The "I won a round off haru tejyo" thread

Just play late at night or early in the morning. I played with him last night around 3am PST.

I had a game against him last night. The best I did was beat him in one round (out of about 6 matches) but it was a perfect round - Gief v Gief mirror match.

  • 002 CCCP

edit: Hey Sweet it was good to play against you last night - you’re right about GGPO’s lag handling though.
Nice Honda by the way megaman
gg’s dude

Are you guys sure that there is some Japanese legend behind this gamer tag? I played him last week, just after the patch came out. I didn’t have any trouble winning the match, relatively speaking of course.

I play Claw, and he seemed to have trouble dealing with jump in attacks. It wasn’t too much trouble to win the match. I mean, Claw vs. Zangief is always an uphill battle, but I didn’t fall into any tick-SPD shenanigans.

Maybe he was just having an off day or something?

That night, I also played Sirlin in a ranked match. His Fei Long is the real deal. :sweat:

Well it is a Japan to America connection. Vega’s jump-ins are not international-connection-friendly. I’ve never played him though, I don’t know.

I want a fei long mirror against sirloin.

I’ve had the pleasure of playing this guy a number of times, a month or two ago he pretty much mopped the floor with everyone in the room I was in, but I did manage to get a few rounds off and, lo and behold, managed to win a match, gold star for me! But Blanka vs. Gief is pretty bad for Gief in general so I didn’t get TOO excited, haha.

does he ever play akuma? i entered a room he hosted and he was using him as his main. somehow i beat him with my honda (2-1). real solid zoning strats that guy has. lag was surprisingly minimal also, which was pretty cool.

I won one match against him using Sim when he was Guile. He then switched to Gief. I won a couple of rounds but once he got in it was pretty much over :lol:

Dictator vs Zangief is a very even and mindgames oriented matchup, so I doubt I’ll ever get a round off of him.

With that kind of attitude, you’ve already lost before you even started…

I’ve had the opportunity to play some very good players on GGPO, some quite big names, and I’ve really always gone in with a positive attitude which is why I can get off a round or two, sometimes even a game against them. I’ve also played Jodim once though, and i can tell you hes different. About a round or two in I could tell it was a hopeless endeavor.

I’ve definitely improved a lot since i played him though, so you never know. But still I’m not going to get my hopes up if I face him in HDR.

OMG!!! I went against haru for the first time ever a couple minutes ago and 5 tries later I BEAT HIM WITH HAWK!!! Whiffing J.RH into super FTW!!! GOLD STAR BABY!!!

So this dude’s the best HDR player? I take it Daigo doesn’t play HDR?

As far as I know Daigo doesn’t play HDR.

Did you ask him yourself?

As far as I know Daigo doesn’t play HDR.

Best tactic in the game.

I fall for that shit more often than I’d like to admit. :confused:

Just played him for the first time and I beat him pretty convincingly with my Zangief and tons of lag.

Did I forget to mention he was using Ryu :p?

His Ryu is not great. I have never beat his Zangief but I have beat his Ryu. (With Cammy, no less.)

I have seen Lieut.Dan’s Hawk walk all over Jodim’s (Haru’s) Z. I mean, he got repeatedly trounced.

Jodim definitely has the most trouble fighting grapplers and Honda. I need to learn T.Hawk. :slight_smile:

Afro Legneds has [media=youtube]-9C7vShoz3k[/media] with Boxer, too.

Heh yeah I was being too serious to be honest. His Ryu seemed decent but nothing amazing.