Why Jetay runs this shit…
-This dude has the same name as my youngest sister.
-He has draw games with niggas on GGPO with Blanka in Super Turbo.
-He can beat people that play Marvel all the time with Team Scrub. Quite impressive!
-He created a move called the NIGGAPLEX.
-In reference to my infamous match versus Kenny said “I thought the video kept rewinding,” during my crossup spree.
-Is an avid Utada and Crystal Kay fan. That goes a long way in my book.
-He once started a 3S match against me with Ken’s super. As it hit, he said, “yeah I’m random.”
-Is a fan of the Detroit Lions. That takes extreme dedication. And I thought I knew pain growing up as a Seahawks fan, NOOOOOOOOO!
-For all intents and purposes, created the word “NEGROLOGY” during a flame war.
-Seems to think Asian women are these creatures that have the chest and ass of a seven year old boy.
-Is a Lil Wayne fan. I’m thinking this isn’t something that warrants props in any fashion.
-One of the main perpetrators behind the “Mandel looks like Mos Def” nonsense. He actually may have been the first person to say that.
Now I’m sure 100% of the people who read this thread are wondering why it was created. Well this was created because Jetay and I had a bet which started like summer of 08 that I wouldn’t get a girlfriend before January 1st. Lo and behold, he was right! I couldn’t do it sadly, I couldn’t clutch out some pee pee wet action before New Years Day. The original stipulations were so dope that we couldn’t actually go through with it as well, it was too raw for television. We had to revise them a couple times, so we settled for hype threads, anti-climatic I know =/. I heard some unsettling news last night which kinda breaks my heart cause I guess I had a chance to win, fuggg! Pisses me off actually hahah. Good shit Jetay!