Well regardless of how good/bad he is, I’m using Law as part of my primary team. Very likely that I’ll be getting this game about a week early and I’m trying to find use out of this cheap capture card I have. I’ll post videos if I get the chance.
Damn… Shouldn’t off doubted The Electrifying One, flying dragon kick does goes through fireballs. Stream crew screwed up up the jabjabjabjab thing since they were supposed to be doing it in kissing range though. Shucks.
@ 1:06:08 - Law gameplay.
@ 1:06:55 - HCB+P then any kick for that Flying Kick
@ 1:07:42 - And that flying kick goes through fireballs. Spot on TEO.
Aren’t you just an angel lol. I know how you feel about the whole player matches. Except I don’t go online to just get my ass handed to me and get discouraged. The fact that you blocked and didn’t get hit meant he was the weaker player. Maybe he should turn some strings into ticks for throws but w/e.
Did anyone else notice Law’s weird… mini rekka where he kinda does a bunch of jabs while moving foward?
Lol, thanks man. Yeah I agree. Part of the fun for fighters is finding your way around that crap.
Yo E do the communitu a favor and just say that recent rumor on 4chan is bullshiit plzzzzz
That’s CRAZY.
Well, not free as it still costs one meter to do but DAYUM.
Law/Heihachi is looking beastly with this in mind.
All of Law’s moves look completely retarded (except maybe his flying kick).
This character is a total disgrace. Bruce Lee turns in his grave.
I think you fail to realize that it’s nothing more than Capcom’s take on Tekken’s Law and his moveset. Not Bruce Lee.
Just as TxSF’s Fei Long would be Namco’s interpretation of said Capcom’s character, while their Law would be the Bruce Lee tribute.
I see. Looking forward to beating the crap out of this abomination.
the free super might be enough for me to have him as a main. I wonder what other characters get that. Does rolentos 3rd rekka give enough time for thr partner to run in and super? im sure law wont be the only one
(The first post needs to be edited and the pics need to be moved to the top post.)
Street fighter x Tekken Description
Flame of Passion
Law is a martial arts master, and the long-time sparring partner of Paul Phoenix. Due to his Chinese restaurant business failing as well as his son’s accident, Law is desperately searching for a way to make some money. Law learns of Pandora via a news program, and smelling the scent of money, he decides to travel to the South Pole with Paul.
Special moves
Somersault kick
*:db::d::df::df:+:k: *
Dragon charge
*:hcb:+:k: *
fury fist rush
*:db::d::df::df:+:p: *
Shaolin spin kicks
- :d::df:+:k: *
Super arts
Big bang typhoon
*:qcb:+ :k::k::k: *
Are you sure those motions are right…?
thos motions are wrong. Dragon charge is hcb+p, shaolin spin kicks is qcb+k
Yeah, those were some really fishy arrows, heh…
In on some Law power.
Here’s some of his trials. I completed 19/20. The last one is killing me as I’m not sure how to land the Junkyard Soul; everything seems out of reach or doesn’t touch. The first few are unique attacks and specials and super art.
#9. b.MP (chains) LK (chains) d.MK
#10. c.MP (links) c.MP
#11. s.LK (links) c.LP
#12. c.MK (links) c.LK (chains) c.MK (chains) c.HK)
#13. Jump HP, s.HP (cancels) HCF+P
#14. b.MP (chain) MP (ground bounce) c.HP (cancels) QCB+K
#15. LP (chains) b.MP (chains) LK (juggles) c.MP (cancels) QCB+3K
#16. b.MP (chains) LK (chains) MK (juggles) c.MK (cancels) HCB+P (cancel) Punch (juggles) Kick and finish when the dummy lands low enough
#17. HCF+K (juggles) c.MP (cancel) HCF+K (juggles) c.MP (cancel) HCF+K (juggles) HCF+K (follow up; juggles), HCF+K once more
#18. close s.HK (links) c.MP (links) c.LK (chains) c.HP (cancels) QCB+2K (wallbounce) HCB+P (Dragon Charge), P when they’re low enough to juggle, K to finish
#19. F+MP (overhead link) s.LP (chains) MP (chains) HP (cancels) HCF+2P (wallbounce) b.MP (chain) MP (ground bounces) c.HP (cancels) QCB+3K (Super)
For his last trial you have to do it in the corner
I’m trying to make Law’s fury fist rush into tag cancel charge super work for Hwoarang, but it seems like the way that Hwoa’s super hits makes it either super difficult or impossible.
Here’s some of the most damaging bnbs I’ve found with solo Law so far:
No meter: 321 dmg
(b.MP LK MK)x2, c.HP Somersault Kick + Backflipper
1 bar: 336 (notable because it starts from f.MP overhead)
f.MP, LP MP HP (EX)Fury Fist Rush, b.MP LK MK, c.HP Somersault Kick + Backflipper
2 bars: 429
(b.MP MP)x2, cHP Junkyard Soul
3 bars: (varies)
(b.MP MP)x2, cHP Cross Art
In most cases you’re gonna wanna tag cancel to get the most damage with your meter spent. And obviously this is all pretty basic day -3 stuff. But it’s a start.
I have some more fun stuff I found
1 bar
j.HK, close s.HK, c.MP xx EX-Shaolin Kicks, Dragon Charge -> Knuckle -> Dragon Tail = 414 damage. You can squeeze in an extra close s.MP before doing c.MP xx EX-Shaolin Kicks but the distance varies as I did this on random characters and it didn’t always worked. More consistent version would just start with a j.MK cross up or fake cross up. I would go with j.HK and just punish if I could.
In the corner, there doesn’t seem to be enough time to link Dragon Charge into knuckle because they bounce too close so this is a mid screen combo.
Meterless Law combo:
s. HK, cr. MP, cr. MP xx MP Fury Fist Rush, cr HP xx Dragon Charge xx Knuckle, Flying kick follow-up = 361 dmg
with a jump in i imagine it hitting 400+