Kat can play top lane now as well huh?
For those who haven’t seen the video but keep hearing about this meme…
rofl, this is so good.
Our AD carry didnt buy an item when the round started, and bought her first item, bf sword, 25 minutes in. She got two kills and died 27 times.
Next game 3 people went mid and I left.
Fuck this piece of shit game.
You probably should learn to carry or not play with retards.
Get some friends. Reddit supplies lots of people to play with.
This advice does not pertain to League of Legends, even when playing with friends. Please disregard.
3v3’s no, I’ve actually never lost a 3v3 where I knew both of my teammates
But 5v5 yeah, even your best teammates can just go full retard sometimes
That’s the way team game in general work though, someone can always slip up, gotta play with consistent people who understand how the mechanics work
Everyone is bound to have bad games here and there (anyone who says they doesn’t is a lying piece of shit, I don’t care if you’re 9000 ELO)
I just see better consistent teamwork in 3v3’s because of the size of the map, and that there isn’t much of a “laning phase”, but more teamwork from the start
I feel your pain bro.
On a side note I have yet to see a Jayce win top lane or even do a considerable amount of damage in team fights. Something is off with him, I just cant put my finger on it. He needs something.
On the asian servers Jayce is raid boss mode, killing absolutely everyone
Tried Lee Sin again with a different build on BR servers today. Triforce is really ridic on him, gotta do it more often but it’s SO expensive for jungle : /. Maybe 10 years from now I will be able to play this character.
When you get hella fed grab it Otherwise go them standards.
I’m raping and pillaging the low ELO again tonight, up to 1010.
Can I get added to the list?..
I’m TigerYamatoGX on the game…
pantheon lux bot, thei rash didn’t break double digit last hits till after double digit time.
Eh, The thing is with Lee I have never been able to do well enough to reach the point you need. Like with Olaf or Xin if you get a brutalizer + wriggles ahead of schedule you just do so much damage, but with Lee it just doesn’t feel the same. I really need to lab him out and try him out more in matchups were I can invade really aggressively.
Pocket wards with lee = win games
0/3/30 Taric last game, just bought him. Dis nigga destroys low elo.
Yo. Everyone has seen the Rengar video by now right?
Holy f****
I honestly don’t know what they’re smoking at Riot HQ but that’s one of the most broken passives I have ever seen, unless his damage output is absolutely ass, that guy is going to be so fucking annoying it’s not funny.
I spectated two games of jayce one was 5-0 and 8-0 with no help top in laning phase vs Leesin and nidalee. Gate -ball -hammer switch -dunk and smack away
I would think most bruisers would just outright shit on her. Her early game is so awful now.