I’m finally playing the game seriously, after watching all of the anime, and starting to re-read the manga.
What is the difference btwn regular Jojo’s BA vs Jojo’s BA: HFTF apart from more characters?
Does anyone have a good but detailed beginner FAQ? I checked GameFaqs, but it’s just a movelist.
Thanks in advance
July 25, 2007, 10:15pm
I read through this entire thread and was wondering why everyone thinks that petshop is so low. I mean there is a reason why he was banned from tournament play. Petshop is beyond broken in this game.
Seriously. He’s impossible to combo and he can do a full 100% damage combo.
the game is on kaillera btw.
and how do i stop time with dio?
C, A, :r:, A, S.
I guess…
and you need ALL 10 bars
To actually activate you only need 3. However, the more bars you have the longer it stays on.
Oh, for some strange reason it wouldnt work until I had all 10 bars.
oooohhh Like a cps1 chain… crazyness. I wondered why I could never do that shit. Go Go Mariah Players with her sexy sexy unblockables.
September 3, 2007, 9:16pm
September 19, 2007, 10:13pm
Damn. I need a transcript for that kakyoin shit. Also, you’ve linked New kakyoin by mistake next to kakyoin’s name.
heres my 1st match video:encore::encore:
Not bad, but the DIO player needs some training.
yeah theres more vids to come. theres some good players out there ppl need to give this game a chance
we should plan a side tourney for this at FRXI… adam im lookin your way on this
October 5, 2007, 1:32am
How the hell is Mariah so low on all those tier lists? She seems to have a lot of tools for zoning/wake-up games.
If I can add my two cents in here. I use Chaca as well. And well his A1, A1, A2, A3. A2 is a five launcher and its also possible to use his qcf AA(stand must be on for this whole combo to work). It does decent damage. And I also figure you can do his DP A1( or A2 or A3) to keep the opponent in the air for a while before going for the super.
October 10, 2007, 2:47am
Hey if anyone’s interested, here’s a translated ranking chart/tier list from the Nakokisami site.
October 10, 2007, 10:11am
Hmm Ice or Devo don’t seem to be top despite their deadly combos…but Kakyoin? Man I can NEVER know how to use him, how’s he Top Tier?