I use Ibukii/Lili. The synergy between these two is amazing, though one of the drawbacks is that there is no life between the two lol. The other drawback, aside from life, is Gief or any grappler with good normals. Then it becomes a hardcore footsie game as usual.
One thing I noticed about this team is that they both have amazing anti-airs that CAN be comboed from. b +MP + LK dash + cl. st. HK + j. HK + HK Kazekiri. You can actually tag in Lili after the Kazekiri for more damage/ to get Ibuki out safely/ or to kill the opponent. This can lead to great damage of ONE anti-air. The same goes to Lili to Ibuki. There are other great tag-in combos as well this is just one of the many out there.
The combo potential between these two is great and they both have excellent tools at their disposal to get-in and deal damage.
I don’t think she has one. It’s part of why she should be anchor.
I have a couple of teams for Lili, but I think I’m going to make my main Xiaoyu x Lili. It’s very much a glass cannon, which isn’t usually my playstyle, but it’s fun. Once Xiaoyu can land her overhead, you lose half of your health and Lili is stomping on you for the rest.
High damage on both sides
High mixup opportunity on both sides
Xiaoyu has multiple ways to tag in Lili, both during a combo and on block
Lili’s high damage juggles can take advantage of Xiaoyu’s ability to bring her in
Both are very dangerous to jump against (At certain distances for Xiaoyu), as both can get extremely damaging combos off of anti-air normals
Both have very low health
Both lack go-to reversals
Lili lacks a meterless (Beyond the tag-cancel) way to tag in Xiaoyu during a damaging combo to take advantage of Xiaoyu’s damage off of a juggle
Xiaoyu’s bad footsies, low health, and difficulties getting in sometimes leads her to getting knocked out before the team can get their offense going
Lili/Kazuya is what I’m running now. Her combos do tend to scale if you want to end in a laucher tag in, however due to this fact I keep her stuff short and sweet if I’m going into Kazuya. Her launch does 100 dmg for some reason when chained into so I like doing cr.MP,cr.MP, st.HP, Launch then whatever with Kazuya.
Lili does have nice combo potential, but I think as the game progresses her real value will be in her anti-air ability. Andante doesn’t lose to anything, when your opponent is scared to jump you can do whatever you feel like.
Had to reply once I saw this. I too use Ibuki/Lili. I find that Ibuki on point is pretty nice and meshes well with Lili on anchor. My reasoning for choosing the two was pretty much exactly what you called out - AA. While online play is typically sub standard, I can’t help but feel that the ability to nearly completely lock opponents out of the air is one of the biggest strengths a character can have in this game. A lot of players currently rely on jump-ins (especially you Heihachi!) to start their damage, and you can literally go entire matches without being touched out of the air.
Ibuki has several non EX moves that allow you to tag Lili in safely (Tsumuji and Kazekiri). You can also tag in off of her b.mp. Ibuki in and of herself can be impressive in the pressure department. You lock the opponent out of the air forcing them to play a ground game, and personally (the ibuki forums tend to disagree here) her footsie game is very good. f.lk has so much range this time around and is special cancelable. Need to get Lili in quick? f.lk > HK Kaze tag. tsumuji pressure is legit and if you have your opponent in the corner you can make their life a living hell.
Both characters can avoid FBs pretty well. To tag Ibuki back in from Lili without using EX moves I will use lk sunflower, even on block, and bring Ibuki back in. This may not be the best answer in every situation, but it works.
I think the two also compliment any player that enjoys traps and mind games. Lili has several tools in the mixup department, as does Ibuki. The downside to these two, as mentioned above, is that they are glass cannons (rightfully so). I would love to see someone like Clakey D run the Ibuki/Lili team to their full potential.
f+mk ~ st.mp > bedtime (st.lp ~ f+mp ~ st.mk) xx lk dp > cr.hp xx qcf hp (tag Asuka) - f+lk ~ f+lp > st.hk xx oni > sweep
J.hp > st.mp ~ st.lk xx hk upkicks > j.hk > st.hk xx oni (tag Lili) > cr.hp xx qcf hp > f+mk ~ st.hp
With Lili, anything into cr.hp xx qcf hp juggle can tag cancel into Asuka’s f+lk ~ f+lp > st.hk xx oni sweep or f+lk ~ f+lp > st.mk xx falling rain (st.hk xx falling rain in corner)
With Asuka, anything into j.hk juggle or oni juggle can tag cancel into Lili’s cr.hp xx qcf hp > f+mk ~ st.hp.
I’m just gonna poke my head in here and say I’ve been using Yoshi/Lili for reset shenanigans. There’s a reset off windmill where you tag in Lili and then go nuts. You have high/low, instant air EX divekick, ambiguous cross up/divekick, empty jump to meaty c.lk etc. The most average damage this thing nets is 686. If you end up in a standing reset against her, it’s fucking terrifying. I also noticed a lot of Sak players liked Lili so this is something fun
Have any of you guys tried switch cancelling Lili’s launcher?
I think Lili’s ideal hitconfirm into launcher is: f.MK-MP, crMP-HP-HP (does 252dmg and damage scaling is at 50% once your partner comes in)
Solo, Lili can do 369-378dmg off the f.MK-Mp hitconfirm with 1 bar
[]f.MK-MP, crMP xx EX Den, sHP xx hpDen, f.MK-HP (372 crouching or standing)
[]f.MK-MP, crMP xx lk ak, crHP xx ex feisty rabbit-thorn, sHP xx mk sunflower (378 standing only)
But if you spend the bar on Switch Cancelling the launcher, depending on your partner, you can get 370 to +400dmg. Plus it works whether the opponent is crouching or standing.
My team is Poison/Lili and here’s what I’ve come up with: Lili Launcher Switch Cancel into Poison
[]f.MK-MP, crMP-HP-HP SC jHP, crHP xx :dp::hk: (374)
[]f.MK-MP, crMP-HP-HP SC jHP, sMP, crHP xx :dp::hk: (377)
[]f.MK-MP, crMP-HP-HP SC njHP, sHP, crHP xx :dp::hk: (389 corner only)
[]f.MK-MP, crMP-HP-HP SC jHP, sHP CADC sHP xx :dp::hk: (389? my execution isn’t the greatest so I haven’t actually done this combo– I always drop the cancel into Kissed by a Goddess)
[]f.MK-MP, crMP-HP-HP SC njHK, sHP, sHP CADC into something. (Corner only, you could probably break 400dmg but I haven’t been able to land anything after the CADC)
After toying with this idea for a couple of days I’ve come to the conclusion that, for my team, cancelling the launcher is only worthwhile in two situations:
[]In the corner (unless you have the execution to land the midscreen CADC combo consistently)
[*]If I have bar and need to tag Lili out to heal some vitality.
Just wanted to throw this idea out there and see if others could find this useful for their team composition.
Fast enough to allow you to jump but not fast enough to let you charge a move for a free counterhit or super.
After trying out a new team (Cammy/Lili) I think switch cancelling the launcher is most useful in the corner (if you do it midscreen you’ll probably sacrifice some damage in exchange for letting lili heal) and if your teammate can’t get much out of a normal tag-in, can jump cancel a normal, or has an air-to-air that causes a groundbounce
With Cammy I was able to do:
[INDENT=1]f.MK-MP, crMP-HP-HP SC njHK, clHK (foward jump cancel) jHP (land) HK canon spike (398 corner only).[/INDENT]
Getting 375-400dmg off a midscreen poke for 1-bar seems pretty good to me.
If you start this with her overhead, spine shot, or someother jump-in you could probably add at least 30 more damage
edit: turns out that combo can also be done midscreen but with a jump forward roundhouse