The Knuckleduster

Hello everyone,

I’ve been very curious about this combo for some time. I’ve seen videos of it but I’ve never been able to execute it.

Here is a quick vid of the combo-


Could someone please explain the commands for it, and exactly how and why it works? Also, what versions does it appear in and if it is especially useful in certain situations.

Would it also be possible to cancel the st. RH into an HK?

In the TZW Chapter 1 - Ryu video, at :24 it shows the st. RH bieng canceled into the Super, so it seems possible that perhaps any special or super could be used?

Thank you.

I dont use ken however i can answer to the second question you cannot cancel the s.RH, however u can cancel the c.RH.
From that video it seem a canceled s.RH and is quite strange.

The version is SFIITurbo. The command is st.RH+f, d, d/f+Jab [cancel the RH into DP at right distance so you don’t get close RH version]. Just do the command fast as you can. It will take some practice, I did on AE (in Turbo mode) with no problems. I performed it on Guile and Gief to see if character opp. made a difference (the combo worked on both).

Page 7 of YBH shows that a st.RH (far not close) is SC (super cancelable) and special cancelable for RYU not KEN. I performed this on turbo 3 against Guile after several tries. The command is d, d/f, f+RH, d, d/f, f+P (RH must be a little past sweep so that you don’t get close version of RH). This is much more difficult timing wise than SFIIT combo.

I have the YBH and in my version about ken there isnt the icon of normal or SC cancel for s.RH but only for c.RH, even if as you was saying, is possible, as shown on page 7, for Ryu not near s. RH.
However from the video that look like really as a cancel so there is a errata corrige that i dont have? Or maybe is possible the cancel only for sf ii turbo and not possible in the ST version?


Denki you are correct thanks for letting me know. I got way ahead of myself and was thinking of Ryu instead of Ken. I’ll correct it.
I don’t know where to find any of the TZW videos which is why I didn’t answer the question correctly (I assumed it was RYU because the video is Chapter 1 - Ryu)

Ah, ok,however that video is quite strange, really looks like a cancel and theorically is impossible in ST for Ken s.RH. Maybe is not ST ma simply SF2T? Or maybe just super?

Thanks for the replies Denki and ShinVega.

The TZW vid may be found at Combo Videos-

It shows Ryu canceling a far st. RH into Super. Sorry for the confusion.

I did some testing on AE (for what it’s worth), and did finally get the knuckleduster to work with Ken on Hyper Fighting. It seems to be harder than a normal cancel, maybe you have to be at exactly the right distance, not too close or far? I also got the far st. RH to cancel into an FB and HK as well.

I couldn’t get Ryu to do it on ST though. I’d like to see a far st. RH into Flaming FB!

so you got the cancel for ken in ST and not for you? I am correct?

It sounds strange because the YBH says the opposite: you can do that with ryu but not with ken…

This is one of those combos that’s very space specific and easier to get to work on the wider characters. Only the first hitting frame of the far standing roundhouse is cancellable (the frame where Ryu or Ken’s leg is stuck out and it looks like he’s hitting with his heel…before his leg swings around to the front of his body). The easiest way I’ve found to get that spacing is to link into it from either a crouching jab or a crouching strong and the person I remember practicing it on most consistently is Fei Long.

By the way, yes, you can do far stand roundhouse XX fierce Hien-Hadouken and it’s definitely one of the jerkier combos I’ve ever seen…but it sure does do nice damage. :slight_smile:

Denki, I meant I got it the cancel to work for Ken on AE, using his Hyper Fighting version. I haven’t been able to do it on ST.

FreshOJ - Thank you, that’s the info I was looking for.

You won’t be able to do the combo with Ken in ST b/c it’s not cancelable (like denki said). I hope the motion I gave you was enough to do the cancel for Ryu (I hope I didn’t confuse you by my second post).

ShinVega, the command you gave for the Ryu super cancel was spot-on and I appreciate it. I figured it wasn’t possible with ST Ken since his RH is different, but I was mainly looking for info on the CPS1 Shotos.

Thanks again everyone.

So Old Ken can’t do that combo in ST? Interesting…not that it has a huge impact on his game or anything. :slight_smile:

Yes, but however Ken in ST can make the cancel of the c.RH.

If a Hadouken will actually juggle after a crouch roundhouse, then I’d link into that combo all day long. Otherwise, that’s a pushback combo he’s had since World Warrior.

So…has anyone tested interrupting the very first hitting frame of far standing roundhouse with Old Ken and know that it works for certain? I would guess that it would work for him.

Yes in ST Ken c.RH can be canceled, this is written in YBH even if i was never interessed in that and did not tested.

O.Ken and O.Ryu can cancel S.RH into anything in ST the distance is specific, try this :

On Fielong :

Crossup Roundhouse-Crouching Strong-Standing Roundhouse-Hien Hadoken (4 hit - dizzy)

with Ken it works but it’s not very practical.

N.Ryu can’t do that combo even thou his S.Rh can be canceled it seem the 1st hitbox that can be canceled hits differently than his old version (a little higher…)

I tried the cancel with Akuma and it works very well. It seems to be much easier to do with him than anyone else, though I couldn’t get it to combo with any of his specials.