The King of Fighters Saga Tournament Steam

You’re invited to the sagas fighting tournament… Burn to Fight!

The King of Fighters is part of the legacy of the Match Sagas, where the player defies its opponents in all the games of a series. The great champion will be that one that to win all its opponents in all the Sagas of the match.

The match consists of compelling the players to participate of all the phases of the match to become the great champion. The match possesss a total of 4 (four) games (Sagas) main to be played; KoF98UMFE (Orochi), KoF2002UM (Nests), KoFXIII (Ash) and KoFXIV (Shun’Ei).

Steam Platform
Beginning: 30/06/2018 - Ends: 13-14/10/2018

1st Place: $1000 dollars deposited in checking/current account.
2nd Place: Official prizes of the SNK.
3rd Place: Official prizes of the SNK.

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