The Hwoarang Thread

Just a general question, I’m always interested how others approach, etc.
What are the things you guys mostly use
1)when you approach and
2) what are you using most after a e.g. jMP crossup?

I just love the crLK-MP-MP-Heel, etc or crLP-MK-MK-FLA LK-MK-Heel, etc

What’s yours? And what do you think will be your favorites in ver2013?
I think the crLP (if it really is 4f and +1 on hit) will be a nice tool too poke. With that range and the frame data…nice frametrap, should link easy to go into launch, etc

Personnaly I approach my opponent with Light Hunting Hawk / special dash -Light hunting hawk Big chance that if the opponent wanna play footsies, it break their attempt, and I continue to move toward him.

[and sorry, but I don’t know what e.g. means]

Now, its gonna be easy to trap the opponent with the 6mk overhead, and a lot more easy to link with 2lk.

Plus, we get a corner combo with the string 6mk-6-mp>mp Dynamic Heel - 2mp HH or Skyrocket, because the fla mp got pushback reduced :stuck_out_tongue:

With the boosts combos unsafe, I bet we will see A LOT more Hworang, since he can ends all his strings with DH :stuck_out_tongue:

E.g. means ‘exemple gratia’ = for example :slight_smile:

Approaching with LK HH. Uuuh, never really used it that much. It’s still punishable, only slightly, but if you are predictable with it, you’ll die.
I use SS, but not much else.

And what you said about the Tsunami-crLK link is incorrect. That link is the same. The startup frames of crLK did not change. Just when you go after OH in flamingo, it’s easier to link into FLA LK, e.g. :slight_smile:

[Hu okay, sorry, I’m not a native speaker ^^’]
Mmmh but if we can go faster in flamingo stance, that means it’s faster to crouch cancel the FLA then link cr 2lk right?

And yes, the LKHH is punishable, but you need to space it right, and of course, not getting predictable. I don’t use the Special Step cause there’s a few frames at the end of the move easily punishable if you don’t space it right, so i prefer to add the LKHH. I also use Firestorm sometimes, [FLA mk>lk] but it whiff on a crouched opponent.

I usually approach with light hh as well in the beginning of most footsie battles,most get caught by surprise since alot of people are holding forward lol. Then i proceed to flowchart into mp+lp chain into basic combo. Im trying to work on that mk loop but the link feels so tight for my execution level

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Oh ok, that sounded like you always used it. After SS Heel is surely nice. I hardly use the raw SS of course. Guess I should give the LKHH a try.
And don’t worry, I’m a bloody German :smiley:

Edit: @Thancruz: it is not that hard believe me. My exe is rubbish, try it a bit. You’ll get a feeling for it.

  1. In order of importance:
  • Walking forward
  • Crouch LP
  • LK Hunting Hawk (especially on fireball characters)
  • FLA MK > LK (especially on large characters)
  • Dashing
  • EX Air Raid Special
  1. I can’t hit-confirm j.MP by itself, and the cross-up is only something like +1 on block, so the vast majority of the time, 2LP/2LK/5LK into 5MK>MK. If I jump in with j.LP>MP, there’s a lot of blockstun to work with, so I might try things like 6MK or 5LP.

In 2013, it’ll be more viable to just do 2LK or 5LK followed by a tick throw, but I feel I’ll only go to this when trying to bait alpha counters.

i mainly do what doctor grammar does, mostly with dash and light special step to bait random lows so i can go right into raw launch, lately ive been playin around with dyamite heel pressure, since u can cancel special step into it, as well as u can cancel your sweep into it, and the light one crushes a lot of moves and can be combo-ed off of on counter hit

i NEVER use fire storm for that exact reason, but since the hit scaling in this game seems to be untouched so i wouldnt try to loop that cr lk too often since all those lights fuck up your damage

Quite interesting, my order would be the same just without LK HH. I guess I should really implement that more. And I hardly use Fire Storm. But I use crHk quite often.
I think instead of the crLk, the crLp will become even more important because of the nice range and the new startup helping to chain.
But I do agree, for tick throws crLK will be better now, because of the short throw range crLP can be a long way to walk from max range :slight_smile:

Why is no one besides Ray doing SS-Heel sometimes? With the hitbox increase and the bounce properties it will be even more important, I think. And in the chains then too. So crLp-Mp-MP-Heel will be one of my most important strings, also for CADC throw mixup, which is even scarier now :slight_smile:

I never knew you could SSxxHeel lol. I can’t wait 2 see the improved Hwoarang, I also thought he would get the nerf hammer as well.

Yes of course, but you should usually use Fla LK. That link is easier, it’s one more frame than Fla crouchcancel crLK.
The only situation where you it’s useful would be from nearly max distance fMK. In ver2013 this will actually quite useful: but then with the crouchcancel crLP obviously

This is actually not true. Crouching moves can be used from Flamingo stance directly. The ‘crouch cancel’ is technically only required if you want to do a regular standing move or command normal from Flamingo.

You can observe this by trying to link LK>MK into Flamingo MK and Crouch HK. Both have the same startup and both are 1-frame links.

You can also try inputting 1+LK from Flamingo, and see that Hwoarang will actually execute the Crouch LK instead of the Spinning Trip Kick because command normals are not available from Flamingo.

Wow, that’s something new to me. Very interesting. It’s funny because I never tried it. Just thought it’s the same like the transition into FLA.
Thanks for that. You are a clever doctor you!

That is something i never understood, maybe someone can clear that up for me: You can time jumping attacks differently, how can a move always have “+1” frames on block? Also, are the 4 “landing” frames included? Because I get blown up sometimes by people blocking the crossup than spamming dragonpunchs.

Edit: Ah, is +5 on block, so after the 4 landing frames you’re at +1, alright but still, what about the timing of the hit?

It’s not “always”. If they list values in frame data (+5 for most medium jump-ins in this game), it represents the best case (i.e. you go into landing recovery immediately after connecting the move). When you do a cross-up, you’re connecting with the attack higher in your jump, so it takes longer to recover. +1 is my estimate for Hwoarang’s j.MP when spaced/timed ambiguously.

Oftentimes with Hwo, his jump mp crossup connects so high that I feel like I’m at a disadvantage when I land. Hwo’s jump feels a little bit floaty to me, even though I think its the same as normal characters jumps.

Just to add to approach options: I often like to throw out random air raids. You can control the trajectory so well with it. It’s literally like Bison’s devil’s reverse, good for shenanigans. I suppose it will be even better come patch.

I will post on this one thing I do. When i need to approach. You wanna use Hp Special Dash. Cancel into Lp Dynamite Heel, Cancel into Forward Dash. You my friend just got full screen in 1.34 seconds. Thank you all. When i get this new guide I will release most of my technology. And maybe explain my Match-up with Ricky O at CEO in my pool finals.

In the meantime, follow me on Twitter and I’ll keep everyone updated.

aw damn, i was actually working on some tech with this, i was trying to see if i can create a vortex off of a sweep hard knockdown the way akuma does in ae2012, being that if you space your jump-in right and do jump-in lp mp it DOESNT cross up and is hella ambigious

if you only hit them with the last hit of HK HH it causes a ground bounce, any other time it causes a spike, which is awesome because after hittin them with that, during the whole animation of them bouncing you have plenty of time to prepare another set up (lk HH back and forth over them to make them guess which side to block on wakeup or use it to prevent rolls, dash them into the corner, etc)