The Hwoarang Thread

According to the guide, EX, LK and MK are the only ones with invincibility. However they have some of the most invul frames in the game(5 frames, 7 for ex) in comparison to other DPs. HK has no invul and is only used in combos for damage.

I believe Hwoa’s footsies are pretty average. St.strong, cr.strong, lk hunting hawk and he has decent walk speed.

Dynamite Heel is +1 on block. Its interrupt-able but its hard to do it at ranges such as after I’ve stuffed many people who try to press buttons after it with cr.jab and confirm into full combos. Like most tekken characters he can potentially string together long pressure strings. I’m not completely sure but i believe canceling into FLA and then canceling the FLA via crouch is either neutral or even advantage on block. You can also st. MK st.MK FLA as a frametrap. The problem is like a lot of tekken characters his normals are simply slower start-up.

My Hwoarang findings:

I like st. mp as a poke for a lot of reasons, like ili2 said its hitbox is great, its cancelable, and im pretty sure it hits crouching opponents. at mid jump-in range its a great AA, and on AA counter hits u can confirm it into a combo, which is awesome.

at far jump-in range st. HP is pretty solid, but its not as reliable for me cuz i dont react fast to far jump ins.

i actually like hwoarang on point more than as an assist because he has better combo options on standing opponents rather than ones you are juggling due to a switch in.

and for air-to-airs i think j. mk might be the best. it has so much horizontal, and on counter hits u can land and do cr. mp xx HH or cr. mp, cr. mp, HH if you are braver. i find myself doing j. mp more (follow ups will still work) but thats probably because i use as my jump-in anyway so my finger’s already on that button.

I have to second that LK HH is a really good footsie tool. At -4, if you space it out, I don’t think anyone can punish it from max range. So you can do dp+hp and then LK HH to have a safe advancing poke from like full screen.

Gonna have to try st.HP and sweep more as footsie tools, they sound like what I was missing from my footsie game with him. Most of the time I want to be in close mixing up with cr.LK st.MP MP dynamite heel or LP command dash to get in close. Counter hit fishing with dynamite heel delayed in block strings is pretty nice, since most people will swing at it, then get counter hit into a combo ( st.HP launcher will always connect). Once they’re scared of that they’ll either block, allowing the LP command dash > throw setup to work, or they’ll DP, in which case you can just back dash out of the dynamite heel to make it whiff and punish.

Not sure if it’s been mentioned but as far as hitboxes go, cr.HP is an insanely good anti air. That shit reaches really high and really far. It’s only draw back is that it’s not special cancelable. Hwo seems to have some of the best anti air options out of the cast. Pretty much a tool for most situations.

Could we get a video and/or tips on how to land this? I want to do it with Steve’s 2LP xx 236LK > HP, but I haven’t gotten it to work.

I don’t have any video capture equipment at the moment but I kind of want to snag some since I’d like to help contribute to the SRK community. I’ll get a video up when I do get a capture device.

Found some more good tech today:

cr.LK is hwoarang’s fastest non FLA poke at 4 frames. So it’s the best poke to use to frame trap with dynamite heel on block. Problem is after a dynamite heel block string, you’re usually pushed out too far to keep using block strings. You can remedy this by doing an HP command dash and then immediately doing a dynamite heel out of the dash. So for example, you can do:

cr.LK st.MP MP dp+HP hcb+LP

and that puts you right back in their face. If the string connects, it still combos even off teh command dash. If the string is blocked, it still creates a frame trap where if they swing, they get counter hit by the dynamite heel, and now you’re in the perfect range to combo off counter hit. And best of all, you can keep looping it infinitely. Of course characters with 3 frame normals will be able to trade with this, but otherwise it should be pretty damn hard to deal with for a lot of characters.


