Ok this is really bugging me. I can not find black ki, or kings mummy wrap. I want to make a thread that tests and debunks ways to obtain, because both are confirmed in game.
Heres what i can almost 100% confirm does not work for unlocking black ki.
-beating SC mode ( normal and hard all levels with one fighter )
-The purple chests in SC mode ( these drop S grade items )
-Buying all Ki’s and Auras for a character
-Getting roulette item after you have all rages
-Breaking your ps3
Now if some of you can help confirm some stuff that would be awesome.
-All items for a character including effects, auras, kis, and rages.
-Getting up to a High rank online (i hate playing online i almost exclusively play local)
-Earning a certain amount of cash? ( idk ive made over 400 million maybe 500 million is the breaking point, who knows)
-Beating a certain time in time attack?
-Doing something in team battle (I hear in arcades black ki had to do with team fights)
-A certain hidden part of SC mode. ( idk im really stretching here )
-Anything you can think of.
Thanks if anyone can post a pic of someone they played with black aura or ki that would help. Someone out their has to know and its definitely in game we just need to find it.
Man, King’s mummy wrap is a standard item on the PSP version, and it’s cheap. WTF. It seems like it’s in the console game, but Namco forgot to activate it!
Can anyone take a screen shot of those scenario purple chests? I’ve only seen S rank items in red chests with white trimming. Also, what do you get after collecting all rages when lining up chests in super roulette, just money? Outside of the comic effects, the only character with an additional effect is Raven, obtained in scenario mode, Zafina’s stage, I believe.
yeah add me whenever you get a chance… i continuously change my main like once a week and so far can play a good mokujin and a shitty everyone else. im trying to stick with feng for now, but its a bitch with so many good characters to play with.
I don’t play online much but I have both black and white auras and acquired them in the span of about two days playing for maybe a total of 45 minutes. (pure dumb luck)
I was actually wondering about that patch for SC mode and secret items (mummy wrap)
just to throw it out there, Auras and Kis are not the same. just in case people may et mistaken like I got in the general thread.
on that note, I assume namco’s going to make that stuff DLC if no one’s seen anyone actually running about with the black ki/mummy’s mask on the console version outside of disc ghost data.
I actually can’t. :sad: Has there been no documentation/media for it? I figure someone else has it.
The black ki’s really subtle and the white one doesn’t look all that good imo. Haven’t made a run at the other ones. Got a couple of off days so I might try it.
cuz rage and ki are tottally different, i have black rage for like almost everyone and all the rages for my mains. Black ki is what were looking for, kis are like the auras you see them whether or not your in rage mode.