The Julia Chang Thread

I’m just starting to play her, with raven. She is interesting. Not sure if i’ll stick with her not not though.

I need her frame date so bad. I was palying a friend yesterday,I couldn’t press a button when ibuki or akuma was in my face. I kept on getting blown up.

Raw launchers are low and mid invincible.

sux her windroll cancels are nowhere near as good and viable in this game as it is in tekken which is crucial for her offense and mind games. here it can be poked out and interrupted by damn near everything. you pretty much have to play keep away with her in this game which is the complete opposite of the rushdown/mix up style she plays in tekken, it doesn;'t help that her two overheads are crap. swift step+hp can be seen coming from a mile away with how slow it is and interrupted easily and as i mentioned before her lp,lp,mp that ends in a overhead can easily be interrupted after the first lp is blocked. overall shes decent at best in this game but im still gonna stick with her. still need to find a good partner to team her with though. who are u guys using?

On wat moves the important ones i dont want to be typing all day XD

I was interested in posting the frame data from the brady games guide for everyone, whos interested?

Desk showed some pretty interesting stuff (at least it was to me) in his latest video using Ken & Julia (at around the 0:37 mark). I have no idea how practical that type of combo is and don’t have the time to test it right now, but 1 rep of it might be useful for setting up Julia’s offense


[S]Don’t forget her foward + hp overhead. It can link into a crouching attack for a combo. Not much range but comes out pretty fast. Also has a ground bounce on airborn opponents[/S]. But yeah, I agree that there’s no way an experienced player wouldn’t be able to avoid, punish, or block her swift step hp. I think her lp, lp, mp is more of a frame trap style move. A lot of tekken cast have strings that purposely don’t combo for some reason.

edit: Sorry, crossed out the stupid part where I thought fwd hp was overhead. Really surprised its not.

As far as mix ups, do you guys pressure your opponent and then use hcf+k for mixup games? I’m not sure how to play Julia I’ve barely seen one Julia in 1/50 matches online

I just saw the LPN video, nice tutorial also does anyone use b+mp,mp? Was wondering what you can juggle with after besides her super art

My training dummy seems to be stuffing all the raw launchers I try to mash out, so it doesn’t look like they receive instant low invincibility.

(Most?) backdashes seem to be the easy way out though, but if they rolled forward and you LK spin-stepped, they’re probably going to forward dash right into you.

This isn’t a safe jump or anything, so of course I’m looking at supers, low-counters, DP’s and other start-up invincible moves beating out the d+MK. Characters like Guile and Chun who require a down-charge (or a 3-bar team super) to reversal out can only really threaten with this if they don’t roll forward. So, any time you see someone like that sit in place, bait and punish off the empty HCF+LP/HK if you think a charged reversal is coming.

Another disappointment is that only the really wide-hurtbox characters have to worry about the meaty d+MK off of the HCF+HK spin step. Since the spin step completes faster than the hop step and doesn’t travel quite as far, you’ve got to delay the d+MK by walking for a split second towards where you knocked your opponent down. On wide characters this is fine, because you don’t need to walk very far forward and you’ll still have time for the meaty d+MK. On skinny characters though, you have to walk too far to get back in range, so the d+MK would cease to be a meaty or wiff. Might as well go back to mid-range footsies at this point. shrug

I suppose you’ve got to concede that the opponent got out for free if you HCF+P’ed forward and they rolled (they low-block or backdash), or if you spin-stepped and they didn’t roll (low-block, backdash or even do nothing if you HCF+LK’ed). At least what the opponent does not have is the option of delaying the roll to react to whether you spin-stepped or hop-dashed.

At the very least, it’s something a little less readable than jumping backwards against rolls to keep your pressure on like I’m seeing most characters resort to.

Thanks in advance. I can consistently aa ppl out the air when they jump from a distance, but once they go ffor a cross up I want tojump back and contest with them.
I want to know what her fastest normal is on the ground
And her best poke that will cover in time if an opponent jumps in at you while sticking it out

I AM!!!

Mid screen all you can get is low lk in the corner you can get low hp though.

:lp: start up 5
active 4
recovery 8
adv on hit +5
adv on block +1

:lk: start up 5
active 2
recovery 9
adv on hit +6
adv on block +2

cr.:lp: start up 4
active 4
recovery 6
adv on hit +7
adv on block +3

cr.:mp: start up 5
active 4
recovery 15
adv on hit +2
adv on block -2

cr.:lk: start up 5
active 4
recovery 10
adv on hit +3
adv on block -1

almost everyone have 4frames pre-jump except Kuma, Hugo,and Gief 7 for them
did you want that poke to hit or just stick out there on jump-in?

So the cmk to 1/2 circle mp os is awesome.

Sorry, I phrased that poorly, raw launchers beat low and mid attacks, I can check frame data later to see what the deal is but they probably have startup that isn’t inv.

Also lol BP Amoco, you just described 75% of my wins from session two nights ago.

I just found out something extremely useful for Julia! She’s one of the few characters (maybe even the only one) who can safely dp and switch! I think this is absolutely huge!.

You can only do it with her mk and hk versions because they hit twice. The two hits put the opponent in a lot of blockstun, to the point where a 3 frame dp can be blocked by your next character.

This allows for easy safe switches when you’re in a pinch. In fact, I think you’re at a slight frame advantage on the switch. While testing, the best I can do is get counter hit in the middle of a crouch jab when I try to punish the switch.

This also allows for safe deadly pressure provided you have a bar to switch and are willing to use your next character. If the dp hits, it launches the opponent giving your next character plenty of time to do some highly damaging stuff. If it’s blocked, your next character goes in safely and can possibly continue the pressure. The only thing you’re opponent can do is reversal dp, but that’s risky on their part if you block. It’s actually very similar in strategy to how dp focus cancels work in SF4!

Two important notes:

Julia’s mk dp has strike invulnerability from frames 1-6. It starts up in 7 frames. Use this dp in a defensive situation when your opponent is up close pressuring you and you want to get out since it has some invulnerability on it. Or you can set up a frame trap and use it to counter hit.

Julia’s hk dp has no invulnerability but does more damage. Cancel it from a normal or one of her strings. Some of her strings end in a cancellable low which can catch an opponent offguard.

Important Makes sure you’re close enough to where the two hits can connect. If only one hit connects on block, this move is unsafe. I think her mk dp has less range than her hk one also.

Alright thanks. What do you think is her best air to air move. also can I have the framne data for her st:mk: and cr:mk: thank you copy of brady games julia frame data.

I discovered something pretty awesome. Julia can sort of kara cancel her forward dash into her party crasher giving it much better range.

Thanks for the info, but as someone stated before her dp is indeed throwable, so throwing it out on wake up when you opponent knows this is still plenty risky.

Interesting stuff. I was messing around with the scenario in training mode and if you think that after the QCB+p that your opponent will wake up with a DP then you can do the HCF+lp and immediately jump forward to make the dp whiff. Sorry if you knew this already.