The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

His fighting stance in SFV makes him look very unnatural and clumsy with his forward knee being bent backwards, though.

(spoilered for pictures, not for spoilers)


This is partly due to the depth of the 3D view and he looks better when he is in the middle of the screen, but imo they fucked up with that stance in SFV. Rotating the knee a bit forward would have made a great difference.

[quote=“Daemos, post:8148, topic:177027”]

At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if Karin develops some anti Psycho Power tech her grandpa created a hundred years ago to counter Bison in story mode. There’s nothing she can’t do now.

We need F.A.N.G. to put Karin in her place like he does here:

“Ugly Kanzuki brat! Now you can’t run that little mouth of yours again!”

Juni, Juli, and Decapre have been covered separately with the Dolls before this whole thing started. Gill and Twelve may not appear because they’re pretty deep into the Secret Society. The big ones I’m waiting on are Sakura and Hakan.

Actually, I would like to note some odd details from Ibuki’s story mode:
-She DEFINITELY met Sakura during SF4. If you had any doubt about Sakura for Season 2

-That picture of Ibuki with the suit dudes 
 Is that her type? Man, she’s going to wet herself when Urien comes out.
-Some odd cameos when Ibuki’s thinking about people. You see the Masters Family, Chun/Guile, and 
 Hakan/Honda? Those two again?
-The picture of “creepy” Dhalsim, FANG, and Necalli is hilarious

I do miss my A3 Karin, from personality to moveset.

I miss high school queen bitch Karin too. This Bruce Wayne Mary Sue friends with everyone Karin is annoying af.

Finally got around to these so they’re now in the guide.

[details=Spoiler]Shadaloo Street Fighter 2:

ベガ を 総垥 に 戎く悪 の 秘密結瀟。組織 の 頂点 に 䜍眮 する バむ゜ン、 バルログ 、 サガット、 ベガ の 4 人 は 「 四倩王 」 ず 呌ば れる。 麻薬組織 ずしお 知ら れ お いる が 、 その ほか に も 春麗 の 父 を 誘拐 し たり ナッシュ を 殺し たり ず 、 さたざた な 悪事 を働い お いる よう だ 。 T. ホヌク の 逞話 から 察する に、 èš­ç«‹ さ れ お から 少なくずも 30 幎 の 歎史 を 持 ぀ 暡様。 なお 、 同組織 は ベガ の 意志 で 動い お い るため 、 シャドルヌ の 行動 = ベガ の 行動 ず 考え お たず さし぀かえ ない。

The secret organization whose crowned leader is known as Vega. Bison, Balrog, Sagat, and Vega are all ranked at the top of the organization and are referred as “The Four Heavenly Kings” (Shiten’nō). Although they are recognized as a drug cartel, they seem to be behind a variety of evil schemes, including but not limited to the kidnapping of Chun-Li’s father and the murder of Nash. According to T. Hawk’s story, their design has a history of being founded at least 30 years ago. Furthermore, because the organization moves because of Vega’s will, there’s no problem in considering the actions of Shadaloo = the actions of Vega.

Shadaloo Street Fighter Alpha:

䞖界埁服 を 果たす に は 人材䞍足 な よう で 、 組織 に ふさわしい 匷者 を 探す ため、 総統 の ベガみずから スカりトにいそしんでいる 。 サガット ず バヌディヌは 本䜜 の ゚ンディング で シャドルヌ入り 。

The shortage of manpower spurs the leader Vega to go on a scouting endeavor, in search of strong people to help accomplish his plans of world domination. Birdie and Sagat become members at the end of the game.

Shadaloo Street Fighter Alpha 2:

ICPO の 春麗 ず ã‚šã‚¢ フォヌス の ナッシュ から 目 を ぀け られ お いる 悪 の 組織 。 新しい人材 ずしお リュり を 狙っ お いる。 サガット に は 結局逃げ られ お したっ た 。

The organization that Chun-Li of ICPO and Nash of the Air Force have been keeping an eye on. They plan on using Ryu as a new asset. Eventually, Sagat flees.

Shadaloo Street Fighter Alpha 3:

タむランド の 地䞋に 秘密基地をかたえ 、 組織 の英知の結晶 「 サむコ ドラむブ 」 を完成させた 。 たた、 匷力 な 掗脳術 を 埗 た らしく 、 侖界侭 の 女 の 子 を 掗脳•匷化 し お 「 ベガ 芪衛隊 」 なる 郹隊 を 組織 し、 情報収集 や 敵察者 の 排陀 に あたら せ お い る。なお 、 バむ゜ン は これ たで 同様 に 組織 の 䞀員 だ が 、 バルログ は 䞀時的 に 協力しおいるだけ。すなわち 、 旧四倩王 の うちシャドルヌに残っおいるのは、 ベガずバむ゜ンのふたりのみ 。

The secret base structured underground in Thailand has led to the completion of the high-tech testament of the organization’s intelligence, the “Psycho Drive”. Furthermore, they seem to have obtained powerful brainwashing operations, the brainwashing is used in organizing young girls from around the world to become “Vega’s Elite Guard”, a group of troops who are summoned to gather information and eliminate adversaries. Incidentally, the only original member at this current time is Bison, as Balrog is in temporary cooperation (and Sagat has fled). In other words, what’s left out of the original “Four Heavenly Kings”, is just Bison and Vega together.

