Videos I’ve seen recently show them to be playing their game like 1/3 screen apart from their opponent just waiting patiently until some point in time. I on the other hand can’t rush down at all. Can’t do dive kick high-low mixups, and always resort to basic footsies shit… Now that I just learned of a few more safe moves to move towards my opponent, I should be able to whiff punish a little better now… still seems to be my primary way of playing this game. great poke. 0 on blk and u can target combo for more damage. Dk works best on knockdown. Raw dk is not suggested. Use and as ur primary pokes when u are outta jab range. those moves will condition ur opponent. Then begin 50/50. Sunflower lance one time. Ur opponent forgets to block low. and spacw it. Ex or regular sunflower lance. It will mind fack ur opponent very quicky. Upon doing a sunflower u get a hard knock down. Do cross up dk. Aim for the head. It becomes ambigious. U do all that u will find lil can be very dangerous.
Yup, so I’ve read just now.
What helps as well is watching other lilis. U pick up things they do right or wrong.
Which I already pointed out in the previous post.
oh i’m sorry. long day at school ^^;;;
Well if you need any help i should be roaming around from time to time and other lili players are around to help as well.
unrelated but where you on the Peacefuljay stream the other night? remember seeing a kenxlili
Uh no. I havent been on there. My ken and lili both wear white. Was that ken lili good?
Oh but yeh some really nice combos with Kens tatsu etc looks like a good team
Def a very good team. Ken covers all of lili’s bad match ups and Lili does the same for ken. I’ll try to post more videos of me playing them so people get an idea how the team works.
Ah cool, diddnt think of it from a matchup perspective
What about grapplers (geif / hugo) match up? I play raven as my point character so I usually can just hang back, but it would be good to kno.
Also will if you hit it late, like neck height.