The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

I’m with Mikros. The fact that he’s dangerous doesn’t make his design any less stupid.

You forgot

  • A female LGBT character. She’s the equivalent to Vice from KOF.

Also, too bed her Taedwonko abilities are overshadowed by her “Anime Power Eye” moves, in fact I would like them to remove her eye for this game or really downplay it and just portray her as a straight Taedwonko.

Making him look like Young Geese would have been a bad idea. I prefer that Street Fighter III-esque look they ended up with.

I (still) have not made these images because all posted on Twitter is inferior quality compared to the site.

His design overall isn’t stupid it’s just really generic when you consider all of the villains in martial arts media who dress and look like him. His actions and behavior may be viewed as silly or stupid, but it’s all just a front when you consider his actual skills and his intentions. He’s not just some “Evil Anti-Rufus” even though his design would suggest so. It’s just the type of villain he is which makes him so interesting in the realm of SF.

Indeed. Adding SnH to Dan or Rufus is a non-sequitor. It would not make them cool because it is totally outside the realm of their character archetype.

FANG, however, is only just now being fully developed for us via SF media. His prancing, foppish behavior is quickly being revealed to come from the fact that he seems legitimately deranged. This isn’t just him being a goofball…he actually seems like he is disturbed. You do NOT flap your arms and flamingo-walk after someone while stalking them to liquefy them with a poison fist technique. It’s like he thinks he’s some kind of vulture or something.

It’s similar (though not AS awesome) as what the SFII:AM did for Vega. It took a guy that was generally just shown as a narcissistic cage-fighter and REALLY displayed just what sort of absolute MANIAC he is. I know people to this day that look at Vega completely differently after that movie. It was that impactful and illustrative of the character. If FANG is continuously shown with the same kind of potential menace as in that little clip, he could be similarly developed in the SFV story mode.

I mean…if you just look at the Joker he looks kind of stupid. He’s…just a well-dressed clown. When he’s actually in action though and talking and killing…the ridiculousness just serves to contrast and hi-light the menace. Story mode is giving us more context for FANG…and that context so far is damn good especially since I REALLY thought he was stupid at first glance when he was revealed.


Urien still better tho

Are you insane?!?!?!?!

Magegg is just mildly retarded, not insane.

Just notice that Ken is the only character who hasent been show in the story mode so far
my guess is that they are updating and fixing his visual

People have complained so he’s been censored!

BornFree is theorizing that Ken’s isn’t being shown because they have redesigned his face.

Good. That grinch looking nigga needs a face-lift, anyway.

No, dude. I’m completely retarded, gay and idiot.

We’re all a little gay… A friend said that once.

Yeah I’m quite happy.

Why are you copying @Monkey66 Alice avatar

This reminded me of something.

I would listen to a lot of sports-talk radio back in the day, which would have its share of trolls. Anyway, this pissed off fan called up one time and said "Hey, gay man! How are you today?!! There was like 5 seconds of silence before one of the hosts started getting salty. The caller was like “I meant happy men, not the other way!” before they hung up on him. I couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the day because of how random it was.

Really? Wow, I’m not sure who was more butthurt. The hosts or the fan.

The gay one.

To show Monkey66 the right spelling.