Crouching Normal Moves (CR.)
Crouching :lp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Low
Damage: 30
Startup: 5 frames
Active: 3 frames
Recovery: 9 frames
Adv. on Hit: +5 frames
Adv. on Block: +1 frames
Cancelable: SM, EX, SA, CA
Notes: -
Crouching :mp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Low
Damage: 60
Startup: 6 frames
Active: 4 frames
Recovery: 13 frames
Adv. on Hit: +4 frames
Adv. on Block: 0 frames
Cancelable: SM, EX, SA, CA
Notes: -
Crouching :hp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: High
Damage: 90
Startup: 10 frames
Active: 4 frames
Recovery: 25 frames
Adv. on Hit: -3 frames
Adv. on Block: -9 frames
Cancelable: -
Notes: Forces standing on hit
Crouching :lk:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Low
Damage: 30
Startup: 4 frames
Active: 3 frames
Recovery: 10 frames
Adv. on Hit: +4 frames
Adv. on Block: 0 frames
Cancelable: SM, EX, SA, CA
Notes: -
Crouching :mk:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: High
Damage: 60
Startup: 5 frames
Active: 5 frames
Recovery: 17 frames
Adv. on Hit: -1 frames
Adv. on Block: -5 frames
Cancelable: SM, EX, SA, CA
Notes: -
Crouching :hk:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Low
Damage: 90
Startup: 7 frames
Active: 2 frames
Recovery: 27 frames
Adv. on Hit: Sweep Knockdown
Adv. on Block: -9 frames
Cancelable: SM, EX, SA, CA
Notes: -
Launcher :hp::hk:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: High
Damage: 100
Startup: 13 frames
Active: 2 frames
Recovery: 54 frames
Adv. on Hit: Switch
Adv. on Block: -34 frames
Notes: Crushes crouching attacks, launches opponent while switching characters
Cross Cancel: :f:+:hp::hk: (While Blocking)
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: High
Damage: 120 ()
Startup: 5 frames
Active: 13 frames
Recovery: 35 frames
Adv. on Hit: Hard Knockdown
Adv. on Block: -26 frames
Notes: Similar to HK Skyrocket, full body invulnerability frames 1-6
Jumping Normal Moves
Jumping :lp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 40
Startup: 5 frames
Active: 7 frames
Recovery: Until grounded, 4 frames landing
Adv. on Hit: +12 frames
Adv. on Block: +4
Jumping :mp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 70
Startup: 7 frames
Active: 4 frames
Recovery: Until grounded, 4 frames landing
Adv. on Hit: +16 frames
Adv. on Block: +5 frames
Jumping :hp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 100
Startup: 10 frames
Active: 4 frames
Recovery: Until grounded, 4 frames landing
Adv. on Hit: +20 frames
Adv. on Block: +8 frames
**Jumping :lk: **
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 40
Startup: 5 frames
Active: 9 frames
Recovery: Until grounded, 4 frames landing
Adv. on Hit: +12 frames
Adv. on Block: +4 frames
Jumping :mk:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 70
Startup: 6 frames
Active: 8 frames
Recovery: Until grounded, 4 frames landing
Adv. on Hit: +16 frames
Adv. on Block: +5 frames
Jumping :hk:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 100
Startup: 10 frames
Active: 4 frames
Recovery: Until grounded, 4 frames landing
Adv. on Hit: +20 frames
Adv. on Block: +8 frames
Unique Attacks
Spinning Trap Kick :db:+:lk:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Low
Damage: 60
Startup: 19 frames
Active: 3 frames
Recovery: 14 frames
Adv. on Hit: +6 frames
Adv. on Block: 0 frames
Cancelable: SM, EX, SA, CA
Notes: Knockdown on airborne foes. This standing low attack causes Hwoarang to spin around and kick his opponent’s shins. Spinning Trap Kick is cancelable, but it’s very slow, making it difficult to use. If you try to use crouching :lk: while blocking, you’ll often perform this attack, limiting the use of Hwoarang’s crouching :lk:. You can link after Spinning Trap Kick if it hits, but it’s slow and you’ll often get hit out of the attack before it comes out.
Tsunami Kick :f:+:mk:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 60
Startup: 19 frames
Active: 2 frames
Recovery: 22 frames
Adv. on Hit: +4 frames
Adv. on Block: +2 frames
Cancelable: -
Notes: Knockdown on airborne foes, hold :f: to enter Flamingo Stance. During this attack, Hwoarang steps forward and then drops his leg onto his opponent. Tsunami Kick is a mid-hitting attack that has advantage on hit and block, making it completely safe as long as it connects with the opponent. If you hold :f: after this attack hits, Hwoarang will enter into Flamingo Stance, giving you a chance to poke away at the opposing character.
