THE MOLLYWHOP SFV & SSB4 (Westchester NY, Mamaroneck - 1/11/17 | 7 pm-2 am)

The MollyWhop is returning on 1-11-17!

The now bi-weekly tournament was a longtime staple in the upper New York Smash community but has been on hiatus for more than six months. The original Smash 914 team is back at the same awesome venue and we’re looking to pick up right where we left off.

The venue fee will remain at $5 for tournament players, and spectators are free! We’ll also be adding Street Fighter V and some other fighters to the mix, so come get a piece of the action!

Though the venue is a pub, people under 21 are still welcome to come. Wristbands will be given out if necessary and we ask that you respect both the bartender and the law. Even if you can’t drink, Molly’s has a full food menu too, so try and support the venue so we can keep these events going. Link:

FB Event Link:

7 pm Setup
8 pm Tournament Starts

Smash 914 -

Westchester FGC -

Spectating: Free!
Venue Fee: $5
Wii U Singles: $5
Street Fighter V Singles: $5

The MollyWhop is held in a separate event room on the second floor of Molly Spillane’s. The venue is just a few blocks away from the Mamaroneck Metro North station. For those coming from the NYC, a one-way train ticket costs $3.75 from Fordham Station and $8.75 from Grand Central Terminal.

There is plenty of parking around the venue, however the spaces on the street in front of the building are metered until 8 p.m. We recommend parking in the lot behind the building, which should be free after 6 p.m.

Cash prizes for First, Second, Third Place (60/30/10% split)

Tournaments with 64 or more players will payout Top 8

  • 1st Place – 50%
  • 2nd Place – 20%
  • 3rd Place – 13%
  • 4th Place – 7%
  • 5th Place (tie) – 3%
  • 7th Place (tie) – 2%

Tournament rules

  • Double Elimination Bracket (Lose twice and you’re out)
  • Best 2 out of 3 games per match for all matches except Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals
  • Best 3 out of 5 games for Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals

Smash for Wii U Rules

  • Pausing during a match will result in a forfeit of the current stock
  • If match ends in Time Out, the person with the most stocks/lowest percent wins. Sudden Death must NOT be played.
  • If match ends in the form of a suicide kill (Kirby/Dedede Swallowcide, Ganondorf aerial side-B) The person who initiated the killing move is the winner.

Starter Stages

  • Battlefield (Miiverse)
  • Final Destination (and Omega)
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Smashville
  • Town & City

Counterpick Stages

  • Dream Land 64
  • Duck Hunt

First stage is decided by stage striking starting with player one. Player one strikes the first stage, then loser strikes twice, and player one will strike the final stage. (1-2-2-1)

The winner of the each game will ban one stage from the full list and the loser will be allowed to choose their counterpick stage prior to selecting their character.

There are no bans in Winner, Losers and Grand finals since it is best of 5.

Street Fighter V Rules

  • 99 seconds
  • Best 2 out of 3 rounds per game
  • Winner must keep the same character
  • Loser can switch characters
  • Pausing during a match will result in a forfeit

Banned stages: Kanzuki Beach
No macro-capable devices

Any questions or concerns should be brought directly to the attention of tournament staff.