The Haunted Graveyard: Arthur Video Thread

Had a set with another Arthur user. Lot of good Arthur Anchor related stuff in this set.


I’m new(ish) to arthur. If he is lvl3 x-factor and opponent is out of x-factor, is that lance block string unescapable? Like does he just have to get chipped to death or was ur 0opponent just bad? Can they jump out, do a super or anything (except use their own x-factor)?

It’s a true blockstring if timed right…

To get out of it the opponent needs to time pushblocks perfectly so they won´t take chip damage, counter xfactor and react or counter with a character that won´t get hit by the following lance.

nice matches.

but Player 2 Arthur is pressing way too many buttons when under pressure

So heres some super awesome sets:




hello everyone i been doing videos with arthur for a while now but havent posted them up here until now, i know my arthur is a bit odd considering i throw him as a rush since my zoning isnt good but i would like to Highlight Doplghost arthur on the first match and his amazing team, either way hope you all enjoy watching


If you wanna see some good Arthur play check out this guys Twitch channel his name is Bum1six3.
He was playin last night with a team of Cap, Arthur, Nemesis. He plays Arthur like no other person I’ve seen. He uses alot his air darts (forgot name of the move). Anyway here’s the link to last nights archived stream. Lots of good play. (His training partner prob has the best PW I ever seen as well) ( a couple times it freezes but he fixes it, i’d say start around 30 mins in, just skip around, his arthur team is mainly used in the first half of the video, lots of gameplay, these guys grind)

Hot damn, I didn’t know you could cancel air S with specials! I’ll have to try that.
I love Bum; I didn’t know he could use Arthur.

good stuff for Arthur and Phoenix Wright!

I’ve been using those S cancels into specials for some time now and it’s pretty good, makes Arthur’s air game much safer.

It’s nice to see someone playing Arthur for something more than just his xfactor abilities, but still, Bum could abuse that a little bit more there were some matches he could easily win if he just used Golden Armor + xfactor and for some reason he didn’t.

Very entertaining stuff though

I play Cap/Thor/Arthur from 1:45:15 - 2:05:00 in this video. I’ve only been playing Arthur for about a week, and hell I picked up Thor two days ago, so yeah, they kind of suck, but I think I did ok. I got lucky in my first set because I guess Hawkeye was big enough to hit with the fire bottle loop in the corner, things could have turned out pretty bad there. Anyway, was wondering if I could get pointers. I play this guy on Anchor because I felt like I needed an Anchor for my original team, somehow that turned into this cap/thor/arthur team this week, thought I did ok, but yeah would appreciate some input! I’m not good at zoning and I’m sure I could have ended matches faster had I just known how to throw fireballs better ><


Sick arthur mate :smiley:



Just like last year, heres me at AN. I landed a pretty good Arthur combo in the first set. Take a look.

Rare footage of Arthur actually on point.


Enjoy the Irish accents. On top of that, here’s a match with him mostly in the back.


I know I make a good few mistakes, but please, enjoy the matches! Constructive criticism is more than welcome, too; I know there’s a lot for my Arthur to work on still.

^^ Nice! You’ve made your fellow point Arthur’s proud. I learned something new, with the crossbow J.S cancel also.

Though i did notice you threw a lot of daggers on the ground. I only throw Lances on the ground for their durability in projectile wars, and hit confirming into Goddess Bracelet.

Also have you thought about jumping and throwing fire bottle more? Thats a big part of my Arthur mind games and protecting him upon landing.

Thank you very much for the feedback! :slight_smile:

Is throwing daggers on the ground a bad thing?

Lances are worse than daggers in some matchups, but I find them valuable for their aerial lockdown. When normal jumping, I toss one lance, pause, then toss another, then jump and repeat. I find the lockdown really helpful when the opponent’s moving on the ground or if they’re zoning there, and if either lance connects, I can throw two lances on the ground and connect into Goddess’ Bracelet. There’s also the fact that they do more about a fraction more chip damage, which I feel compelled to look for in my dumber moments.

Do you mean regular jumping or super-jumping? Either way, it’s a tactic I use: I just couldn’t find much use for it in the matchups I did there. I know that Nutrient, the Captain America player, is very good at airthrowing, and if I tried that setup on him (which I have!) he’d have simply tossed me. I agree with you though, it is a great tool. But can the flames harm him if he uses Charging Star?

I throw lances on the ground because they are Arthur’s most durable projectile, and can win most projectile fights. Iron man, Doom, magneto, etc. Lances X2 wins out. Only ones i know of that can beat two lances, are Hawkeye’s electro Arrow, and Modok’s beam.

Also they take up a lot of space so its kinda easier to see when they’ll connect for Goddess braclet. I only throw daggers on the ground during those situations when i see a brief window for them to connect for a super. They are faster than lances after all.

Otherwise i primarily use Daggers X3 in the air, its a great tool to halt forward progression. Nemesis, Ghost rider, and Haggar get messed over pretty badly with these!

As for fire bottle? I like to super jump and throw them to create confusion and mindgames. They cover Arthur on the way down if he gets caught in something, and if they try to chase me, often the bottle will hit them. This is also a vital tactic to use when dealing with teleport characters, where one must stay mobile at all times to prevent getting caught in a cookie-cutter assist/teleport trap.

I like how often projectiles will flat out lose to or miss Arthur’s axe. It’s so comfortable to have that out while sitting pretty with more projectiles behind it.

Footage of my Arthur anchor at a local tournament at 3:38:30 in, that was the only match I won tonight, but I had a lot of fun.

Still got lots to learn, especially with my Dante. I messed up in the second match, I should have gone with the Heavenly Slash infinite.

i sucks :I