The Marshall Law Thread


I think the last hit of Ex.Shaolin Kicks need to be fixed. It whiffs during juggle sometimes even when the leg goes through the opponent’s spinning character model (I call it deceptive hitboxes), sometimes his Super Art whiffs at the last hit too but it’s not as prevalent. Can anyone inform me the circumstances that the last hit of ex.SK whiffs? The whiff on the last kick is so punishable I don’t want to lose by a game’s hitbox bug.

(I’m going by what I see in streams, videos and etc. Desk mentioned it whiffing)

On another note, can’t wait for this game! 2 more days

I don’t know if it works mid-screen, but I feel like the spacing was too far. It took me like 60 tries to get it, but it definitely works in the corner. It’s like just really really tight timing. Some tips on the combo for those learning it:

The crouch short after the toward + strong is slower than you think, it’s not a fast link. I found doing that doing the ex dragon charge with jab+strong helped me not accidentally get launcher after the cr. short -> stand fierce.

It seems like you have to hit the junkyard soul on the first possible frame you don’t get the followup kick or something, it’s a pretty frustrating combo, glad I got it over with.

Hehehehe, that combo’s like 470 with 10% gem activated.

Here’s what I have found so far while trying to optimize some punishes.

Off MP Fury Fist, in the position for bound combos, c.MP, c.HP, c.MK, b.MK into EX-Shaolin Kicks will not get the last hit that wall bounces. Either it’s a hit box bug or it’s kind of a limit on juggle from the hits from EX-SK. I’m not sure.

Messing with gem$ and combo damage lol

I already did a bulk of the damage with Law, but I think there is a damage gem boost that could’ve been put on Nina to gain a boost for being tagged in.

Thansk for the info! Nice combo btw.

Can you try this combo a few times and see if it will whiff. ( lk mk) ( mp) cr.Hp xx EX.SK

It does. I was trying to use EX-Shaolin Kicks to hold down enough time for Nina to charge up a free super. Works normally but the timing is tight, I can’t get it to flow with this combo because the last hit misses.

That’s a waste :(. Stupid hitbox bug.
That combo in your video, issit possible to use the launching Fury Fist Rush tag cancel into free super?

So I’ve been having a rough time fighting some people online with Law since he doesn’t have any good anti airs. Basically you have to see them coming and flash kick them or you meet air to air. You indefinitely have to block being jumped on often.

Here’s some preliminary frame data on start up before the official guides hit to confirm or debunk these. There’s a key frame in the animation that I will count along with it so it’s give or take less than 1 frame or more. I’m leaning on these being close accurate.

LP 4f
MP 14f, b.MP 9f, c.MP 4f or 5f
LK 5f
MK 7f, b.MK 12, c.MK 7f
c.HP 11f
c.HK 11 or 12f

Free 300ish punish off whatever

Have you tried every single normal in the game. I would try until I find something decent. Ibuli :b::mp: has upper body invincibility for 12 frames. keep trying

Oh I have one more to add about that last Law trial to make most of it trivial, just look at Law’s standing pose reset to neutral, he does a little shimmy. Do it right before that shimmy and hit the overhead asap. It’s not too tight of a link and then just chain the c.LK~s.HP.

If you’re frustrated with doing the charge part and wanna focus on the other part as well, just hold a shaolin kick into counter hit charge storage, then do the overhead. Counter hit overhead bounds and you can follow up normally.

edit: I found my error, I wasn’t doing EX-Dragon Charge into Knuckle fast enough. Do it asap and you get enough air time on Ryu to Super when he lands.

Here is some video of me playing you might learn a thing or 2

Sorry about that it might be becuase I was doing from my iPhone if this doesn’t work just check out the first video on mrretrokid19 on YouTube

ps I would appreciate you watching this some guy felt like recording me cuz he thought I was good XD!

Sorry I see nothing there in the link. You have to correct it.

Some day 1 links… you can combo into some strings and bound for some good 300-400 damage punishes.

c.LP, s.LP
close s.HK, c.MP
close s.HK, s.LP

Am I the only one who thinks his unique attack strings like left right to knee are inconsistent? When I do them in training mode its seems like a coin toss is deciding whether or not I will get the knee. I tried playing with the timings but nothing seems to give me a follow-up 100% of the time.

Anyone find any efficient ways to hitconfirm into his Fury Fist Rush? I’m looking for ways to set up the 1 bar charge super dealie.

Best means I’ve found so far is something like this:

close s.HK, c.MP, c.MP xx FFR xx tag cancel and then start charging with whoever your partner is, provided it’s possible to do with them.

As it turns out it’s possible to do with Hwoarang, but it’s somewhat strict. Need to start charging pretty much immediately as soon as you tag cancel.

EX-FFR has the best time to tag cancel into free Super I think. I was able to do it like two times but I drop it a lot using Nina and I used EX-SK. Just confirm a chain into it. You’ll sacrifice damage though.

You could do crouch jab into the backfist ground bounce but it won’t hold people there. You have to be pretty selective.

Yeah that’s the other option I’ve been exploring, using the EX FFR instead. But I’m just looking for ways to only have to use one bar instead of two because I’m a cheapskate when it comes to meter.

Well, you could launch them (I’m just speculating. I don’t have the game yet) It will probably launch them higher giving you more time.

j.HK ( lk mk) cr.hp xx FFR or something.

Isn’t that 2 ex meters wouldn’t it be much more worth it 2 do cr.mpx2 ex-shoalin kicks cr.hp dragon stance-dragon kick for about 461 damage or about 500 with a lvl 1 power gem. You could also tag cancel the grahon kick and do a combo in the corner!

I anti-aired Lili’s dive with cl.RH. I didn’t bother to test other anti-airs, but I will say I am pretty sure he has a couple trip-guards.

Law is sooooo good by the way! If you’re having any doubts about playing him, don’t.