I want to try and change King into a science exploring every option and counter, focusing less upon the theory behind the character.
Frame Data
Standing Attacks
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
st.LP High 30 5 2 9 +6 +2 S,EX,SA,CA -
st.MP High 60 6 3 17 +1 -3 S,EX,SA,CA -
st.HP High 90 15 2 21 +2 -3 - -
st.LK Low 30 6 3 11 +3 -1 - -
st.MK High 60 8 3 15 +3 -1 - -
st.HK High 90 12 4 25 -4 -9 - Airborne frames 5-22
Close Standing Attacks
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
cl.LP High 30 4 3 10 +4 0 S,EX,SA,CA -
cl.MP High 60 6 4 14 +5 -1 S,EX,SA,CA Forces standing on hit
cl.HP High 90 8 5 23 -3 -8 S,EX,SA,CA -
cl.LK High 30 5 3 10 +4 0 - -
cl.MK High 60 7 3 18 0 -4 S,EX,SA,CA -
cl.HK High 90 7 3 20 +2 -3 - -
Crouching Attacks
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
cr.LP High 30 4 2 8 +7 +3 S,EX,SA,CA -
cr.MP High 60 6 3 16 +2 -2 S,EX,SA,CA -
cr.HP High 90 8 4 25 -3 -9 S,EX,SA,CA Forces standing on hit
cr.LK Low 30 6 3 11 +3 -1 S,EX,SA,CA -
cr.MK Low 60 8 3 18 0 -4 S,EX,SA,CA -
cr.HK Low 90 12 3 31 Sweep KD -14 - Airborne frames 6-16
Neutral Jumping Attacks
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
nj.LP Mid 40 4 6 - +12 +4 - -
nj.MP Mid 70 6 4 - +16 +5 - -
nj.HP Mid 100 7 4 - +20 +8 - -
nj.LK Mid 40 5 9 - +12 +4 - -
nj.MK Mid 70 7 10 - +16 +5 - -
nj.HK Mid 100 7 2 - +20 +8 - -
Diagonal Jumping Attacks
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
j.LP Mid 40 5 7 - +12 +4 - -
j.MP Mid 70 6 14 - +16 +5 - -
j.HP Mid 100 8 8 - +20 +8 - -
j.LK Mid 40 5 7 - +12 +4 - -
j.MK Mid 70 6 4 - +16 +5 - -
j.HK Mid 100 7 12 - +20 +8 - -
Unique Attacks & misc
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
u/f+MK High 80 10 2 19 Floats -4 - Airborne frames 1-15
B+MK High 90 15 2 21 -1 -6 - Crumples on CH; KD on airborne foes
F+LK+MP High 110 22 3 25 Hard KD -6 - Armor frames 1-24; wall bounce on CH
F+LP+MK Unbl. 110 50 8 64 Hard KD - - Airborne frames 39-57
Launcher High 100 13 2 54 Switch -34 - Low-invincible
Alpha Counter High 120 10 3 25 Hard KD -6 - Full-body invincible frames 1-13
Target Combos
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
F+MP High 60 4 2 15 +4 +1 - KD on airborne foes
F+MP,MP High 60 6 2 16 +3 0 - KD on airborne foes
F+MP,MP,MP Mid 80 12 2 22 +9 -4 - Ground bounce on CH; KD on airborne foes
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery
F/N+LP+LK Throw 130 7 2 20
B+LP+LK Throw 130 7 2 20
Special moves
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
F+PP Counter 170 - - 53 Hard KD - - Counters air attacks frames 1-17
F+KK Counter 170 - - 53 Hard KD - - Counters high and Mid standing attacks frames 1-17
DP+LP Air Throw 150 12 2 27 Hard KD - - -
DP+MP Air Throw 160 14 2 31 Hard KD - - -
DP+HP Air Throw 170 16 2 39 Hard KD - - -
DP+PP Air Throw 200 13 2 24 Hard KD - - Upper-body strike invincible frames 1-14
DP+LK High 50 12 3 16 +3 -2 - Input K within 15 frames of hit to perform DDT
DP+MK High 60 14 3 20 -1 -6 - Input K within 15 frames of hit to perform DDT
DP+HK High 70 16 3 23 -4 -9 - Input K within 15 frames of hit to perform DDT
DP+KK High 100 11 3 11 +12 +3 - Input K within 15 frames of hit to perform DDT
DDT - 90 - - - Hard KD - - -
HCF+LP Hi Throw 250 18 2 33 Hard KD - - -
HCF+MP Hi Throw 230 18 2 39 Hard KD - - -
HCF+HP Hi Throw 210 18 2 39 Hard KD - - -
HCF+PP Hi Throw 230 19 2 32 Hard KD - - Full-body strike invincible frames 1-20
HCF+LK Lo Throw 200 18 2 24 Hard KD - - -
HCF+MK Lo Throw 180 18 2 27 Hard KD - - -
HCF+HK Lo Throw 170 18 2 30 Hard KD - - -
HCF+KK Lo Throw 180 19 2 23 Hard KD - - Full-body strike invincible frames 1-20
QCB+P High 20,110 17 5 23 Hard KD -11 - Super charge (51 frames for EX, 100 frames for SA)
QCB+PP High 20,50,100 13 5 23 Hard KD -11 - Super charge (51 frames for SA), full-body invincible frames 3-12
Jaguar Step
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Cancelable Notes
KK - - - - 33 - - - Full-body invincible frames 7-23; follow-up inputs taken frames 8-27; followup performed on frame 28
KK->LP High 70 15 3 23 +7 -9 - Full-body invincible frames 1-8
KK->MP Mid 80 24 3 24 Gr.Bounce -10 - Full-body invincible frames 1-10; airborne frames 1-26
KK->K Low 140 24 3 25 Hard KD -11 - Full-body invincible frames 1-10
Super Art/Cross Art:
Move Type Dmg Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Notes
QCB+PPP High 20,90,90,100 12/26 5 22 Hard KD -10 Full body invincible on frame 1; up to 14 frames of running during startup; full-body invincible frames 1-10 of close proximity strike
-> QCB+P - 138 - - - Hard KD - Replaces last hit of Super Art
QCF+MP+MK High 100 9 2 31 Switch -10 Full-body invincible frames 1-9
Most of these can be started off a jumping attack but that adds too many vairables to the combos due to distance and how deep you hit the jumping attack so i’m not going to cover jumping attacks at the start of combos. Also I’ve tried to keep the meter usage practical, like not spending 2 extra bars for 50 extra damage.
Hit Confirms
Most Damage
Combos from Unique Attacks
Air-to-Air (Counter-Hit)
From Launch
Next, frametraps & mixups.
If i’ve got anything wrong please correct me.