The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

You know, after seeing all of her brothers wielding some weapon based on the sea I’m surprised they didn’t picture or mention the giant anchor Ruby swings around.

My reaction to Ruby Heart being canon to Street Fighter

Shadaloo aircraft

Amingo, Sonson, Red Arremer (All Gosth n Goblins series), Tessa (Red Earth serie)… they are not compatible with SF,
I prefer that they share the universe with Darkstalkers.

my reaction was more like… “no way Jose”

Christ…so fucking dumb. That’s obviously Ruby Heart, and Ruby Heart should not be in fucking Street Fighter! Changing her backstory around doesn’t do anything. Pretty sure Norwegian firsherwomen don’t dress like goddamn pirates.

Anyway, I remember they announced that Ruby Heart mobile game a couple years ago that still hasn’t come out. I wonder if all these reimagined Higemaru characters are actually from that.

Linn is stuck in legal limbo so I doubt we’re going to get her.

I can see Devilot working as an NPC. Being a self proclaimed rival to Karin and the Kanzuki family. I can only see Capcom adding her if they want to fill the rich bitch void since Karin grew out of that.

Well, according to Nakayama they’re not the “same” person

You’re right. Sorry everyone :s

is this Vtol?

Were getting homage and tribute like an ultimate verse or 2.0… Is that the same with Sakura RS and Sakura SF.

Shiba, Simone, Momotaru and Ruby Heart in their SF verse or 2.0.

It’s sensible this wouldn’t be the same Ruby Heart from MvC2. Being able to summon ghosts would be too much for SF.

Ruby!? You know what, I’m okay with this

It’s the VTOL from the Shadaloo airbase stage in SFV. Also, I’m assuming this Ruby is the SF universe counterpart to “Ruby Heart” who was intended to be a DS character but never made it into the series. So yea I guess kinda the same thing as Sakura RS and Sakura SF. Honestly this would explain off why all of those Darkstalker characters are in Ken’s A2 stage. They’re not just cameos, but the SF universe counterparts of the Darkstalkers characters.

I thought that stage was supposed to be a costume party

Lol, it was Ruby Heart. It looks like now I’ve got to tag several posts as insightful from last page.

I read somewhere in sf wiki that P two in final fight is a tribute to from forgoten worlds… that might be like were getting today… Duno if that P two is from FF is the same with SFA2 cameo…

We need Ruby for Season 2 Capcom plz.

She’s blonde so that instantly gives her a 50/50 chance.

It’s funny because Ruby is canon but never appeared in a SF game and Ingrid is the opposite. LMAO

That was just speculation from the old Warriors Fate thread

Most of the guests are in formal attire so it’s not a costume party. Plus AAC doesn’t mention anything about costumes at Eliza’s party, and that the guests that do appear like Lord Raptor or Morrigan are actually those characters and not party guest cosplaying as them.

@Miðgarðsorm if you mind translation the top of this page concerning Lord Raptor in SFA2 I’d appreciate it.