Iron Heel** :f:+:hk:**
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 70
Startup: 25 frames
Active: 2 frames
Recovery: 19 frames
Adv. on Hit: Ground Bounce
Adv. on Block: -4 frames
Cancelable: -
Notes: Hard Knockdown on airborne foes. Hwoarang steps forward and spins his leg around this devastating mid attack. Iron Heel ground bounces an opponent no matter how it hits, giving you a chance to land a huge combo! If your opponent blocks Iron Heel, Hwoarang is left at -4 frame disadvantage, which is a weakness but still safe enough to prevent an opponent from heavily punishing him. Iron Heel’s biggest disadvantage is its slow 25 frames of startup. Your opponent has time to react and potentially interrupt before it even hits. When using this attack, make sure your opponent isn’t prepared to mash buttons to stop it before it comes out.
Fade-Away Kick**
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 70
Startup:13 frames
Active: 4 frames
Recovery: 22 frames
Adv. on Hit: -7 frames
Adv. on Block: -9 frames
Cancelable: SM, EX, SA, CA
Notes: Crushes crouching attacks from frames 1-12, knockdown on airborne foes. This attack makes Hwoarang to hop backwards while kicking at his opponent. Fade-Away Kick has a long startup and is unsafe on hit and block, but it crushes any crouching attacks your opponent tries to throw at you for 12 frames! This attack doesn’t have much range, so it’s most useful as a low crush at close range.
Motion Switch** :k::k::k:**
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: -
Damage: -
Startup: -
Active: -
Recovery: 1 frames
Adv. on Hit: -
Adv. on Block: -
Cancelable: -
Notes: Enters Flamingo Stance, can move & attack after frame 1. This unique move causes Hwoarang to enter into Flamingo Stance, where he gains access to a new set of normal moves. When in Flamingo Stance Hwoarang’s walking speed decreases dramatically, making it difficult to approach an opponent. Most Flamingo attacks also leave Hwoarang at a disadvantage, making these attacks very difficult to use. Flamingo Stance is best used to confuse your opponent with a complete set of different moves, making it difficult for them to predict what attack is coming next;
Reverse Kick - :mp: > :mp:
Standing :mp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: High
Damage: 60
Startup: 7 frames
Active: 2 frames
Recovery: 29 frames
Adv. on Hit: -1 frames
Adv. on Block: -5 frames
Cancelable: -
Notes: Identical to Standing :mp:
Reverse Kick :mp: > :mp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: High
Damage: 70
Startup: 6 frames
Active: 4 frames
Recovery: 20 frames
Adv. on Hit: -1 frames
Adv. on Block: -7 frames
Cancelable: SM, EX, SA, CA
Notes: Knockdown on airborne foes, forces standing on hit. This attack causes Hwoarang to perform standing :mk: then swing his leg to kick his opponent again. Although this string isn’t safe on block, it’s cancelable into Special Moves, giving Hwoarang a verifiable way to land big damage. Reverse Kick is unique because you can perform it during a Boost Combo - perform crouching :lp: or :lk:, then Boost Combo into standing :mp:, then Reverse Kick for a verifiable combo! If it hits, cancel into Hunting Hawk or EX Hunting Hawk for big damage. If blocked, make this attack safe by canceling into Dynamite Heel.
Chainsaw Kick :mp: > :lp:
[details=Spoiler] Hit Level: Mid
Damage: 50
Startup: 16 frames
Active: 3 frames
Recovery: 23 frames
Adv. on Hit: Ground Bounce
Adv. on Block: -8 frames
Cancelable: -
Notes: Hard knockdown on airborne foes. Hwoarang adds onto standing :mp: by dropping his leg on his opponent, breaking their crouching guard, and bouncing them off the ground! As with Reverse Kick, you can Boost Combo into Chainsaw Kick to give Hwoarang a damaging Boost Combo you can verify. Chainsaw Kick is unsafe on block, but you can easily verify into it if you start the combo from a crouching :lp: or :lk:. Hwoarang doesn’t have any safe low options off Chainsaw Kick, so it’s difficult to use it as a mix-up. It’s best to only use Chainsaw Kick when you are sure it will hit.