The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

Now I won’t feel so bad when I miss all of my Q’s learning to jungle -_-

Lmao, Trolliest free week in a while. Adding to front page.

I impressed the Bat.

Maybe. I think if it were a bit cheaper it would be a more attractive tanky DPS item, but you can’t drop it too low or you’ll get Udyrs and shit buying it instead of Wit’s End and being total terrors. They would need to change the stats on it for it to feel worth it. It doesn’t give enough armor to make a difference for squishies compared to the movespeed they could be getting from PD, and for tankier champs you need other items to be tanky enough to survive long enough for the damage to be worth it.

I suppose they could give it crit or something, but then it would just become core, and it wouldn’t really promote build diversity. It would probably be better as an armor version of Wit’s End, but that would probably be too strong. % health damage is more of a burst/lane harass (J4, for example) stat than a sustained teamfight one. Consider Vayne: she has a % health true damage proc, but she still does like 90% physical damage. So, while DFG is super awesome, as an autoattacker, whether glass cannon AD carry or tankymans Udyr/Shyvana, you just have to be able to stay alive and keep punching things. You aren’t tied to cooldowns the same way.

Maybe if MBR did true damage it would be really godlike, although even then I’m not convinced it would be IE/PD/LW, but you don’t get magic pen as a carry, so the MBR will only do less damage as your build progresses, and if you go pure on-hit/void staff(which doesn’t give carries much even if they have MBR) your AP carries won’t be as effective because you’ll have all magic damage.


Best ganks come from coming at the guy from behind using E->E and saving Q for executes or after flashes. If you had to start a gank with Q, you better be doing it on an inc minion wave to ninja or after you have been discovered. Too many reasons why opening with Q max distance is bad.

On a carry? Still no. On someone like WW, Fiora, and maybe Renekton? Maybe.

Sneak peek, things we already now but adding to the front page anyways.

Been on a crazy losing streak. Guess it’s time to experiment some more with the diana jungling. This way, win or lose, I’ll still have fun learning.

I play Morgana when I want to end losing streaks :tup:

I do too but it doesn’t matter when you have a support renekton and a feeding teemo at bot.

Of course I play Darius again and I win…dude is so damn strong if you have a general idea of how to maneuver.

How are people building Darius lately, are you doing Frozen Mallet first?

well looks like the korean site had an error zyra is there instead of Shyvana

  1. Phage
  2. Boots
    Am I winning? Brutalizer
    Am I just farming vs? Philo
    Am I losing? Build boots into required defensive boot
    Need to roam? Get giant’s belt -> FM if needed
    Still farming? HoG if I’m going to be an off-tank otherwise build avarice blade->youmuu’s

Once everyone starts moving in groups I look to build Warmog’s and atma’s. GA is always good for more dunking.

If dominion, then I just go phage->boots->defensive items if bitches are focusing me->brutalizer->FM->GA. Rest is based on how the enemy team is building.

Building him is cake. Make him nice and durable with health and off-tank items like atma’s, randuin’s, FM. Avoid shit like BT, IE, BC like the plague. Even if you were going to be damage, I would still get Fratma’s, youmuu’s, and possibly trinity force. I still prefer building off-tank because let’s be honest, Darius is up there for “Champions that can be countered easily but you don’t want to deal with his shit during teamfights”.

Aaaaah snap, dat Warmonger Sion is back on sale. Will I break down and get it this time? We’ll find out. Might get Sej but she still needs something, as much as I enjoy using her in free week I just can’t justify the 6300 IP dump on her.

Never played Sej, and never plan to

i love when someone plays Sej when i play an ad carry, motherfuckers are not getting away, too good.

I fed a support Sej last week and stomped the trist.

The Sej carried so fucking hard 20 minutes later -_-


Also lol triple negatron on Galio. Heeerp.


“Maybe they had a 2 for one deal on the negatron cloaks and they throw in a null mantle for free”


Lol sej is pretty under powered… I know rioters were saying that they plan on buffing her some how but never mentioned anything else after that.

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