The Lounge 10k Post Edition

Should I make jokes or not? Cause I wanna make jokes.


Speak your truth, homie.

Glad to see that Evo money being used for something really worth while. Iā€™m so glad he didnā€™t use it to likeā€¦make the forums a better experience or something , anything that wasnā€™t about soaking his fat ass for hours at a time.


With how fat he is and soaking a long time, heā€™ll probably get cellulitis or something.

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Not sure the shape of that jacuzzi is optimal. With all those Mcribs consumed, it should be this big:



Wiz hasnā€™t given a shit about the forums in a long time. Like A LONG time. He hates GD specifically. Heā€™s hated it since itā€™s inception pretty much but it got the most traffic and generated the most revenue so he kept it around.

I am well aware.

Whatā€™s not to like?

Yo, we less than 100 posts from the lock.

That being said, my wife is on another level of bullshit today.


Monthly incoming?

So everyone letā€™s do our part.

Also Nice Burn Stu


It was a few evoā€™s ago but I remember a French streamer that goes by Terry Bogard asked Wiz over twitter if he could restream Evo and have he and his friend commentate it. Wiz said sure for but they had to pay him I think he said 16K for the rights to restream. Obviously Terry said no.

Actually asking for $16k to restream an event is reasonable.
But what would happen to the money afterwards is the question.

How much of that 16K would go into Evoā€™s coffers and how much to pay for Mr Wizā€™s McRibs?

Sooooo this is for the community right? All that Evo cash going back into the community right? In the form of a Jacuzziā€¦


Yeah. This is the issue terry had with it.

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Mr. Wiz : I made a Custom Jacuzzi with money that could of gone to the community

The Rest of the FGC:


He should at least use that money to pay for a gym trainerā€¦

Or maybe even a dentist


But a Jacuzzi in theory can still be used by the community! Someone should ask him when heā€™s done if it can be usedā€¦for the community.

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That whole thread is gold. Even just the first tweet after:

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