Oh. When I saw IGN, I immediately thought the popular gaming network :P.
In game name is CarbunkleFlux.
get me in on that TT ranked if it goes.
I meant added to the spreadhsheet.
So what’s the updated status on this thing? Is it going ahead?
-Getting the killing blow on minions (npcs) gives you gold. Being near dying minions that aren’t in the jungle splits exp with allies nearby.
-Killing turrets, dragon, baron (big one eyed penis monster) gives gold to every ally. Baron also gives every living ally a buff that can potentially decide the outcome of the match.
-You are buying actual items. Some items are meant to give you a nice bang for your buck early game like the doran’s series but they don’t become anything else. Other items are considered “mats” such as blasting wand because they give you stat increases but are a part of another series.
EX/ In the item shop, there is something called “Trinity Force” http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Trinity_Force . This item costs 4070g if you did not have ANYTHING that is listed there (phage, brawler’s glove, dagger, sheen, mana crystal, amplifying tome, long sword, health crystal, zeal). However if you had bought something like the phage (1315g) then the cost of getting trinity force would be 4070g - 1315g and your phage would be “consumed” upon purchase. If you have every pre-required item then the trinity force would cost you 300g and everything will be consumed.
By now I am guessing you’re thinking “But mog, what if I wanted to just pay the 4070 and keep my phage?” You don’t want to tbh since what usually happens when you purchase the next stage of the item you are building is that the next stage retains all features of the previous item(s) and may even have better stats (ex/ phage is a 25% chance to slow by 30% while trinity force is 25% to slow by 35%). Some items are an exception like items granting gold every 10 seconds (when you upgrade them you keep/upgrade the stats but lose the gold per 10 seconds). The hard part about building items is that different match-ups, at different stages of the game, at different pacings, and at different performances will dictate what is good/bad.
EX/ Alistar jungle is slow but he can gank (come in to force a 2v1, 3v2, etc in hopes of getting a kill or summoner spell to be used). If there are few lanes that are available for ganking, he should build a philosopher’s stone and heart of gold to keep up the gold generation while preparing a support item build. However, if he is ganking successfully, he will have more gold available. Therefore he wants to get offensive ganking items like boots of mobility and sheen to constantly keep up the pressure and force the enemy further behind on gold while keeping his allies further ahead. The farther the gap, the more likely it is you will win.
Since you are starting out, don’t worry yourself over optimal item builds, match-ups, counterjungling (or even jungling), etc. First, focus on last hitting minions, getting used to what the map looks like, what your field of vision is when you enter areas covered in the fog of war, objectives, champion spells, ya know beginner stuff. Once you get comfortable with all of that and are like level 15-20 then you’ll want to start figuring out proper warding areas, balancing your budget, cooperating with your teammates, and learning about the jungle (not necessarily HOW to jungle but what is in there and how the camps work). Try not to buy too many champions because you want to have enough IP to purchase runes which dictate how well you will play your roles at level 30. When you’re level 29, you will be playing with people who are still learning the game. Once you hit level 30, you are potentially playing with people who have been playing since the game was released.
Knuffles with the tutorial assist. :tup:
Because I know EXACTLY where he is coming from. I remember I was playing the game at first and was thinking these things with Leona due to WoW:
-Hmm, guess I can only get one shield (Aegis) since this is a shield bearer character, one piece of armor (Warmog’s), one sword (Infinity Edge), a boot (berzerker’s greaves because it was made of metal), a cloak (sunfire cape), and a necklace (regrowth pendant).
-Later I learned you could have more than one piece of armor and ran into the whole mat issue. “HMMMMM, Bloodthirster is only like 1500g! I’ll just sell this B.F. Sword since I have 1000g and grab it…wait why did the price go up? Is there inflation in this game?”
-I also thought there was no point in playing anything but AD carries since they did a lot of ranged damage so I just played support with Jeff initially.
NA Regional Qualifiers start in 2 and a half hours
Today is going to have Crs vs EVO, and TSM vs mMe
Hey thanks man, it cleared some things up, but still a bit fuzzy on the mats thing. If I’m understanding correct, the stats for mats stack together as opposed to just buying a single powerful item? Also do you save gold buy crafting a big item via gathering mats?
I also played WoW, I was a Mage main, but Ryze isn’t my cup of tea. Lol. You can add me on LoL my username is I Karried I, I = capital i’s.
They actually went with that hideous new DV Diana skin. Time to use that one refund.
Qualifiers for what? MLG Dallas? Link…
You don’t save gold whatsoever.
As for an explanation of how the items go, here’s a simple example.
There is an item called Hextech Revolver. To create this item, you need two amplifying tomes, plus an additional gold cost of 330. You can also choose to just buy the item right away if you already have 1200 gold. There is no difference in cost, but assuming you haven’t stayed in lane until reaching 1200 gold in one go, it’s obviously better to have the two amplifying tomes on you since gold itself doesn’t actually mean anything until you spend it.
