The New and Improved Avatar Rating Thread

PS owns the Naruto avs

aight i dont do alot of work on ps…so im not that good…but plz tell me wut u think about this one…thx


My av is better.

Like my av?

Here’s one I plan on wearing for awhile. Can’t wait to be a supporter.

Made this one a little bit ago:

Xenozip, I love that Rose/Gambit av. Where did you get the poker table from?

In an effort not to entirely rape this thread and have people go through like 10 minutes of waiting for all my avs that I have made to load up, I’ve put them in a pretty much old thread, so those with the time and the bandwidth shall enter.



^ Would be cool if i could read the text =(
Like the anime tho looks great 7/10

What about mine?

if i stop being lazy, i’ll make my skit on gunther an MP3 instead of the huge wav it is now.

nice avatar

what about mine???

i like your’s mixah, thought i was cool

wat about mine? it’s one of the first i made, and my first with color edits…
awaits bashing

yes i know it’s very basic also.

a bit blurry, but it’s cool

yeah i had to make rock bigger because he was to small

OC your avs are too good, merry xmas!

good first try mike, gotta make it a little sharper next time!

I’ve always loved and envyed yours Mullah. 10/10 for pure genius.

<---- New one.

Snakeman, one of the greatest MM bosses…

what the bump?


I like the Av Gumz 7.2/10

Not to fond of the border moving.