sorry i cant say the same about ff9…it was garbage…dios u have some mad crazy/cool avatars man…i need to learn how to make animated avatars…10/10
^ <3333 !
I made that av for him. I didn’t know you had made him one? My bad, ton.
what do you all think of mine:
actually in the middle of getting a new one but made this one a while ago.
^ no background… Could be better. But hilarious anyway, and I like ones with personality. 7/10
<-- my new one.
me :o
dont really like sagat at all…but johnny is the shit 7/10:D
^ 10 pretty colors.
Mojo_Makoto <-- 10
Now, that one has personality and art.
[Edit]: I like your “inoavatar_copy.jpg” <-- Ino avatar better, though.
<------------i made it myself
Creative, but colour balance is a little awkward.
best av ive seen in a long time.
Famly Guy reference: 10
Nice design: 10
overall: 10/10
thanks alot for the compliment man…i really appreciate it
and now by personal demand…
very nice av 9/10 looks too bright but nice
<------- made by myself
^ 8/10
pretty colors…who in the?
I always love your av’s…
the eye freaks me out 6/10
^ 9/10 lol naruto
^ That av is Top Tier.
8/10 ^
whos he from