The Guile Video thread

probably jumping hp then, Im not familiar with boxer’s moveset. but the cr. mp stuffs one of his jumpins clean

I can’t help but feel that geom needs to find some real comp. I’m seeing his op’s mis-space their crossup attempts, never optimize crouch tech, use weak punishes, and miss their anti-airs. Frankly, I’m not too impressed with his execution either. It’s very fancy and all, but doing corner boom pressure in the way he’s doing it is wildly unsafe. I do like it when he throws out those flashkick FADC’s in his corner pressure though. Also, I see a lot of meter being used for stuff that just isn’t worth it. Unless your making a combo vid or want to embarass your opponent, or maybe mess around because you feel the match is already won, you should never be using something like > c.lp > c.lp > xx boom xx fadc > c.lp > s.lp > xx boom > sweep. I like flash as much as the next guy, hell, I love going for UDK combos all day, but in real matches flash is worthless without substance, aka damage.

That all seemed a bit negative, especially since I imagine it’s hard to find amazing comp in South America outside of online matches. I just don’t want to see people picking up on bad habits.

Here’s a pro tip in general. If you jump in with a or j.hp, after you land it, wait before you throw out another normal. THEN stick out I see too much then instantly upon landing, going c.lp > whatever. Waiting a bit gives you enough time to hit confirm a xx flashkick, block confirm a xx boom, or block confirm a c.lp > tick throw, strait-up throw, or throw bait to smack with s.hp. If I ever land a or hp I will always try to xx flashkick. That’s all anyone should attempt.

I’ve been doing this for a while…exactly after I got tired of eating SRK’s on landed Now I jump-in, wait, watching for a grab attempt and punish with either>FK or s.fierce >Fk if they go for the SRK.

I never start anything with cr.lp unless its Abel and I want to be all over his ass or another char that can’t reversal you like shotos/Boxer/etc can

Slinkun, I think it’s obvious you don’t play online :rofl:

His opponents are missing their crossups, crouch techs, anti-airs, etc because of the lag. Waiting a slight moment after a jump hk/hp to do your next attack gets you destroyed online. That’s probably why he doesn’t do it.

I’ve said it before, online SF4 is a completely different game.

Slinkun, I agree with you 99%. BUT, that is only one facet of his game and it seems to serve him well much of the time. He is supposed to be at EVO this year and I am interested to see how he will do because I also wanna know, is it him or is it the comp? GeoM has done well against other pros (some epic sets against Ross and Sabin come to mind), but only online; not in the same room. Yet.

EDIT: What Gilley said. Also, here are the first matches in those sets for the benefit of those who missed them/are lazy/both.

vs Mike Ross [media=youtube]teZ-sbyirfU&feature=PlayList&p=98F40B022E50244F&index=6[/media]
vs Art [media=youtube]FImhpOBfMa8&feature=PlayList&p=91C5C3C93958503F&index=5[/media]

He does better as the sets go on. He’s played other top guys, including Shizza, Valle (though he doesn’t play who you think he would!), and even Dieminion; all on his youtube page if you’re interested.

just came back from The Specialists 3 Team Tourny and we had 4 Guiles representing
and the best part…
UPSETS with Guile
Warahk beat one of the best Zangief in the country Vance (this dude can do walking 720 on pad!!)
and I beat Alex Valle’s Ryu =)
today was a good day for Guile players across the world
if you think certain matchups cannot be won with Guile
just watch this for inspiration

I missed the stream cause I was busy, but fucking right, Guile is the shit!

I was watching most of the stream, but I missed your match with Valle :frowning: . Gonna have to check that out when they release those on youtube. Not to take anything away from you, but was Valle having an off day yesterday? I know he lost to at least 2 other times as well, correct?

There was some talk on the stream about a recent boost in SoCal Guile players as well (Gootecks, and I guess they also mentioned Sanchez), just wondering if you had any insight into why.

ahh the match wasnt recorded because it was offstream (for some odd reason a crowd gathered around when me and Valle played) and yeah valle lost two other times as well to some great players(Grimz’s Ryu and Mike Ross’ Honda) all his loses went to the 3rd round and were well earned by all three of us
Sanchez has always used Guile and Gootecks just wants to bore the guy to death by getting the lead and making the opponent come to him

Well that sucks.

I know you and Warahk were there, who were the other 2 Guiles representing?

Across the pacific, I just won a 27 man tournament using only Guile.

Best part?

EVERY Sagat in the tournament was in my bracket. I didn’t lose one game :smiley:

I guess, as SF4 is going out, all us Guile players are digging deep to show everyone how beastly we can be with vanilla SF4.

Imagine us with a usable Ultra?! AND (supposedly) fixed hitboxes?! God-like.

Here’s the links to my matches

Grand finals vs. Seth and Sagat: [media=youtube]W9_KAWDSfc0[/media]

Winner’s semi-finals vs. Sagat: [media=youtube]FD0zY8YbYq4[/media] (I have a well known rivalry in my scene with this guy, which is why everyone got so hyped in the epic ending).

Winner’s Finals vs. Seth: [media=youtube]cSEN2rFr6f8[/media]

Ya, point taken. I played a few 5 bar online matches last week and just had to stop. Even at 5 bars the stuff people were getting away with blew my mind. All I want in life is to walk forward and block on reaction, for seriously.

Air-throw those Seth wall jumps, son! lol Good job holding it down for ol’ flattop.

Very well played, both against Seth and Sagat. You just gotta be careful of those in-your-face FA attacks. I saw a few times where you could have just FK’ed it (both chars have a big hitbox so they can’t dash out of it point blank).
Very very nice to watch. Thanks for the links.

More casuals:

vs. Gief. (Only now I realize just how many matches I played against Gief that night)

[media=youtube]EB2gqhj433Q[/media] (a.k.a. How to beat Zangief)

Vs. Viper


Vs. Chun


Ignore the trash talking in the vid. We have been playing SF4 together since it launched, so understand that you’re hearing really good friends messing with each other, not serious insults (I’m sure you guys understand).

nice vids pete, I sent a psn add friend request. I would like to play against you, it seems I can learn from you. hf

Alioune confirmed FK FADC to ultra 2 in Super:


376 damage.

And I eat my words…good shit indeed. And it auto corrected very well.

Sorry man, I don’t have SF4 on PS3. Plus, I live on Guam, so the lag would be too much. If you have any questions, me or any other players more qualified than me will be more than happy to answer them for you here.

YES! JESUS CHRIST YES! Funny as I’m saying this on easter sunday, and the day of christ’s resurrection has magically coincided with the first vid I’ve seen of a worthwhile flashkick FADC U2. Looks like it has some fast startup too, great shit!