The Hacker News Thread - FBI vs Welfare

It’s that poster… writhing on the ground? WTF?
Writhing on the dude’s cock, sounds more like it.

If you had a photo like that where you barely look like you’ve hit puberty then yeh

that photo was from when he was 13

Its standard precedure that the british media does when reports like this go out. An older photo of you so the people who don’t recognise the name can’t do any physical harm to the person but once the case hits the courts, it’s going to be alls fair and recent pictures will be released.

Unless ofc an american media outlet decides to publish them. I hear the FBI is all over this one.

I guess that would make more sense

Apparently lulzsec tweeted this

“Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it’s all over now … wait … we’re all still here! Which poor bastard did they take down?”

from what I’ve read, this kid ran an IRC chatroom that hired grunts to DDoS people, nothing more. The big guns for any major hacking group don’t get taken down easily.

Hell, anybody old like me should remember the group Drink or Die, that got busted back in 2001. They used to pirate EVERYTHING in the BBS days, and it took a huge taskforce to deal with them. Its hard for the FBI to deal with hackers, when they’re all located in other countries. For all we know, most of Lulzsec and Anonymous could easily be mostly Russian and Chinese and from the UK, places where the United States has no jurisdiction.

Since the arrest, what have they done? Oh yeah, prepared to release “Anti-Security Payload #1” by Friday, hacked SOCA (Serious Organized Crime Agency in the UK), and made up a theme song:


Oh, and writing graffiti all over the place.

Oh and other hacking groups are joining in.

What the heck is really going on? And never leaving the house in 4 years? Dangggg.

I wonder how hard this Ryan Cleary fellow will be “lulzing” when he’s having his salad tossed in the slammer.

British Government has already shown it is willing to give up it’s citizens to the US

ever read their latest press release? Some highlights:

There’s only one problem with those quotes…

How the hell is anybody supposed to “click” a 2D object?

a link/image on a website is a 2D object

Sorry, it was my misunderstanding. I assumed a “light-filled rectangle” was referencing portable gaming devices for some strange reason.

yeah, they’re talking about a monitor lol

also, new tweets from Lulzsec…basically stating that only the press has stated Ryan was a member of Lulzsec (he wasn’t, and was busted because he tried to DDoS SOCA right after Lulzsec did)

The sad thing about those quotes is its true. There is a large network of infected computers that form a part of gigantic bot networks that the h4x0rs can use at a moments notice to launch massive DDOS attacks. I’m always freaked out my online accounts have been compromised. I used to think I was clever because whenever I emailed passwords to myself, I resort to being super tricky. For example, I emailed myself “bank password = college + sun”, but the actual password has nothing to do with the university of washington, where I attended, nor our sun. But the two words are just a trigger that remind me of my actual password, a long string of seemingly random letters and numbers. that way, even if my gmail got compromised, they’d get nothing. Of course, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter, because if there’s keylogger installed on my machine, its all moot. lolz.

edit: when these guys do get caught, they are in for a world of hurt

I write my password down on a piece of paper. I enter wrong passwords online all the time before the right one. But none of that shit probably matters. =/

I have passwords for random forums (I usually change shit, like 5’s for S’s, 4’s for A’s, etc, randomly though), I have passwords for important shit (banking info, my stock company, etc), then I have individual passwords for shit like Facebook, Hotmail, Gmail, etc…

I would consider email more important than banking/stock companies. It’s not really “shit” when all you need to do is “lost password, please resend”, or he can look through your email and see what sites you go on, resend those passwords and then the fuckers in ALL your shit.

If each of your email passwords are different, and you don’t use the exact same email addy as the registered one, you should be okay

I also rarely use my real info online

i write down numbers like

what it does is correspond to books on my shelf so for the first one
i’d go to the “B2 shelf”, 6th book in, page 107, 5th line, 4th word, 9th letter
the only problem is you have to make sure you put the books back in the right order or you could mess up and forget your password