wow, that is awesome 10/10

@Dios - Boobies! 10/10


6/10. simple.

i always love u avatars dios…ur teh man 11/10:D

^ 10/10 nice gfx and sexy girlie from ff8. yay.

<---- i like this one. Props to tonbarry

^ 5/10.

um no offense to anyone, but these arent that good…but its ok a bunch of you are just starting out. C\I really do dig the animation in Cham’s stuff though.

keep at it