The Hsien-Ko wishlist

You mean this one?

Yeah. Her face is all weird in that one. Looks almost like an alien or something. Compare it to the new art, and it’s completely different.

Isn’t the new art just a touched up model render?

I have no idea, actually. Could be. Face looks different, though.

It would be awesome if :d: :h: could otg.

While it’s still super early into UMvC3s life, and she’s def improved, it still seems so sad to see her get nothing off an air throw, or her command throw.

Oh and un-randomize anki-hou…

She also feels really naked in the air now, and being able to cancel senpu bu or having her air dash sped up would still do wonders, 'course mentioning it is still just a broken record.

Oh and un-randomize anki-hou…

Overall though I’d say her wants list has gotten shorter with the added damage from her longer combos. She also seems to have gotten better mixups if you have a lockdown assist like coldstar/dark hole with either teleporting or jump canceling, but that just might be people being worse at blocking with new characters etc.

Oh and un-randomize anki-hou…

She feels a lot more solid in Ultimate, though it’s mostly due to overall gameplay changes. I do find it funny that while she did get improvements, almost none of the things that were actually “wrong” with her were improved, they just gave her other stuff.

I just think it’s funny that a character who was apparently designed to “keep opponents at bay” was given jump-cancelable normals at all, though they have significantly improved her ability to deal damage midscreen and improved her mixup game. The additional items that can be tossed with Anki Hou definitely improve the move - there have been matches where I *never *get a bomb, making the move a lot more worthwhile when used as a harassment tool. Other than that, the only reason she’s better now is because of the changes to the game itself and nerfing of some of the bullshit other cast members were capable of.

I think she was designed – or, at least, is being taken in the direction of – being a passive-aggressive character, if that makes any sense. I remember someone saying that way back when the game came out. Zone, let them come to you, then launch on offense. A far cry from her brighter days, but at least it’s something. She could still easily be better, so maybe Capcom will follow that route somewhere down the line.

It has been a while since I gave the character any thought since I’ve been playing around with Nova and Dr.Doom. I just recently thought about the subject when I was trying her jump cancels(a nice buff, but not what she NEEDED) in the lab.

In order of importance…

  1. Her lack of mobility is just bad and the fact that she doesn’t have her pendulum cancels is like taking hadoukens away from Ryu. It don’t make no sense.

2)Her launcher is soooo terrible and I’m not talking about it’s recovery on block or anything. I’m talking about it’s reach. Her launcher needs to be scrapped for something simple like a fat metal hammer with some decent range. Her current launcher makes her cancels much harder than they need to be and it just undoes her above average normals that push the enemy away a bit.

3)Input change on gong to a simple b.button(back motion command normal). The move itself surprisingly has the same startup as her gongs in Vampire Savior, but her recovery is three times worse. Capcom supposedly trimmed it’s recovery which is good, but the motion needs to be fixed. Gongs are central to her gameplan and making them easy to call out is a much needed buff that would make the move insanely fast and good(but not unbeatable which is how it should be, I don’t want no broken shit on any character). Wesker’s gun had far more utility in MvC3 and it is still good, but not broken in UMvC3. If it isn’t b.button it should be some other motion besides backwards dragon punch.

4)She should be able to combo after an air throw with Tenrai-Ha or Chireitou. EVERY character should have this by now. I’m pretty sure that even the tanks(Tron for one)can combo after an air throw.

5)Items need to be reworked a bit. Bomb needs a hitbox and all items need a buff to three low projectile durability points. Rather simple don’t ya think?

She has other issues like the terrible startup on gold armor, but these are things that come up on a regular basis which makes them more important. Not having gold armor or a fast air dash doesn’t mean a damn thing in UMvC3 with the air dash nerf and so many instant startup hypers.

I used to feel that this was necessary, but not anymore. Her damage got a nice buff with the jump cancels and you can always use Hyper Viper Ha.

That is pretty much how she was described in the MvC3 guide months ago. Agitate the opponent with gongs+items+edoga and keep them at mid distance.

That kind of gameplan just didn’t work for anyone in MvC3 except maybe Trish. The top rushdown characters in that game put everyone to shame with the silliness.

Yeah, to be fair she’s on like my B or C team now, and have had more fun playing the other characters. I’m enjoying the game more than Vanilla for sure going in with the mindset that she just won’t be VS Lei-Lei I want her to be, so no room to really be disappointed.

Definitely think she’s a better character because of the added damage, and agree about not really needing to OTG anymore. Her lack of anything off air throws, and not getting much from a command throw are still noticeably really really bad considering a lot of characters getting their throws buffed, and just in general the good characters in this game convert those into damage.

In messing with the character missions I noticed Spiderman has new ways to cancel his webswing now, and as Taskmaster is a character that’s finding his way onto my main team he also gets some nice tricks with his rope swing cancels. It’s so lol.

Seriously surprised I’m not more bitter, as cancelable Senpu-bu and better mobility is probably the only thing they’d need to add to get her to be my main again, and they gave it to literally every other character who swings around in this game. Spencer’s faster zip lines also say hi.

You’re past being bitter. You’ve moved to acceptance. We’ve all basically thrown up our hands and are just working with what we have.

I just want to so you can do more off of her command grab.

Honestly loving Hsien-Ko now. I picked her up near the end of vanilla and rarely got frustrated playing her then (for some reason) despite her glaring weaknesses.
Now that people actually try to play the projectile game she is a HUGE pain in the ass for everyone else. I love running away for 25 seconds only to suddenly land on the floor and style on them with a gong loop to tenrai-ha loop.

If I wished for anything for her it’d be a sped up crouching H so it wouldn’t drop when linking from other hits from a bit far away. Overall though, quite happy with her.

I’d be happy if it was QCB rather than RDP, b.:atk: would be pretty sweet though.

I don’t care what else you do, make her gong assist the heavy version.


Kinda defeats the purpose when the Gong appears behind your point character and disappears when it becomes of use, doesn’t it?

Jesus, 2 years since anyone has posted in this thread. Anyways, Capcom is rolling out UMVC3 changes. You know what that means people? Hsien-ko is going to get more DLC costume buffs. DO HO HO HO HO.