The "I won a round off haru tejyo" thread

ya i must say this guy is a beast… i managed beat him once with chun li… i was like 1 for 10… so basically it was a fluke… oh and gg to everyone i played against… i believe i played against mad grab and megamanpb i think… if i forget anyone… my apologies…

Heh, I was waiting for someone to bring up Lieut. Dan. Him and Jodim were, in my opinion, the two best Japanese players on GGPO. Never did get to see him fight Jodim though, that would’ve been insane. The guy uses Ryu, N. Sagat and T.Hawk from memory. I do recall Lieut. Dan’s Ryu wailing on poor Giga-MSX’s Dictator in a few casuals, but he also had some trouble against Graham Wolfe’s boxer. Not to mention, he edged out DGV’s O.Ken using friggin’ T.Hawk, in a marathon set way back.

I couldn’t figure out who he was in the offline scene. Too bad he also doesn’t show up on GGPO anymore.

Watching his videos really gave me som ideas on how to use the spd to keep up preasure on the opponent. I improved my Zangief a lot by trying to copy his moves.

so uhh i pretty much just registered right now for this thread alone because my one of my good pals (BBH from [im a bemani player]) mentioned this thread and i was like oh shit i played this dude in ranked before and beat his geif two round first time ever playing him with my honda (who i guess is cheap???) so yeah, SILVER STAR PLZ. (btw my gamertag is Special Cooking)

Lieut Dan. has a good Hawk.
For any of you who are interested, I actually have a replay file of Jodim vs Lieut Dan. from early days. 16-odd matches.

shoot that shit my way mein

it breaks my heart to see Jodim losing so many but his determination alone is pretty impressive

I’d love to see that too, any way you can post a public link for people to download from? If not I’ll gladly host the file if you send it to me.

Yeah man. Ive never heard of this Lieut Dan but Id love to see it.

I’ll send it to megamanpb when I get home and he can host it somewhere for everyone.
I think I have a replay file of jcole v jodim (8th June 2008) somewhere also but that one might already be on youtube.
Will check it out and send to megaman also if its not on youtube.

Okay I found the JCole v Jodim matches - theres about 8 or so there - have sent to megamanpb along with the Lieut Dan. matches.
Enjoy, everyone.

Hey, i played you the other night in ranked dude.I can’t remember who won, but i remember it was a tight match.GG.Nice skills.:tup:

Here are the matches, sorry for the delay.

Jodim vs Jcole
Jodim vs Lieut Dan

Whats a .FR extension? How do I watch these?

You use FBA (ggpofba.exe) in the GGPO directory. If you open FBA under Misc there is a setting to associate with .fs and .fr files.

Back when I played HDR, I beat him the first round, before getting raped three in a row. I used Sagat against him too =/. That was the only I ever played him.

Thank you :china:

Is it just me or is there a lot of standing around doing nothing in these matches? Is that due to the recording not capturing all the inputs?

I dont understand how to watch those matches at all.

  1. Download GGPO (if you don’t already have it):
  2. Install
  3. If you haven’t already, find the legal ROM and make a directory under the GGPO directory called, “roms”. (Ex. C:\Program Files\GGPO\roms .) Put the ROM in that directory.
  4. Go to the root of the GGPO directory and execute the program called, “ggpofba.exe”.
  5. Within the program, go to: Game–>Replay Input.
  6. Find the *.fr file that you downloaded. It should replay the match.

What is the best way to run into him? I play gief too, so that would just make our match up hella gross.