The Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 Wii Code Thread

I need a good challenge. So lets post them codes and set up battles.

Name: Solo
F/C: 2364-6040-2431

If you wanna send me a message on the Wii, the console number is:

I’m gonna give this a try again. Since I now have a Lan Adapter for the Wii.


My info I’ll update soon.

It’s about time this thread got created!!

Name online- Jashin Emissary

Friend Code- 1462-6509-6175

Location- North Carolina

Hit me up if you’re interested in online play so we can set up times. Solo Strike, I’ll go ahead and add you to my friend’s list. Feel free to do the same!

Done. :slight_smile:

Sometimes I record at random.


Another vid…

How well does online work?

Personally, I haven’t had any problems with online. At least not yet. There is delay in the moves and people seem to have problems with super; from what I heard. Like I said, “I haven’t had any problems with online, yet”.

Thanks for sharing information. its really nice and mean full. I want to write more but these days I am doing preparation of different online certifications and I found cisco braindumpsguide is the best helping source which is providing 100% authentic material. I also spend my extra time in surfing internet, listening music and playing games. After my exams I would like to join your group.

name Henners

PM me if you add me :slight_smile: