I agree that cap isn’t a hard counter. He has options sure and can blow up bad assist calls but the match is probably 5/5 if not advantage modok.
What other matcups are people thinking modok has trouble with? I’m thinking RR is not good cause modok can barely hit that guy. I dread fighting a really good one. What do people think about the virgil match?
Oi, actually you’re right, my pad was going to crap on me and I didn’t notice. Caps fight isn’t so bad, my pad was. Got a crap stick as training wheels to my new stick in the meantime. Feels GREAT! Only problem is my fingers don’t know where the buttons are yet and it keeps slideing/I keep lifting it up while playing. I guess I was one of those guys that busted up the arcade machines back in the day lol
Vergil is scary. I’m still trying to figure out how to deal with him besides super jumping around and calling drones, hoping that I can safely get in. If he can predict your next move, he can punish it with his teleports with a horizontal projectile assist or just with the ridiculous range he has. I haven’t tested this, but superjumping up back to try to get him to teleport above you to air grab him might work.
I have the same kind of problems facing skrull (to a much lesser extent though), since he has those grabs and meteor smashes.
I feel like the only thing to do against virgil is bate him into pressing a button and go for a killer illumination when he doesn have devil trigger… I’m not sure if he can super cancel on reaction to get out, but he can x-factor. That’s 800k or more and a guess but its pretty free t most virgils online lol.
I sometimes try that too, but I usually don’t get the killer illumination out in time I spam :l: blasters for the front teleports and try to grab them when they go for a stinger or his teleport that goes behind you.
I have trouble with vergil as well. His range on his swords, anti airs. Modok has noticeable blind spots on his normals and on top of that they don’t reach or are as fast as vergils. Also you can’t punish the helm breaker. Verg is just like a unsafe zero. Also, round harvest is annoying. Dive kick is also not punishable I believe.
Also, a match up I’m having trouble with is Doom assists. If I have sent, I’m forced to rush down and prevent a missile from firing. Modok doesn’t have fly plink dash to get in and shield doesn’t protect him from missiles. I guess strider’s vaija or watever assists annoys modok just as much as doom. Haven’t faced strider in a while.
In a fight against doctor Doom is tough for me. finger lasers are a buzz kill. His footdive S has a huge hit box as you guys seen. Freakin hitbox is his body. Doom super jumping is troubling me. I like to play an aggressive modok and its annoying fighting doom who has strong zoning and offensive capabilities.
I think dormammu match up is kind of even. I say dorm has the advantage with the buffs like mash supers and specials teleport cancels. I like this match up though. Dorm I think lost in vanilla but here he has air spells and the buffs mentioned. Beam is good against dorm. shield is useful. Modoks limbs can pressure dorm at a safe distance.
Against Spencer, I’m not sure. I’m not experienced enough but I do play this match up. I could say 5/5 but i feel spencer wins. He just zip lines and if you try to throw then he techs. He has bionic arm but if you on the ground you can use the command throw super. I think his grapple is derp good bc it just beats modoks projectiles. I play this match like magneto and just addf addb m or s. In fact I play most my matches like this. lol. Anyways it’s weird bc spencer fears the throw on the ground but when he’s in the air he has batter options than modok.
X-23 is similar to spencer as she has the torpedo air attack that zips accross the screen, Can’t throw her. She’s plus on block with those charge swipes idk what there called. Annoying like all the other pixie characters with godlike normals.
I haven’t played against a really great viper. What you guys think? I think modok loses.
Against magneto I’m not sure about this one as well. I win sometimes and I lose sometimes. I try to zone magneto out then get in.
Man, I’m sorry guys. I’m being very pessimistic. Someone please cheer me up.
Against all those characters you mentioned you have to simply be more careful than they are, be sure to mind your flight patterns, throw out some A’s and start the match with initiative at the top of the screen if applicable. If they have Vajira and a tracking teleport themselves however you may have lost on the character select screen unless you have a strong anti air assist waiting. Not winnable but very hard for MODOK to deal with.
Also learn where to push block various pressure setups or die.
Against X-23, I throw out Air L Balloon bomb/M cubes. Once she is hit by those, I go for the H balloon bomb -> Land -> Assist -> Blaster spam
A little flowchartish, but I do that to see how they react. And adjust accordingly. If they continue to superjump spam I bring them back down with cubes/ air blasters. And you can keep them grounded with blaster spam, I use a beam assist so the interval for them to superjump is shortened.
I know you know this already, but never try to grab her >.<
Another thing, don’t go under Doom’s aerial finger laser. It’s hard to fight Doom when he shoots those things below you. Just go over it, and just shoot forward at Doom when your are at the same height. Or just jump higher than Doom can,and shoot shit below him. Doom biggest weakness in his aerial zoning tools is that he doesn’t have anything that hits what is in front or above him.So the Doom has to protect himself from MODOK’s psionic blaster knocking him out of the air. MODOK can jump higher than most characters in the entire game.
Also punish Doom’s Hidden Missile assist because Doom stays out for a long time. Punish with long range supers by DHCing into partners like Sentinel/Storm/etc. Even if Missiles comes out, if the oppotent blocks…the Assist takes a lot of damage from a projectile super. By punishing Doom’s hidden missles, you can make them scare of calling it out all of the time. You can also THC too, and punish a assist on screen as well.
MODOK owns doom for free. I know that a lot of people say that doom has great mobility but that dash cancellable normal stuff doesn’t mean shit in the air. zone him out with barrier, or just take advantage of doom’s lack of a way to punish an opponent directly across from him in the air (like ironboy said). hell doom can’t even keep tri dash pressure because modok st L and cr L stuff so many of his tools.
So if I don’t play a good punish super team then what can I do. I was playing against mag and doom together its annoying. Mag can just fly dash across and punish. All I have is dante and sent last. I think most players will call the assists and super jump right afterwards. what can I do afterwards? I guess I should be laying down constant pressure? great vids btw. I think i saw virgil teleport while the shield is behind modok and his sword is negated? I don’t know why but I think that player got some lucky hits and good assists calls. I think most modok vids I seen was lucky hits in the midscreen up close battle. I can’t really analysis a good modok battle from a bad one.
[LEFT][INDENT=1]Another thing to note about MODOK’s Barrier, is that they don’t go away if MODOK is hit…;). This also holds true when you use MODOK as an assist. Even through MODOK’s shield can’t block Supers, it becomes amazing anti-air also when used safely. It also makes MODOK’s corner pressure deadly when the option to stop MODOK’s shield . Because his sword normals are soo ridiculous large, that shield can negate Vergil’s hitbox from behind. Also That MODOK was rocking Rocky(lol badpun) log assist, which will still come out if MODOK is hit. [/INDENT][/LEFT]
[LEFT][INDENT=1]That vid doesn’t have perfect MODOK play, but there was a lot of MODOK action those. Which is rare to begin with.[/INDENT][/LEFT]
[LEFT][INDENT=1]I think those two good enough IMO. Dante’s jam session is useful aganist Magneto/Doom’s aerial normals, and projectiles. Jam Session creates a wall that Magneto can’t just airdash through. It enhances MODOK’s Zoning options in the air as well.Sentinel’s Hyper Sodium Force is amazing DHC partner. Dante can make a basic psionic blaster>HPB somewhat safe DHC into his Devil Trigger. Sentinel can make MODOK’s hyper command grab safe as well. A THC with those two do create unblockable(Dante’s super is a great THC for unblockables) setups where if you want. Sentinel’s THC is also amazing because it covers a lot of the screen, and punishes bad assist calls. [/INDENT][/LEFT]
[LEFT][INDENT=1]You can pressure Magneto/Doom, just don’t let it seem like Magneto can mash the Assist button. Magneto/Doom is hard duo to beat, but you still have Sent/Dante on Deck if MODOK can’t do it. [/INDENT][/LEFT]
Against Magneto, I’d like to add you NEED to be proactive, standing jab is a great idea, if he has a beam assist its probably your best bet that you have one too or anti air assist/vajira. DO NOT JUMP AROUND HOPING TO LAND S. Bad idea, S is actually pretty slow, use baby kicks (cancel into flight if you miss, like seriously) or jumping B. If you haven’t already started doing so, make sure you hit confirm into a combo if any of your spazzing hits. I see a lot of Modoks hit jumping B’s that follow into nothing.
