Indeed, which is why if you look deeply us IT people are loving this. Telling “the board” aka fuck wads with no background in IT or math “hey dumbasses, we need security or we will hit trouble” results in a massive “well, are we in trouble yet, no, ok don’t spend money”, which is why non hard science people should never be management. Since this rash of hacks, they are finally listening.
You’re not many things but it hasn’t stopped you from running your mouth, why stop now! Keep digging kiddo!
There’s documentation on at least 5 more members out on the web now, with Barrett Brown (a contributing writer for Huffington Post, The Onion, and The Guardian) being linked to the group.
lmao sql injections? shit its 2011, what fucking site would still be vulnerable to a fucking SQL injection? jesus christ. it takes two seconds to mitigate SQL injection (create a web user that runs all the queries on your app, make sure that web user only has read access to the DB), a few minutes to stop it dead in its tracks (escape all string literal escape characters), and a few hours of rewrite to make it an impossibility (stored procedures or prepared statements)
if bitches still be vulnerable to that shit, they deserve to get raped
Master mind behind lulzsec is a child! I Feel troll’d. Britian seems to be creating a few of these child genius computer geeks, wouldn’t suprise me if guy behind Anonymous is a Brit.
He’s not a child, unless you count 19 as a child these days. But yeah I saw it all over todays headlines (I put out newspapers at my work place) and damn, some 19 year old living in Essex could be the mastermind behind Lulzsec. Loved how all the papers reported how “shocked” his mother was.
and in the picture, its just two chicks in thongs aiming their asses at the photographer
anywho: FBI says it is closing in on all of Lulzsec, and even knows the ‘chief’ and that they have several “like minded users” feeding them info…lol so in a month, when no more arrests of non teens happens, what then? Oh yeah, I laugh my ass off
All the action these hacker groups are doing will have the opposite effect of what they want. They are just getting hate instead of support and the “cyber terrorism” will make them huge targets by governments, not just the US.
In any case, there shouldn’t be anything important connected to the publicly accessible internet, as far as government systems go. You might get some social security numbers or something like that, but most everything is handled on different networks now, especially after the Wikileaks thing. Users can’t even use removable media anymore. Of course, if I were doing IA for government webpages, I wouldn’t really give a fuck about internet facing webpages. Those things are targets all the time anyway.