Shadaloo Street Fighter EX:

『 ストリヌト ファむタヌ 』 侖界 の 諞悪 の 根源 ずも 蚀える組織 だ が、 本䜜 で は ベガ 以倖 の メンツ は 顔 を 芋せ ない。 組織員 の 血筋 だ から ずいう 理由 だけ で わがたた 嚘 (プルム) を 幹郚候補 に する など、 けっこう いいかげん な 人事 を し お いる よう だ。

It is the organization which is the root of all evil in the world of “Street Fighter”, but other than Vega, there’s nobody else who shows their face in this game. The only reason they are mentioned is because an executive candidate happens to be a blood relative of the egotistic daughter (Pullum), their membership seems to be pretty lax.

Shadaloo Street Fighter EX2:

総垥 で ある ベガ は 登堎 し ない が 、 春麗やガィルに远われおいるこずには倉わりない。

The leader Vega doesn’t make an appearance, but that doesn’t stop Guile and Chun-Li from pursuing him.

Shadaloo Street Fighter EX2+:

䞖界埁服 の ため 新薬 「 SH 11 」 を 開発 。 無差別投䞎事件 を 匕き起こし 、 春麗 や ガむル の ほか ダルシム や ブランカ から も 怒り を 買う。

They have developed a new drug for world domination dubbed “SH-11”. They’re the cause of the promiscuous dosing incidents, and they’ve stirred the anger of Chun-Li, Guile, Dhalsim, and Blanka.[/details]

She should be at least smacking her butler in SFV. I do like how she’s matured (unlike Sakura), but no one is flaw free. It pains me to say about my fav SF character, but her SFV incarnation has made me love her less. The counter queen is dead.

war never changes
but people do!!!

I hate that Capcom made Guren-Ken V-trigger only. That killed any interest I had in playing her.

definitely need individual doll profiles/pics. Maybe not as indiviual pages but one page similar to the kanzuki konuichis

Xiayu is the coolest. I want this bitch eventually.

Xiayu and Satsuki are my favs by design.

I like bitches with swords (no Ricki, No Gllty)

With all the obscure -ass characters getting into the Reference, there’s no way the Dolls aren’t getting articles.

Hah! Indeed. Dhalsim IS a spooky brown turban skeleton.

I don’t think so. She clearly seems disappointed. I think it’s because she was looking forward to some hot guys her own age, but those were all middle-aged men.

Because they cut niggas up? Slice n dice?

All of the weapon-wielding Dolls are awesome.

Enero, Fevrier, Marz and Aprile can stay NPCs please.

With Sony having their E3 Press conference coming up later today, it might be a safe assumption that we’re not only gonna get another trailer for the upcoming cinematic story expansion, but we might also get an actual release date. Just something to be on the look out for today.

Also, first segment of Ryu/Dhalsim/Necalli story, including the first 3 fights (and who you control)


Looks like you start as Ryu, then Necalli, then Dhalsim[/details]

Here’s Ibuki’s SFV story:

[details=Spoiler]It opens with Ibuki receiving a phone call from Sakura. Both are excited to hear from each other considering it’s been awhile since they last met. Sakura was calling to see if Ibuki received the invitation for Karin’s party, but she was out on an assignment and hasn’t seen it yet. In a matter of seconds, Ibuki is quickly overwhelmed with excitement about it. Her main issue is that she’s lacking clothes for a party environment, though Sakura tells her the dress code isn’t a big deal. Sakura eventually hangs up, leaving Ibuki with the thought of attending Karin’s party despite the fact that she’s a complete stranger to her.

As Ibuki is running across the rooftops of the Kanzuki Estate with her pet, Don-Chan, she’s immediately snatched up by Birdie’s chain. He finds her to be suspicious, demanding that she tell him who she is. Ibuki isn’t too amused by his own suspicious look. The two fight for a bit before Ibuki tells him she received a personal invite to attend the party. Birdie thinks she’s full of it, and out of nowhere he’s quickly knocked to the side by Karin, who won’t tolerate his demeanor towards her guests. Karin has heard good things about Ibuki and vice versa on Ibuki’s end. Karin quickly attacks Ibuki, believing a fight would be a better way for them to introduce themselves.

Ibuki’s skill is enough to earn Karin’s respect. Apparently the Glade of Ninjas was right in recommending someone like Ibuki. While ninjas outside of the Kanzuki family are usually off-limits, Karin is willing to make an exception for Ibuki because she’s friends with Sakura
 Karin wants Ibuki to become her attendant, but Ibuki seemed a bit confused because it’s supposed to be a party setting rather than work. Karin has the contract ready for Ibuki’s signature, as it’s already been approved by the Glade of Ninjas. Birdie teases Ibuki about being on the same payroll as himself now, annoying Ibuki. To further convince Ibuki to join her, Karin reminds her that her parties are a good draw for handsome men. This is enough to win her over. Later on at the party, she’s surrounded by three men who look like they could be her father. Apparently those men weren’t her type!

Ibuki’s later shown on the rooftop with Don-chan reminiscing about how much things have changed since then. She’s met countless people such as the Masters family, Guile, Chun-Li, Hakan, Honda, her competition with Mika, before imagining monstrous images of Dhalsim, F.A.N.G., and a snake form of Necalli. As happy as she is at the way things turned out, she’s even happier to be back home. Ibuki receives a quick call from Sarai before happily arriving home.

Hope you guys enjoy it.

Ibuki’s story confirms her rival battle with Sakura is canon. Don’t see how else they can possibly know each other. Birdie and Ibuki would make for a fun odd couple. I hope there’s more character interaction between them.

Idky you would use those garbage google translations I provided months back. @Miðgarðsorm provided a much better one