Now then, amplifying tomes by themselves each give 20 ability power. So two of them gives you 40. The hextech revolver itself is also 40 ability power, however it gives an extra stat called Spellvamp, that two amplifying tomes themselves didn’t give you. You essentially pay 330 gold to combine the two items into one, with an added stat.
No, qualifiers for the Riot World Tournament. It’s going to be here http://tournaments.leagueoflegends.com/s2-na-regionals
The mats stats add up and become the stats of the more powerful item with a few added bonuses. No, you do not save gold buying a larger or smaller item first, it all comes out to the same price in the end.
Edit: Beat by Tweleve.
Ah, so having the mats for an item you want is so you don’t have to go back to the shop keeper right? If you have the mats you can just make it some where on the map?
Also why am I re-downloading updates again? I just installed the whole game yesterday…
No you always have to buy stuff at the shop. The point of having the items is just because the items will still make you stronger during the game. For example, if you try to stay in lane while saving up for a really expensive item, and your lane opponent goes back to the shop to buy the lower cost items that eventually build into the same item you want, he’s going to roflstomp you in lane because he has extra stats that you don’t. I think the best way to understand them is to not refer to them as materials, because typically in games, materials are actually useless themselves. Everything is an item, it’s just that items can be upgraded into better items.
If you have enough gold to buy everything at once, you can buy the item without buying the mats. If you don’t have enough to buy it all at once, you can buy lower level items that you can later combine into the higher level item. Combining items doesn’t exactly stack the stats of all the items together, there’s usually small buffs to the stats of the lower level items and new functionality is often introduced. Example: a void staff is built out of a blasting wand (+40 AP) and an amplifying tome (+20 AP) and grants +70 AP and 40% magic penetration.
There’s not really any way to save gold, the prices listed for the big items include the cost of all the lower level items plus the cost to combine them into the high level item. All gold in the game is earned either over time, by killing creeps and/or players, objectives (dragon, baron, towers), or getting assists on player kills. The only way to get items is by trading gold in the shop.
Edit: Sniped. Twice.
They don’t really stack in a WoW sense. The easiest example I can think of is the sheen -> trinity force. Sheen has a property where after you use an ability, your next attack does bonus damage equivalent to your total AD. When you take sheen, and all the mats, to create a new item: trinity force, you still retain everything but things just get tweaked up a tiny bit as a result. So instead of having the original sheen proc, you have a trinity force proc (although the buff bar still says sheen) that does 150% instead of 100%. The final product is the sum of all the “mats” + additional bonuses.
You don’t save gold, it’s all a summation. If you were to pay for trinity force in one fell swoop, buy only phage then save up, or buy everything individually, you are still spending 4070g total. People buy the “mats” first because they don’t have the gold for the entire thing or they mainly want one thing first to give them a better laning phase and will purchase the final thing in the end.
There are probably 3 types of mages in the game (someone else correct me if I’m wrong)
Nukers, like Annie, Brand, Leblanc, don’t usually contribute much besides nuking people really quickly and hoping that they die. Annie and Brand do have stuns, but Annie suffers from a lack of range without flash and Brand requires a skillshot. They’re nice for killing things, but if you don’t have enough peels, chances are you’ll have an olaf, mundo, shyvana, warwick, or others make a b line for you and you will die.
Utility people, like Galio, Morgana, and Lulu, aren’t necessarily heavy ass nukers but they provide a lot of CC and/or support. You’ll be able to setup kills and kill things early, but later in the game you’ll have to rely heavily on your teammates.
The mixed mages are probably the most played because they are awesome. Ryze can nuke early but until the game stalls out he won’t be able to 1v5 (although he does late game). Cassiopeia has an AOE CC and nuking capability but she suffers from no peels. Zyra has EVERYTHING. Diana is a nuking assassin but she can be tanky as hell with her W and consistent farm. Anivia has a lot of cool ass utility but I believe she is up there for the most squishy champion in the game. Ahri has great mobility, a fucking taunt, and good damage (not a Cassiopeia, Brand, Anivia but enough).
Me personally, I prefer Morgana because she can carry team fights (stops enemy CC, can catch people, and sets up teamfights), Cassiopeia (does well laning and contributes a ton of damage for teamfights), and Zyra (because she’s fucking zyra…and she’s butt naked).
^Morgana is prob my best champ for tryhard carrying too
Sad but true, I can hit the most obnoxious Dark Bindings, but I can’t Ahri Charm to save my life
Hmm, what’s laning? Those cleared out paths in the map…so you just take a route and go there with mats so you can have good stats in the beginning since you don’t have the required gold right off the bat…
There’s three lanes on the normal map: top, mid, and bot. The jungle is the area between the lanes. Laning is what you do while you’re in one of the lanes; typically kill minions/enemies and try not to die. Eventually, you will “push” your lane to knock down the enemy tower. Then the laning phase is mostly over for you and teamfights tend to start breaking out.