The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

Well, no, he loves oil painting. Who doesn’t?
He hates warm beverages.

Absolutely. That’s what I love about all this. “What’s your favourite thing?” “Err…” opens randomly a dictionary “…waterways!” “And what do you absolutely hate?” “Just a sec…” browsebrowse “…hellespont!” =)

Unless they again switch to SF2. Or FF. Or something else entirely.

Go-go Shadaloo Rangers.

At this point, it’s starting to feel like whoever is doing this is just looking at the TVTropes character pages and going “I need an excuse to redo all the art for this thing.”

“Even the Other Media characters?!”


This…is beautiful. I love that Shadaloo has differing uniforms and motifs for their branches. I love their redesigns! tempted to request one or two of the troopers

I hope to do all and let the good expanded and solid game universe #NoMoreForgottenCharacters

I’m really about to play SFTMTG arcade version now smh.

lets build a triple triad deck haha… i guess there is a big chance sawada they are considering to be a dlc if he won’t have a profile…

OMFG this is great! Yes! YESSSS! More Shadaloo troopers!


This one’s for you @Daemos

Did this free-hand earlier today.

calling it now. Khyber will have have a green camoflage uniform. It would be nice to see these guys in backgrounds or something.

Speaking of Khyber it would be cool if he was from Afghanistan since that where the Khyber Pass is.

When they say “Lord Bison” in these bios, are they referring to Boxer or Dictator?

@Eternal may like this :smiley:

I’m guessing Dictator because he’d be the only one that requires bodyguards in general. Boxer seems to fill that role on his own.

That’s just my guess, though. In Boxer’s SF4 Prologue, the Shadaloo messenger guy called him “Bison Sama” (Master Balrog in Eng), so they could very well be talking about him. I just don’t think they are.

Dictator. I could’ve kept the original Vega, but figured it would’ve been confusing.

Personally I like all of them, they did a good job on the remake for him IMO. Still feels like Haggar, just Haggar right after work. FF1 actually shows Haggar at work wearing a white shirt during the intro when Mad Gear is threatening him. The glasses I like him with since he has aged, he could take em off when he fights, but it makes sense for him to have glasses. I actually kind of like the very light graying temples you added. I kind of like the bottom right one best, he wears a brown tie in the opening but he also wears suspenders, I think that the across the chest belt is kind of his signature (other than the God Stache), so I think the belt/suspender thing he always wears should be kept. They’d be cool as alt colors, they should have more alt colors with very slight tweaks to the costume. Like how Makoto’s school outfit has a color with no tie (funny enough though, the shadow of the tie still appears), and Yun has the color variation for one of his alts where he has no hat, and yang has one with no shirt.

Gonna assume you like it. Glad the resident Bison expert approves :smiley:

Yeah, the suspender is his signature thing, in fact the nice thing of the original concept on the left is that you have “Office Haggar” using it to replicate his old FF days

My problem with it it’s just the execution, it’s cool the idea of MH returning to fight straight from his office, but the design was too flat (or not enough over the top if you prefere) for a SF char… one can argue that original MH is even simplier, but in capcom chara design muscles become design (see Urien) and gave him a stronger design impact, simple vest over it flat the line (wich is a problem of some SFV story alts too)

I added lil details like the ripped sleave and the pipe (keept on the back with the suspender, positioned kinda like a sword) that spice up the design but keeping the idea that MH was in his office when shit happened and he “transformed” to old school Haggar to go down in the streets and kick ass

For the colors first is Mayor Haggar

the second is vintage FF Haggar, with intro tie and FF pants
I agree that visually i prefer too the second as remind me more the image of classic Haggar, even if conceptually probably is better Mayor colors as show better that’s he’s the years-after-FF version… but whatever, classic color scheme ftw

ps: completely agree about the “special” colors of SF4, imho every #10 should be like that

Quoting from lounge

And now we know.

Undoubtedly. I love it. The glitter is just fabulous :smiley:

Seto Kaiba

You mean Khyber?