The JP official guidebook

Man, I’ve been looking for months for this thing. I found a few on amazon/jp but they won’t ship to the US. Does anyone know of any sites that still carry it and can send to the US? lists it for sale, but they actually don’t have any. Any help is greatly appriciated. Thanks.

a few suggestions

try posting in the trading forum and just list yourself as “want to buy” cvs2 guide.

find friend/relative in japan who can get their hands on it.

find an ebay seller who specializes in guides, contact them for request.

I’m working on the E-bay idea right now.
I’ve messaged play-asia as well, to see if they can get me one (they’ve done nice things for me before).
But thanks for the trading forum suggestion, I’m new to this site.

Thanks for your help.

No problem.

I’d like to pick up another copy for myself.

Let me know if you have some luck.

EDIT: nvm, I misread.

EDIT2: I have a friend in Japan right now, so I just sent her a message to look out for a couple of those books so I’ll let you know if she finds them.

Thank you very much dragun. I’m getting a friend to look for one as well, but he’s not very dependable.

In better news, I found a place that might have a dedicated arcade cab of CvS2 for not too much. I’ll hear from them tommorow.

don’t forget to thank tetsuye00.

I have the cvs2 frame guide scanned. I will see if I can upload it to the SRK Upload site. Its like 466 meg.

EDIT: Im uploading now it should be done by 8:20pm EST