Also Jump pattern, do NOT do the pyramid super jump forward flight pattern against magneto unless he’s on the ground. Jumping with him is kind of suicide. It will likely get you airgrabbed. Don’t do this “/.” Opt instead for a super jump body attack alternative or place cubes in his way after a neutral super jump approach. If you’re not near the corner a triangle jump pattern at normal jump height can work wonders.
My best tips because MODOK is hard fight:
Make sure you have a good anti air assist/higher priority projectile assist/Vajira.
If you don’t know where Magneto is in the up/down war body attack + angled down angle/ lay a cube.
Be proactive in movement, plink dashing makes MODOK SO MUCH FASTER on the ground. Active plink back dash with say Doom plasma on advantage with your own psionic blaster follow up ruins a lot of advancing teams. Watch for super jump, meet them with air throw/dash underneath them/occasionally meet them.
Occasionally get that shield up/bomb. This fight will be too fast for it normally.
NEVER try and grab magneto when he’s pressuring you in the corner. More likely than not, you will get a shield and deaded.
Another thing to note about the barrier. It only last two seconds but try crossing under your opponent. Kensanity did this against a Nemesis in this match, (6m55s) in [media=youtube]kVxfsxanTHM[/media] Not sure if it only works on big characters but I’ve looked into it a bit and only had success with larger characters during their normal jump. But it does work against smaller characters when they attempt to super jump to you. Still going to look into this later today.
Something else to note. When I’m doing on the offensive, I use S.M (Plus +3 on block) to barrier, one of the few offensive ways to call it out since you are +3 after a standing M. Better if you have an assist. Most people will try to jump, against smaller characters, a dash standing jab will knock them out of their move for an easy hit confirm.
Thanks guys. I actually like my modok in this battle instead of dante. I thought its always good to be frantic with modok? Also couldn’t doom just cancel j.S into dash?
How you guys feel about the taskmaster or hawkeye vs modok match up? I feel hawkeye is a huge pain with that super but he uses it then I can just use command grab super to prevent taking damage. Idk if you can just fly cancel? Still hawkeye is so fast with those arrows it barely gives me time to do anything.
task I think is an easier fight but I don’t know what to do? seriously. I thought I should be winning this fight more often but i’m actually been losing. I feel bad losing this match up.That shield skill seems to punish me? idk. He’s so simple and idk how to start my offense.
I personally like DOK versus Hawkeye as my psionic blaster can be done faster than his arrows with more durability. Problem arises if he has a projectile backing him but I’m inclined to believe that DOK should have another high durability blaster on his team. Still it’s a war DOK can win without too much fear of GIMLET. You just have to worry when Hawkeye gets close as he actually has good buttons.
Taskmaster on the other hand can mighty swing spam MODOK freely I believe, can fire in more directions than MODOK faster and can completely negate offensive pressure tactics with his command normals. Versus taskmaster it’s cat and mouse for me, psionic blaster is faster but TASK is almost always backed up with another projectile (hidden missiles/dent) or a valid anti air. If he has meter he wins the shot war unless you have a big assed canon MODOK can DHC into or have enough cubes to take the gamble. He has a downward angle super…you don’t. You CAN’T just box jump spam task or even go for triangle jumps against him safely without an assist backing you due to shield skills. Suggestions imo is don’t fight his projectile war if you don’t have to. Pushblock properly if he gets in. ONLY super jump if you’re trying to chicken block out. Mid range spit goo BEFORE advancing to ruin any shield skill attempts and KI on reaction if he gets too zealous.