The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Best part is he replaced sagat. And he easily lives up to his reputation with being his replacement.

I’ve seen the preview videos three times already and counting. Help me. :frowning:

In response to some of your feelings/notes @Daemos

[details=Spoiler]I have no idea. Maybe Li Feng thought Rashid was some kind of stranger danger or something, despite him rescuing her from Shadaloo goons. I think what bothered me the most was Rashid left Li Feng alone by herself. I mean, what kind of chaperoning is that?

I’m not sure if I agree with that assesment. Someone went through a lot of trouble to give Chun-li a key to stop the black moons. Maybe a double agent inside Shadaloo found the secret to their destruction (which might explain the FANG scene). And you’re right about the illuminati saying nothing can prevent this event. Well, it’s already happened. So I think therefore, the prophecy has been fulfilled. So it’s up to the World Warriors to change the course of destiny. That’s waht I think.

I think what it does is two things: 1, it sabotages global satellite communications with the world, and it also amplifies Bison power.

I do sense that there is gonna be a self sacrifice with either Guile or Charlie. But we clearly have Guile’s motivation for the rest of the story.

I’m such a sadist for saying this, but I love seeing Chun-Li get beat up. But she better be the one who kicks the most ass when she brings down Shadaloo.

Did FANG just kill that guy? isn’t this game Street Fighter? Where death is only implied or suggested? I thought it was supposed to be more kid friendly than MK

Love everything I’m seeing so far, not just music, but the visuals.[/details]

Chun, can you please stop getting yourself injured?

Forgot to say


Dhalsim is a BADASS MOTHERFUCKER. Taking that SNH punch like that. A-tier confirmed


[details=Spoiler]The prophecy (which was written in the 90s) foretells all moons going off causing great misery and destruction. I’d say more than one needs to go off to match its wording. Capcom could retcon this. More importantly, the Illuminati would probably WANT these things to go off because the world won’t need a savior (Gill) if it isn’t actually in need of saving. This is what makes me thing that these keys (which are kinda ridiculous, they are chess pieces ffs) are just a wild goose chase.

So far:

Rashid has one key (sent by his friend before he went missing)
Shadaloo has one key (allegedly used to blow up the black moon over nyc/metro city)
Chun-Li has one key (she received it in the mail)
Alex has one. (His prologue)
Guile has one. (Also received one)

That leaves 2 keys unaccounted for.

And yeah FANG literally melted the guy. No blood, so it’s okay.

I’m fine with Chun getting her ass kicked so long as she doesn’t end up in the hospital. I don’t like her in the damsel in distress role. I want her to kick ass!


Friend just showed this to me, has some new ingame footage of Storymode:

Also confirming that is Sean

[details=Spoiler]I knew it… Charlie got some strange powers and even ask himseld what has become to his body.

And people said his moveset with all the teleporting and stuff is comepletely normal and in line with Alpha[/details]

[details=Spoiler]Charlie does not teleport. He moves really fast. It’s called Sonic MOVE. This is completely in line with everything we know about the character from before.

The new powers he is experiencing are stuff like his V-skill, which we saw in slo-mo in one of the story preview videos. We don’t know the extent of this.[/details]

Whatever… For me even the Sonic Move isn’t normal. But to each their own… In Alpha even with hsi fast sonic moves he never once was able to go around in such speed

Bison wasn’t teleporting in SF2.

Ken has fiery legs in SF5, but none in SF3. He didn’t suddenly lose that ability in SF3.

Gameplay does not necessarily reflect what a character is canonically able to do in the lore.

Again… Tell it to everyone and it won’t change nothing about my opinion.

The whole Charlie moveset in V is looking like something happened to him and he got some powers… Even his dialogue with Ryu.

But soon we will see

We are not disagreeing that he got powers or that he is stronger. But any of his abilities that start with ‘sonic’ or have to do with faster than sound motions are and have always been within the realm of possibility in his lore. Remember it was Charlie who taught Guile how to boom, the idea that Charlie could move other parts of his body besides his legs and arms faster than sound is not only realistic, it is to be expected.

What with the lifebar invisible clipping @1:14? :wtf:

I don’t think the purpose of that fight in that scene was to defeat the Bison illusion. Maybe it was just for story purposes

Are we getting Satsui no Hado Ryu as well? Seems strange that he is on the promo art for dlc chars. But whatever.

It seems the plot is going to suck, but at least the animation is good (besides Necalli’s ridiculous hair clipping).

It would all be worth it if this was a kiss, but I fear it’s not:


[details=Spoiler]Some sequential story screens (not nessecarily in the right order. (Chun-li confronts Shadaloo, M. Bison appears, Chun-Li is outnumbered, and gets her ass kicked with Cammy tto her aid)


I can only see the first image.

Must be tough to be Chun Li fan, always getting her ass kicked in the canon story fights

Spoiler tags guys!

Extra sceens found here. It’s the broken links