The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

Reminds me of the evelyn buff promises…

I still haven’t played Eve since the rework.

The only good thing Sejuani has is her Ultimate, afterwards she is a walking slow-ball

Sejuani is basically a shitty version of Amumu. Their kits are basically the same, difference being Sejuani has no damage and can’t duel for shit, making counter jungling her a breeze.

I’m bored at work. Someone tell me again why they think Trundle jungle sucks so I can start nitpicking.

Well he doesn’t suck but there are better alternatives with more ganking potential (Moonbitch diana for example)

Because nobody wants to play an ugly ass troll.

Trundle jungle is hella good, the fuck you talkin bout.

Because not having uber hard CC and clear times means you’re bad now.

I recall when I started playing, Trundle was considered a fucking god of jungling.

She’s mostly the same. Better, certainly, but still fucking terrible. Good for trolling people who don’t buy pink wards, though.

As for Trungle jungle, he just isn’t as dramatic a pick as several other junglers. He’s not as much of a tank/support jungler as Maokai or Nautilus, and his carry potential isn’t as high as Nocturne. It’s harder for him to get oracles than many other junglers because he feels more item dependent, and that’s not so good.

Yo, feel free to add me to the active list of players guys. I posted in the old thread often enough and I’m happy to play with guys off here.


Hmm… they all look half - way decent to me, the Rapier in particular looks nice for mana heavy champions building into AD like Urgot. Might still want Manamune eventually anyway, but it could definitely be interesting, I can see it being useful laning on Graves as well.

Not sure about giving AP characters more access to armour though… bulky mid AP like Soraka / Morgana / Defensive Ahri is already a nightmare due to how much impact they have in team fights and how hard they are to focus.

Because when I looked up the new lolking charts for “least played champions” and “least successful champions” Trundle was top 10 on both. Kona and his shitty maokai buddy (no offense, but how can you initially claim that maokai’s peeling capabilities are enough and proceed to let 3 people chase graves while you’re busy dpsing down their Leona?) both argued that Trundle does suck and his ganks suck. I was a bit -_- from the game and didn’t retort. Now that I have nothing else to do atm, I figured I would do so.

Diana’s ganking potential isn’t that great. You have E for the pull and 2 second slow and try to blow up the squishies. Not really much since ganking is more of a coordinated effort. If the enemy team has a lot of squishies then you’ll probably snowball out of control.

Trundle’s ganks aren’t bad at all. He does not have the repositioning power of an Alistar or Lee Sin, but he still has pillar for helping the laners get on the gank. Guy is running into the bush? Throw pillar ahead. If you were to use a lot of the other junglers known for their great ganks, you risk getting juked hard and abandoning the gank altogether (ex/ Mundo cleaver, Lee Sin Q, Nocturne Q, Amumu Q, etc).

That’s what I’m assuming. However his clear time is only slow at the beginning, and even then not by much. Problem that I notice most people do when picking a jungler is that they assume there is no counterpicking. Sure, he gets his shit stolen by nunu, shyvs, and skarners, but that’s why you don’t use him against people known for stealing and running away (just like why you don’t pick a jungler who sucks at ganking if your team has been heavily counterpicked). You pick him against people who have similar clear times or against people who rely a lot on dueling the enemy jungler. Trundle with Q and W just make dueling him in the jungle such a terrible idea…god forbid if he has his ult as well.

I like him because of his crazy sustain, his camp/dragon stealing potential once he has wriggle’s, and how his pillar can really divide an enemy team if you get a fight in the jungle. I just dislike how he falls off late game, kind of like Lee Sin.

His R gives him tankiness while his Q reduces the enemy champ’s AD. Q also has a 1.2 AD ratio I believe. He can make a B-line for the carries with W and seal them in with pillar or he can protect the carry with his E and Q. A lot of champs are item dependent (I’d like to see a Nocturne, Shyv, Mundo, Skarner, etc go in a fight and not get blown up) but that’s why they get GP10s anyway.

EDIT: On another note, I haven’t played Nocturne in a long time. I love his R, sustain, and clear time, but holy hell does it feel like an uphill battle when nobody is tanky or capable of peeling carries. I don’t think I will ever stop bitching about that until people start realizing that team fights are not always everyone popping their Rs and running in to solo as many people as possible. Protect the damn carries >.<

Random, but I always thought the icon for Brutalizer looked like a bong

Yeah lots of champs are item dependent, but a lot of those champs are also a lot better late game than Trundle is, and less vulnerable to kiting, and with AoE damage instead of single target, and have better CC. As for protecting a carry, E is alright and Q could potentially make some difference, but he doesn’t have any hard CC. Really the carry protection he offers is using R on a tanky champ attacking a carry so they can kill them faster, which is alright unless they have good lockdown.

Trundle just doesn’t have that much utility, which means that if he gets behind at all he just doesn’t offer much. A lot of the more prevalent picks either have an easier time staying ahead or offer strong utility even if they fall a bit behind. He was good when those CLG poke comps were prevalent (and when his ult made doing dragon at level 6 by himself free), since wall was powerful in that context, but there’s a much bigger focus on hard engage most of the time. If you want to try a pokey comp with Trundle when we play, I’m always down for that.

As someone who plays AD carry a lot, peels yes please.

I see your reasons, but the reasons are more so that Trundle isn’t a god tier jungler as opposed to a good champion. Lee Sin, Udyr, Shyvana, Jarvan, etc can’t do much if they get behind but they’re all considered good picks.

For a poke comp, I was actually thinking Diana jungle, Kog’maw + Janna bot, Galio mid, and nidalee top. Think of all the low cooldown sieges we could do at turrets!!! Plus we would have plenty of peels with Janna+Galio+Diana

Added you and Fireiswet.

Let me get this straight about Rengar…if you have your 5 points of empower…use Qx2 at rank 5, you’re going to deal a total of 260 bonus damage, two basic attacks, 3.7xAD and get 150% attack speed? Wat…

Lee Sin and Jarvan have exponentially better ganks and Udyr and Shyvana have exponentially better farming and late game. They also have CC comparable, and in some situations better, to Trundle pillar. It’s also worth pointing out that none of those heroes are played nearly as much right now as they were just a few months ago, except for Jarvan who has always been a niche pick.

Trundle’s a pretty cool hero, and Trundle top especially I think deserves to be played more, but so much of his use is his pillar, and it’s hard to think of a situation where you wouldn’t want another jungler over him.

The problem with that poke comp is that you don’t have anything to deny areas to make poking more effective. And your only sustained damage is Kog, but if you were going to do a protect the Kog comp you wouldn’t want Nidalee top. I don’t generally like Galio mid, either, because he just makes mid a farm lane, and plenty of AP carries outscale him.

You could take Anivia instead of Galio, but then you wouldn’t have any tanky mans at all. Caitlyn is also better for poke comp than Kog’Maw in some ways because of trap, I think, although she does do less damage overall. There are lots of poke comps that could work, although Janna and Nidalee seem really important for most of them, but it’s overall the best place I can think of for Trundle.