The Guile Video thread

Against Chun Li, she threw you too many times, especially after she did the DF+HK cross up. One option is to focus absorb it then quickly dash out. Also you were lucky that he didn’t use the EX SBK when you jumped in. Tese are some main things coming out of it.

Syngin was pretty good with his assessment on my gameplay as well, so I’m working on my anti air game. My anti air game is ok, but I still need to tighten up my game.

I havent watched all you matches yet, but will when i get some time. But you seem to be pretty adept with your combo excution.

Chun-Li seems like a pretty hard matchup for Guile at first. I remember a local guy was playing with Chun-Li and I remembered when I first played him. He nearly perfected me each time, I didn’t really know what to do against him. Overtime I learned this matchup a little better.

Chun-Li almost has to jump, and she’s such juicy airthrow bait. Don’t become predictable with them, because she has her own airthrow. And some Chun-Li’s with counter air throw you, and win most of the time.

The best strategy against her is to spam out sonic booms as much as you can. You would think they work well against her but they do. Also get use to blocking her overhead flip kick, it’s usually easy to see coming once you’re use to it. Some Chuns with see you courching and go for it, and ex flashkick is the best way to stop it.

This match also has stages. Chun with meter vs. Chun without meter. At the beginning of round one, she’ll obviously be without meter. you can kind of rush her down safely, and there isn’t a lot she can do about it. Smart Chuns will throw out a lot of focus attacks, and dash in and out of ranges. They can be a little problematic, so be careful. Chun has a really really good focus attack.

Chun has a limited rushdown mixup tree, but she does have so really good mixups despite that.  I played against one Chun who would get a focus crumple, hit a light  attack, which made you flip and land on your feet, then she would do a head stop, into a, the go from a low light tick throw mixup.

Generally when she doesn’t have meter you can jump in on her safely, damage her (because she takes loads of damage) and then turtle it up.

You also have to be aware of her wakeup. She has a wakeup ex lightning legs, and her dreaded ex spinning bird. Smarter Chuns won’t do a d.RK too often, but be cautious of it, and block accordingly. Also against Chun, you may won’t to practice throw teching, it’s really important in this matchup. There is no one way to escape her mixups besides throw teching sometimes. Throw techs reset the distance.

Overally you want to just harass her with sonic booms when she has meter and get her frustrated. It’s important to get an early life lead and sit on it. I’ve played Chuns who have a similar mentality. You also want to learn how to block in this matchup, Chun can stun you pretty quick.

the end of the first round of blanka part two is ridiculous lol. to do that with no life in a proper match is impressive.

i really need to learn the input for dash ultra/fadc ultra. i use a dualshock 3 d pad and i just can’t get the move out.

i suppose it’s one of those ones where once you’ve got it once, you’re only going to get better at it…rather than it being a lottery if your going to get it or not.

that and her quick pokes/speed she has. Bleh, chun li matches irritate me even if i win.

Edit: If anyone’s wondering how to do it, just slide from mp+mk to hp+hk.

i can’t ever watch those nico videos for some reason?

For Wikum and others who can’t watch, it’s a video of characters canceling focus absorbs into all their taunts.

props to warahk and fuson for repping at cicadas
waits for vids

me vs Tatsujinken(VEGA) 8:30

me vs Mike Ross (HONDA)

me vs Keno (BALROG)

theres some more vids but I was using Chun half of the time =P

Keno has one badass rog:wasted:

Fuson, obviously, great matches and good shit repping Guile and Chun.

Also, pass this on to whoever ran the stream, it was God-like. Seriously, BEST quality tournament stream I’ve seen yet (That include’s EVO, God’s Garden, etc.)

Wow, that sagat match was sooo BS

I feel your pain on that one, i really really do

so heres me vs. JR Rodriguez. we played first to 10. he won but i got six on him. All this video shows is him messing me up cause i wasnt used to him but later on in the session i started winning and even got him 3 matches in a row. this shit looks sloppy but the only thing of me online at the moment. I learn slow so you see me fucking up the same ways a lot but i started getting it as the fights went on and started countering his stuff more. too bad thats not in there


That’s still really good, AEROPLANE; JR is no slouch, obviously. I’ve been noticing some Akumas like to do random teleports, fishing for a punish they can Ultra. I saw you fall for it once or twice in those videos, but I bet you didn’t fall for that shit too much after that!

I played nothing but Chun players last night - sooo sick of that matchup.

TRF 10/2

10:50 Yoshio vs Chun

hhahah yeah i was proud when i started playing better, by the end it started getting even. i thought if i can beat him at all then its probably cause akuma loses so much life but there were rounds where he wouldnt even get to half my life, sometimes even quarter life…rare but still. he is amazing though. super nice too.

I found a random ranked match on youtube from a few days ago. It’s me vs a Chun Li.


That Chun-Li player wasn’t that good. AS is the case with many online Guile player, you used his sweep way too much. That Chun could have seriously punished you for that. You also jumped in on her a lot, which is okay since most of the time she didn’t have any meter. Though good Chuns know how to space you out really well with focus attacks. I guess you won, which is all that matters, but what you were doing would have got you murdered by better Chuns.

I know the match up well. If it were a different Chun, I’d have played differently. The 1st sweep was supposed to combo off the lp boom which I mistimed. I used it again and realized this guy won’t punish it. I also know a chun with meter is a chun asking for her ex bird kick to eat my air throw.

I see you don’t have a gamertag. I’ve played a chun a few times with a screen name similar to yours. Was that you?