The most balanced fighting game ever

Admittedly I know very little of competitive AH3, but doesn’t Fire Elsa dominate that game?

Mugen with only the Karate Man as your sole choice
Most balanced Fighter of all time.

This tier chart sums it up

I have been always under the impression that AH3 is not as balanced as people like to claim but i admit that i don’t know much about AH3 at competitive level. For what i know, yes Fire Elsa steam rolls a lot of characters but like i said my knowledge of the game is limited.

Also AH has a new revision with Love Max so is very probable that the tiers have shifted

Special mention goes to Battle Fantasia, the tiers are very compressed on that game so you can use a low tier character at competitive level without being affraid of not having a chance to win

+R’s tier list makes NO SENSE. How does Order-Sol or Sol break even vs Testament, one of their hardest matchups?

The more variety a game has
More characters, combos, supers, change ups ect the more a game will be unbalanced.

This is the only way you have a 100% Balanced Fighting game, one genetic character everyone plays.
Maybe that garbage Nidhogg for steam (Nidhogg and Killer Instict 2013 is proof the FGC will buy into any piece of crap with enough Hype)

KOF XIII? probably not the universe’s most balanced fighting game but a pretty good option.