Actually, I’ve been having a bit of trouble with recording. Obviously I haven’t recorded anything for awhile, but my camera runs into issues recording on non-HD arcade cabinets. When I video tape an HD cabinet, the result I end up uploading is pretty much picture perfect.
If you’ve seen my youtube stuff though, there’s a pretty obvious refresh rate issue that makes some videos near unwatchable. This only happens on the non-HD cabs though. Sad thing is, I’m pretty sure I can’t alter anything refresh rate-wise in my camcorder, so I’m pretty much boned.
Just a warning to those who want to record this way. Get a camcorder with good options for recording different settings, it will save you some headache.
If you’re recording a CRT at slower than 60fps (30? 24?) on your camera, you’re going to get those black lines. CRT refreshes line by line (i forget in which direction… down to up?). It’s not a problem with your camera per se, just a limitation. =)
On the other hand, HDTVs norm is progressive, which is why you can record them without having that black bar thing.
I’ve a Panasonic TM-700… I haven’t tried recording CRTs only because I play on a 1080p LCD screen… lol.
Against Rose, You will have SB’s reflected back no doubt. A suggestion is to mix up the Speed of your SB’s to throw off her reflection timing. IMO though, Guile should generally win a fireball fight as the startup on Roses projectiles is quite slow with the exception of the EX version.
Good rose players will try to slide (DF+mk) to close the gap and not engage in a prolonged fireball war as they will know that they will be playing right into Guile’s hands. With the correct use of normal attacks and breaking throws, Guile should generally come out on top. Perhaps my recent match against a good friend of mine (see link that I posted) could give you a rough idea on what I am talking about.
Hey guys. I don’t know whether to put this in the match up thread or here, but since I see people asking for tips here, I’ll post it here. I’m a recently new Guile player. I picked him up about 6 weeks ago to counter my other mains mismatches (Blanka). I’m having trouble against Cammy. This match is suppose to be 6-4 Guile, but Cammy seems to have a way round everything Guile has. Here’s a match I lost last Friday to a Cammy player and I’d like some help.
@ The Realyst
Work on maxising your punishment; anytime you can land a, you should hit confirm a flash kick or an sonic boom. Easy 200 damage, which for cammy is quite a lot of health loss for one mistake.
Cammy’s DP kick recovers similar to blanka rainbow roll in that you can sonic boom or backfist after blocking it.
Her spinning back fist I believe you can smack her out (I use st.fierce because it is awesome). Until her fist appears, you don’t have much to worry about. On block I think is negative, so you should be able to retaliate (lp, lp, fp or w/e)
Cammy also has quite good pokes and her dive kick recovers very quickly, with her in most cases following up with DP kick or if she hits low, she’ll follow up with cr. lp string. Just remember that as soon as you block her dp kick, sonic boom.
It’s similar to chun match in respect of safe spots; up close she can mess you up real bad (especially if she has meter) but full screen puts the ball in your court. Yeah she has hooligan, but you can airthrow her. Just don’t let he get you into a corner and don’t spam too many sbs at far range.
Thanks for this dude! Been away for a while trying to get back to work in playing 20 years of catch up on Guile, so I know I’m late but… The way this dude stays in his sweet spot and dictates the match, wow. Definitely the Guile I want to be when I grow up. And man he makes it look so simple. Definitely going to add him to my youtube watch along with Dieminion & Yoshiwo.
Me (Guile) vs. chemical (Fei Long)
I’m new to SSFIV, I’ve been playing for like 2 weeks, tried Guile 2 days ago, and I started liking him, I played this match and felt like there was a lot that can be fixed, but I’m not exactly sure wat needs to be fixed. If anyone could give me some tips to step my game up, I’d appreciate it.
Managed to qualify for the qualifier finals of SBO in Singapore out of 2 sets of 16 team qualifier rounds. The winning team gets to go compete in SBO in Japan.
I will try my best to get someone to record good quality matches this time. I said before I wanted to post my matches in a previous tournament here but the matches I recorded was with a lousy phone camera so, as a result, the videos were really shit quality. I’m still waiting for the tournament organiser to post up the videos so I can link it here.
Against the best Zangief in Singapore. I normally win 8 out of 10 games playing with him in the arcade. However, he changed his playing style in the tournament and doesn’t jump mk till the end. I keep whiffing s.hp cos he would normally jump mk and s.hp would trade or beat his mk. But he empty jumped most of the time in the match.
Overall, I knew I played very badly in this tourney and made a lot of mistakes I wouldn’t usually make as tournaments nerves were biting at me cos the first match was against the best team in the tournament and I had to go up against the best player of the tournament who I knew I had no chance of winning. Also kept missing links during the warm up round due to pressure.
Pls don’t hold back on criticism and do give me honest feedback so I can improve.
This is my first time posting a video up for criticism. I want to improve my Guile and I’ve always been too shy to ask people how I did. So here you go.
I think you were too predictable, especially on wakeup. He had you on your wakeup and when he gets in. Jump-ins on Abel’s wakeup were too late. Normally, what I do when I’m hit by his c.lp/ is I try to backdash and s.hp, or just neutral jump/jump backwards. If you are blocking his pressure, try to FK fadc back. You have to mix up your anti-airs between jumping up and AA and ground AA normals. Apart from c.hp, early s.hp and stuffs/trades Abel’s jump-in quite well too. FA backdash s.hp once in awhile to escape crossup pressure but don’t abuse it cos it will be punished hard. Try to throw more jab SBs as he’ll have no choice but to react to it and you can punish him.
Thanks for the tips/criticism Rexell. That was a nice match against that Gief. I’ve played against Vangief before and I couldn’t even bring him down to half with my Guile.
There is a video of me against his Rose but I got wrecked pretty hard. I wish I could have played him more but he had to go before I got another shot. Hopefully I can get more games recorded in the future but I don’t live in SoCal.
IMHO, Justin Wong has got plenty of experience and he won cos of that. However, I think he’s not the best player US has to offer although I won’t deny that he’s up there with the best. I’ve seen other US players which are better than him(e.g Alex Valle) and quite a few others. I even think Lamerboi is better than him. No offense but I feel that saying he’s the best player in America really puts Americans down even though he’s got that title.
Justin is the best player in the US hands down. Ricky is the second best player in the US hands down. Third is where the debate starts. There is no one in the US with Justin’s consistency. Even when he wasn’t playing sf (for months), he was still winning every major he went to around the country.
Valle is a friend of mine, a living legend, and easily one of the best players in the US. He is not at Wong’s level.
…I realise we are getting way off topic, but can you elaborate Warahk? I mean, Valle is pretty fucking good. You really think there is a #1;#2 and everybody else?
I agree Justin has much more competitive experience at higher levels. But what I’ve said is based on the matches I’ve seen of these players, whether their opponents are each other or someone else. Why I think Valle is better is cos he has solid mind games and unexpected setups which he successfully tricked his opponents most of the times.