I’ve been doing this, but I’ve been using the MK > MK > HK chain instead of the MP > MP chain. It has more range and gives more time to hit-confirm, and I believe it does more damage with a meterless combo as well.

cr.lp xx light/medium heel works as a true block string/great pressure string, and each cr.lp moves you forward enough to keep connecting. it feels more annoying than bison scissor pressure. I can usually get at minimum two reps in, regardless of hit or block, before my opponent will try to reversal. at that point, if the character doesn’t have a good reversal/meter, i can just keep going, or stop and bait a reversal if they have a good reversal. you can also mix in heavy heels since it doesn’t combo from cr.lp but leaves a big enough gap for a counterhit. if you land the counterhit heel, you can combo further off of that.

cr.LP is 5 frames, so you can lose to 3 frame moves if they time it right. cr.LK is 4 frames. If you could use this with Flamingo, it’d be unbeatable, since FLA LP is actually 3 frames.

I have still rarely gotten reversal’d out of it. The thing about cr.lp is that it moves you forward and keeps you in range for a ton of reps if you keep going. It’s reach feels almost as long as a medium’s.

Actually I did some testing and cr.LP has more range than cr.MP lol

But yeah you don’t need to use cr.LP to move you forward, that’s what the HP command dash is for. It moves you forward so you can still use cr.LK to keep it frame tight.

Has someone seen this before? Going from the target combo directly into the cr.lp? Well its not instant but it seems really f’ing fast. This seems like a really scary mixup, check it out.



Ouch big mistake bringing poison back in at the end of round 2, but I guess if that super didn’t miss it would have finished the round.

Probably common knowledge but after a back throw if you do an hk air raid you’ll land safely (5 frames dps can’t hit you) on the other side. Holding forward doesn’t roll and if they’re mashing backdash or roll correctly they do it towards the corner. If you don’t hold forward you land safely on the same side.

Considering his throws do the same damage, backthrow seems the way to go because you don’t get anything from the forward throw.

Is this a safe jump or an empty jump?

Empty, the air raid doesn’t make contact. You still get time to meaty them though. I use s.lp because potentially it can be +7 on block if you meaty with the last active frame.

He probably cancelled the target combo into FLA and cancelled FLA into cr.LP for a frame trap. FLA is ridiculous if you can use it properly.

Thats what I noticed too, I messed around in training and im not sure if its only me but if you hold forward to go into FLA, you can start the cr.lp way faster.

^ Doing down-forward to cancel into FLA counts as going into FLA and crouching out of it, so it cancels quite a few frames of recovery. It’s pretty crazy what you can do with it.

Some stuff:

  1. After hk hunting hawk, do lk air raid and hold back. Neutral jump hp option select hk hunting hawk.
  • If they don’t roll, it’s a safe jump against 5 frames+ (possible to time it against 4 frames, but hard). The option select beats backdashes and puts them back in it. Timing this is really easy, but i feel you have to space 1 or 2 frames otherwise the jump can wiff completely. Also, I’m not sure what happens with the os if they roll forward…I have the dummy recorded to do it and he autocorrects the inputs i think, so hk hunting hawk comes out even on the wrong side. I think when done by an actual player you’ll get hk air raid.
  1. After hk hunting hawk, lk air raid and hold back, wait or walk backwards for a smidge and jump back.
  • Against rolls. Depending on whether or not you walk back it hits as a crossup or non crossup (in most circunstances you want to walk back a bit because they have to reverse their roll input).
  1. When you antiair with mp or and get a counter hit, hold forward and do xx hk hunting hawk. You can’t followup after ex hunting hawk due to juggle limits. More reward than tag cancelling a dp.

  2. is not special cancellable, so you can option select lk hunting hawk on meaties or if you think they’re mashing backdashes. Doesn’t catch the best backdashes though.

  3. mk mk, hold forward flamingo stance,, is a very strong frame trap. You can leave a lot of room before pressing the to make sure you get that counter hit.

weirdoneo 1h

interesting instead of TAG xx hk hh he does TAG FLA, lk, xx hk hh